Keep Me in the Loop!

“We don’t need perfect political systems; we need perfect participation.” - Cesar Chavez


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Comments Box SVG iconsUsed for the like, share, comment, and reaction icons
Last year, 30 Jamaican workers on H2A visas were told they wouldn&rsquo;t be rehired for the apple harvest in NY this year &mdash; for what we believe was retaliation for unionizing.
But with UFW, they got their jobs  BACK. Winning a UFW contract is next! 

El a&ntilde;o pasado, a 30 trabajadores jamaiquinos con visas H2A se les dijo que no ser&iacute;an recontratados para la cosecha de manzanas en Nueva York este a&ntilde;o, por lo que creemos que fue una represalia por sindicalizarse.
Pero con la Union de Campesinos  recuperaron sus trabajos.  &iexcl;Lo siguiente es ganar un contrato con la UFW! 

WHEN WE FIGHT WE WIN. Last year, 30 Jamaican worke...

La UFW sigue luchando por nuevas reglas del programa H-2A, que ya est&aacute;n activos en todos los estados, excepto en 17 que est&aacute;n bajo control republicano. Estas reglas est&aacute;n dise&ntilde;adas para evitar que los empleadores los pongan en peligro o se aprovechen de los campesinos. Si vez alguna violaci&oacute;n, por favor notifica a la UFW.

The UFW is continuing to fight for new H-2A rules that are now in place in all but 17 republican controlled states. The rules are in place to prevent the endangerment of and the taking advantage of farmworkers by their employers. If you know of any violations, please notify the UFW.

La UFW sigue luchando por nuevas reglas del progra...

Gloria shared this video the raisin making process in Kerman CA.  She earns just 35 cents for each sheet of raisins and she can make 300-400 sheets a day. On this day the temp reached 108&deg; which was good for the grapes but the sand and heat burned through her shoes. #WeFeedYou

Gloria comparti&oacute; este video del proceso de hacer pasas en Kerman CA.  Gana s&oacute;lo 35 centavos por cada hoja de pasas y puede hacer entre 300 y 400 hojas al d&iacute;a. Ese d&iacute;a la temperatura lleg&oacute; a 108&deg;, lo cual era bueno para las uvas, pero la arena y el calor quemaron sus zapatos. #SoyEsencial

Gloria shared this video the raisin making process...

Estela leaves Madera Ca every morning at 3am for her 90 minute commute to Hollister where she picks bell peppers for minimum wage plus a small 60 cent bonus per bucket. She needs to work while she can before she must look for more work as her bills don&rsquo;t wait. #WeFeedYou

Estela sale de Madera Ca todas las ma&ntilde;anas a las 3 de la ma&ntilde;ana para su viaje de 90 minutos a Hollister, donde pizca chile de campana por el salario m&iacute;nimo m&aacute;s un peque&ntilde;o bono de 60 centavos por bote.  Necesita trabajar mientras pueda antes de tener que buscar m&aacute;s trabajo, ya que sus facturas no se esperan. #SoyEsencial

Estela leaves Madera Ca every morning at 3am for h...

Miguel shares: I&#039;m taking down the sprinklers that irrigate the grape plants and tying them down so the machines that pick grapes don&#039;t break them. It&#039;s 11am &amp; it&#039;s already 80&deg; in San Lucas CA. It&#039;s supposed to reach 95&deg; but inside the field it will feel like 100&deg;.#WeFeedYou

Miguel comparte: Estoy quitando los sprinklers que riegan las plantas de uva y atandolos para que las m&aacute;quinas que recogen la uva no los rompan.  Son las 11 de la ma&ntilde;ana y ya est&aacute; a 80&deg; en San Lucas CA.  Se espera que llegue a los 95&deg; pero en el campo se sentir&aacute; como a 100&deg;. #SoyEsencial

Miguel shares: I'm taking down the sprinklers...

Deisy shared this video of the sweet potato field in Merced CA. The vegetables are almost ready to be harvested, just in time for many fall celebrations and meals. #WeFeedYou

Deisy comparti&oacute; este video del campo de camote en Merced CA. Las verduras est&aacute;n casi listas para ser cosechadas, justo a tiempo para muchas celebraciones y comidas de oto&ntilde;o. #SoyEsencial

Deisy shared this video of the sweet potato field ...

