06/12/2015 Bay Area Indymedia (CA): Farm worker champion Sal Alvarez: A life grounded in faith and service
06/12/2015 ABC 30 (CA): New California farmworker heat measures now in place
06/12/2015 Farm worker champion Sal Alvarez: A life grounded in faith and service
06/12/2015 6/12/15: Message from UFW President Arturo S. Rodriguez: Farm worker champion Sal Alvarez: A life grounded in faith and service
06/12/2015 Bay Area Indymedia (CA): Farm worker champion Sal Alvarez: A life grounded in faith and service
06/11/2015 Huffington Post: Better Enforcement of Farmworker Heat Rules as UFW and Brown Administration Settle Lawsuit
06/11/2015 Remarks by Arturo S. Rodriguez, President UFW on Settlement of Bautista v. State of California, June 11, 2015—Fresno, California
06/11/2015 Better enforcement of farm-worker heat rules as UFW and Brown administration settle lawsuit
06/11/2015 Univision: Demandan por abusos a campesinos en California (video)
06/11/2015 Huffington Post: Better Enforcement of Farmworker Heat Rules as UFW and Brown Administration Settle Lawsuit
06/11/2015 Remarks by Arturo S. Rodriguez, President UFW on Settlement of Bautista v. State of California, June 11, 2015—Fresno, California
06/11/2015 Associated Press: California Settles Heat-Death Lawsuits, Agrees to Improve
06/11/2015 Better enforcement of farm-worker heat rules as UFW and Brown administration settle lawsuit
06/10/2015 Associated Press: California logra arreglo en demanda por muerte de jornaleros
06/10/2015 Bakersfield Californian: Agreement with Cal-OSHA gives UFW bigger role in heat protection enforcement
06/10/2015 Mejora en el cumplimiento de las normas sobre las altas temperaturas para los trabajadores agrícolas en la resolución de las demandas entre la UFW y la administración Brown
06/10/2015 Associated Press: California Settles Heat-Death Lawsuits, Agrees to Improve
06/10/2015 Associated Press: California Settles Heat-Death Lawsuits, Agrees to Improve
06/10/2015 Bakersfield Californian: Agreement with Cal-OSHA gives UFW bigger role in heat protection enforcement
06/10/2015 Sacramento first jurisdiction where state, city and now county workers celebrate Cesar Chavez’s birthday
06/10/2015 Sacramento first jurisdiction where state, city and now county workers celebrate Cesar Chavez’s birthday
06/09/2015 Capital Public Radio: New Holiday For César Chávez In Sacramento County
06/09/2015 Capital Public Radio: New Holiday For César Chávez In Sacramento County
06/09/2015 ARCHIVED: 2008-2009: Farm Worker Heat Deaths
06/06/2015 San Jose Mercury News: Guest commentary: A friendship for the ages, By Kerry Kennedy