A special Labor Day message from the children of hard working farm workers! They thank their parents for the hard work they do to feed their families and put food on tables across America! 

&iexcl;Un mensaje especial del D&iacute;a del Trabajo de parte de los hijos de trabajadores agr&iacute;colas! &iexcl;Agradecen a sus padres por el arduo trabajo que hacen para alimentar a sus familias y poner comida en las mesas en todo Estados Unidos!

#Happylaborday #laborday #wefeedyou #soyesencial

A special Labor Day message from the children of h...

These  farm workers in Merced CA are ending their day close to 4pm. When the wind blows and its 95 degrees , it feels like someone turned on a hair dryer. But this is how we support our families. #WeFeedYou

Estos campesinos en Merced CA est&aacute;n terminando su d&iacute;a cerca de las 4 p.m. Cuando sopla el viento y hace 95 grados, se siente como si alguien encendiera una secadora de pelo. Pero as&iacute; es como mantenemos a nuestras familias. #SoyEsencial

These farm workers in Merced CA are ending their ...

It was midnight when these Santa Rosa CA farm workers at began harvesting wine grapes. They harvest the grapes at night because the low temps prevent oxidation &amp; ensures the highest quality wine. 

Eran media noche cuando estos campesinos de Santa Rosa CA comenzaron a cosechar uvas para vino.  Cosechan las uvas por la noche porque el tiempo reducido evita la oxidaci&oacute;n y garantiza un vino de la m&aacute;s alta calidad.

#WeFeedYou #SoyEsencial #farmworkers #wine #ca #california

It was midnight when these Santa Rosa CA farm work...

Juan works as an irrigator in  Salinas, CA area fields. &quot;My job is to connect the irrigation pipes. It&#039;s important to do correctly and tightly so the pipe does not leak water. This way the lettuce receives just the right amount of water to grow correctly.&quot; #WeFeedYou

Juan trabaja como irrigador en campos del &aacute;rea de Salinas, CA.  &quot;Mi trabajo es conectar las tuber&iacute;as de riego. Es importante hacerlo de forma correcta y ajustada para que la tuber&iacute;a no pierda agua. De esta manera la lechuga recibe la cantidad justa de agua para crecer correctamente&quot;.  #SoyEsencial

Juan works as an irrigator in Salinas, CA area fi...

Porfirio is cutting the dry leaves from the strawberry plants in Santa Cruz CA. The extreme heat caused many of the leaves to get sunburnt and die. They must be removed so the plants energy and nutrients are directed to the berries. #WeFeedYou

Porfirio est&aacute; cortando las hojas secas de las plantas de fresa en Santa Cruz CA. El calor extremo provoc&oacute; que muchas de las hojas se quemaran con el sol y murieran. Deben eliminarse para que la energ&iacute;a y los nutrientes de las plantas se dirijan a las bayas. #SoyEsencial

Porfirio is cutting the dry leaves from the strawb...

Anabel is a grape picker in Bakersfield CA. She shared some of her work. She picks alone, filling approximately two baskets for every four plants. She earns an hourly wage for her work. #WeFeedYou

Anabel is a grape picker in Bakersfield CA. She sh...

These farm workers are harvesting tomatoes near San Joaquin CA. They started working at 6am and at 3pm they still did not know when their shift would end. The temp was 95 degrees. #WeFeedYou 

Estos campesinos est&aacute;n cosechando tomates cerca de San Joaqu&iacute;n CA. Comenzaron a trabajar a las 6 de la ma&ntilde;ana y a las 3 de la tarde a&uacute;n no sab&iacute;an cu&aacute;ndo terminar&iacute;a su turno. La temperatura era de 95 grados. #SoyEsencial

These farm workers are harvesting tomatoes near Sa...

Eugenia shares some of her work in the grape havest of Kern County CA. She is currently picking a mixed variety that needs to be cleaned up a bit before her coworker will be able to pack it. She prays for a good day. #WeFeedYou

Eugenia comparte parte de su trabajo en la cosecha de uvas del condado de Kern, California. Actualmente est&aacute; pizcando una variedad mixta que necesita ser limpiada un poco antes de que su compa&ntilde;ero de trabajo pueda empacarla. Ella reza por un buen d&iacute;a. #SoyEsencial

Eugenia shares some of her work in the grape haves...

Eduardo shared this video with us from where he was harvesting peppers in Bakersfield. This is hard work as workers spend their day bent over. It was 103&deg; when he sent us this vid. The high that day was 109&deg;. #WeFeedYou #CALOR #HeatJustice

Eduardo shared this video with us from where he wa...

El agotamiento por calor es peligroso.  El golpe de calor es mortal.  Aqu&iacute; est&aacute;n los s&iacute;ntomas.

Est&eacute; seguro: tome descansos frecuentes con todo el cuerpo a la sombra o en un entorno que refresque su temperatura central y mant&eacute;ngase hidratado con agua potable fr&iacute;a y electrolitos.&nbsp;

Heat exhaustion is dangerous. Heat stroke is deadly. Here are the symptoms.

Be safe: Take frequent rest breaks with your whole body in shade, or in a setting that cools your core temp and keep hydrated with cool drinking water and electrolytes.&nbsp;

 #SoyEsencial  #HeatJustice
#heat #heatkills

El agotamiento por calor es peligroso. El golpe d...

Olga sent this vid from Five Points, CA, where she was harvesting green peppers. The high in Five Points CA today was 99&deg;.

Olga envi&oacute; este video desde Five Points, CA, donde estaba cosechando pimientos verdes.  La m&aacute;xima en Five Points CA hoy est&aacute; en 99&deg;. 

#SoyEsencial  #WeFeedYou #HeatJustice #Heat #HeatWave #california

Olga sent this vid from Five Points, CA, where she...

Abel&#039;s a truck driver in the Bakersfield CA area grape harvest. Once the grapes have been picked &amp; packed, he &amp; his team mate load the hundreds of boxes onto the trailer. Depending on the variety, the boxes easily weigh 20 pound each. It was 106&deg; on this day. 

Abel es un camionero en la cosecha de uva del &aacute;rea de Bakersfield CA.  Una vez que las uvas han sido recogidas y empacadas, &eacute;l y su compa&ntilde;ero de equipo cargan los cientos de cajas en el remolque.  Dependiendo de la variedad, las cajas pesan f&aacute;cilmente 20 libras cada una.  Fue 106 &deg; en este d&iacute;a. 

#WeFeedYou #HeatJustice #Calor #WaterBreakForWorkers #SoyEsencial #California #Heat

Abel's a truck driver in the Bakersfield CA a...

Heat exhaustion is dangerous. Heat stroke is deadly. Here are the symptoms.

Be safe: Take frequent rest breaks with your whole body in shade, or in a setting that cools your core temp and keep hydrated with cool drinking water and electrolytes. 

#WeFeedYou #HeatJustice

El agotamiento por calor es peligroso.  El golpe de calor es mortal.  Aqu&iacute; est&aacute;n los s&iacute;ntomas.

Est&eacute; seguro: tome descansos frecuentes con todo el cuerpo a la sombra o en un entorno que refresque su temperatura central y mant&eacute;ngase hidratado con agua potable fr&iacute;a y electrolitos. 

#WeFeedYou #HeatJustice

Heat exhaustion is dangerous. Heat stroke is deadl...

Chautla sent us this video from El Nido CA, where she and her co-workers were planting tomatoes. #WeFeedYou

Chautla nos envi&oacute; este video desde El Nido CA, donde ella y sus compa&ntilde;eros de trabajo estaba plantando tomates. #SoyEsencial

Chautla sent us this video from El Nido CA, where ...

Maria shared the potato harvest from CA. The potatoes are dug up with a machine then run through conveyers to shake off the dirt and debris before being sorted according to size by farm workers. #WeFeedYou

Mar&iacute;a comparti&oacute; la cosecha de papa de CA. Las papas extraen con una m&aacute;quina y luego se pasan por cintas transportadoras para sacudir la tierra y los escombros antes de que campesinos las clasifiquen seg&uacute;n el tama&ntilde;o.#SoyEsencial

Maria shared the potato harvest from CA. The potat...

CALIFORNIA FARMWORKERS: temperatures are in triple digits across much of California.  The UFW wants to remind you that you have the legal right to shade, fresh water, paid breaks and more.

Please take care of yourselves. Demand these rights and do not put your lives at risk. 

CAMPESINOS DE CALIFORNIA: las temperaturas alcanzan los tres d&iacute;gitos en muchas partes de California. La Union de Campesinos (UFW) quiere recordarle que tiene derecho legal a sombra, agua fresca, descansos pagados y m&aacute;s.

Por favor cuidense.  Exijan estos derechos y no pongan en riesgo sus vidas.

#WeFeedYou # CALOR
#SoyEsencial #farmworkers #California #heat #heatwave

CALIFORNIA FARMWORKERS: temperatures are in triple...

CAMPESINOS DE CALIFORNIA: las temperaturas alcanzan los tres d&iacute;gitos en muchas partes de California. La Union de Campesinos (UFW) quiere recordarle que tiene derecho legal a sombra, agua fresca, descansos pagados y m&aacute;s.

Por favor cuidense.  Exijan estos derechos y no pongan en riesgo sus vidas. 

CALIFORNIA FARMWORKERS: temperatures are in triple digits across much of California.  The UFW wants to remind you that you have the legal right to shade, fresh water, paid breaks and more.

Please take care of yourselves. Demand these rights and do not put your lives at risk. 

#WeFeedYou #CALOR
#SoyEsencial #farmworkers #California #heat #heatwave

CAMPESINOS DE CALIFORNIA: las temperaturas alcanza...

Leonel shared this video of the pistachio harvest in Firebaugh CA. He shares it&rsquo;s a dirty job as despite the safety equipment he still ends up with dust in his ears, nose and eyes at the end of his 8 hour day. #WeFeedYou

Leonel comparti&oacute; este video de la cosecha de pistacho en Firebaugh CA. &Eacute;l comparte que es un trabajo sucio ya que, a pesar del equipo de seguridad, todav&iacute;a termina con polvo en los o&iacute;dos, la nariz y los ojos al final de su jornada de 8 horas. #SoyEsencial

Leonel shared this video of the pistachio harvest ...

Yesi sent this video from Mendota CA. She shares under her union contract her rights are respected and her safety is considered. She picks tomatoes for approximatley 4 month of the year. #WeFeedYou #UnionsForAll

Yesi envi&oacute; este video desde Mendota CA. Ella comparte que, seg&uacute;n su contrato de union, se respetan sus derechos y se tiene en cuenta su seguridad. Ella pizca tomates durante aproximadamente 4 meses al a&ntilde;o. #SoyEsencial

Yesi sent this video from Mendota CA. She shares u...

Amadeo shares this video from Oxnard CA where he labors in the strawberries.  He shares: We farm workers deserve fair treatment and a fair salary. Our hands do the hard work that feeds you.

Amadeo comparte este video desde Oxnard CA donde trabaja en las fresas.   &Eacute;l comparte: Nosotros, los campesinos, merecemos un trato justo y un salario justo.  Nuestras manos hacen el trabajo duro que te alimenta. 

#WeFeedYou #SoyEsencial

Amadeo shares this video from Oxnard CA where he l...

Rufino shared his work as a citrus worker in the San Joaquin Valley CA. He uses long handled shear he must keep sharp and oiled to prune the trees. He earns an hourly wage, working 8 hours a day 5-6 days a week. #WeFeedYou

Rufino comparti&oacute; su trabajo como trabajador de c&iacute;tricos en el Valle de San Joaqu&iacute;n, CA. Para podar los &aacute;rboles utiliza unas tijeras de mango largo que debe mantener afiladas y engrasadas. Gana un salario por hora y trabaja 8 horas al d&iacute;a, 5 a 6 d&iacute;as a la semana.#SoyEsencial

Rufino shared his work as a citrus worker in the S...

Guadalupe has been harvesting radishes for more than 20 years in Moorpark CA. He is considered one of the faster workers in his crew but today is slowed down by the unusually warm weather for the coastal town. #WeFeedYou

Guadalupe ha estado cosechando r&aacute;banos durante m&aacute;s de 20 a&ntilde;os en Moorpark CA. Se le considera uno de los trabajadores m&aacute;s r&aacute;pidos de su equipo, pero hoy se ve frenado por el clima inusualmente c&aacute;lido en la ciudad costera.#SoyEsencial

Guadalupe has been harvesting radishes for more th...

Enjoying that weekend glass of wine? It comes to your table thanks to the skill of workers like these in Sonoma County who are removing just enough leaves to allow for the sun to shine through to the grapes, but not too many that the sun will burn them. #WeFeedYou

&iquest;Disfrutando de esa copa de vino del fin de semana?  Llega a su mesa gracias a la habilidad de trabajadores como estos en el condado de Sonoma que quitan las hojas suficientes para permitir que el sol brille hasta las uvas, pero no demasiadas como para que el sol las queme.  #SoyEsencial

Enjoying that weekend glass of wine? It comes to y...

This video from a smoke-filled apple orchard is a reminder that when the air quality is poor, farm workers can&rsquo;t simply stay inside and run the AC. #WeFeedYou

Este video de un huerto de manzana lleno de humo es un recordatorio de que cuando la calidad del aire es mala, los trabajadores agr&iacute;colas no pueden simplemente quedarse adentro y encender el aire acondicionado. #SoyEsencial

This video from a smoke-filled apple orchard is a ...

Beny sent this video from Cowiche WA where he is working in the apples. 10 large wildfires burning across Washington means the air quality index is at 179. Workers can feel sick have headaches or sore throats, but they&#039;re out there laboring to harvest the crop.

Washington State does have new AQI rules for workers, but employers are not always compliant.


Beny envi&oacute; este video desde Cowiche, WA., donde est&aacute; trabajando en las manzanas. Diez grandes incendios forestales que est&aacute;n ardiendo en Washington, dan como resultado que el &iacute;ndice de calidad del aire es de 179. Los campesinos pueden sentirse enfermos, tener dolores de cabeza o de garganta, aun as&iacute; est&aacute;n trabajando para recolectar la cosecha. 

El estado de Washington tiene nuevas reglas de AQI para los trabajadores, pero los empleadores no siempre las cumplen.


Beny sent this video from Cowiche WA where he is w...

Anabel shares some of the local grape harvest in Kern County, CA. Farm workers earn an hourly wage plus a tiny bonus for each box of grapes picked and packed during the summer months where temps hover between 95&deg;-105&deg; on a regular basis. #WeFeedYou

Anabel comparte parte de la cosecha de uva local en el condado de Kern, CA. Los campesinos ganan un salario por hora m&aacute;s un bono peque&ntilde;o por cada caja de uvas pizcadas y empacadas durante los meses de verano, donde las temperaturas oscilan entre 95 y 105 regularmente. #SoyEsencial

Anabel shares some of the local grape harvest in K...

Beny sent this video from Cowiche WA where he is working in the apples. 10 large wildfires burning across Washington means the air quality index is at 179. Workers can feel sick have headaches or sore throats, but they&#039;re out there laboring to harvest the crop. #WeFeedYou

Washington State does have new AQI rules for workers, but employers are not always compliant.

Beny envi&oacute; este video desde Cowiche, WA., donde est&aacute; trabajando en las manzanas. Diez grandes incendios forestales que est&aacute;n ardiendo en Washington, dan como resultado que el &iacute;ndice de calidad del aire es de 179. Los campesinos pueden sentirse enfermos, tener dolores de cabeza o de garganta, aun as&iacute; est&aacute;n trabajando para recolectar la cosecha. #SoyEsencial

El estado de Washington tiene nuevas reglas de AQI para los trabajadores, pero los empleadores no siempre las cumplen.

Beny sent this video from Cowiche WA where he is w...

Vanessa shares a video of her packing grapes. This is considered the first pick which means they pick the best quality bunches only. Each 23 pound box takes 10 individually packed bags of grapes. These usually fetch a better price at the market for the grower. #WeFeedYou

Vanessa comparte un video de ella empacando uvas. Esta se considera la primera cortada, lo que significa que seleccionan &uacute;nicamente los racimos de mejor calidad. Cada caja de 23 libras contiene 10 bolsas de uvas empaquetadas individualmente. Por lo general, estos obtienen un mejor precio en el mercado para el productor. #SoyEsencial

Vanessa shares a video of her packing grapes. This...

Judith shared this video as she removes the excess leaves from the wine grape vines in Greenfield CA. This is done to allow more air and sun to reach the grapes to speed up the ripening process. #WeFeedYou

Judith comparti&oacute; este video mientras quita el exceso de hojas de las vides de uva para vino en Greenfield CA. Esto se hace para permitir que llegue m&aacute;s aire y sol a las uvas para acelerar el proceso de maduraci&oacute;n. #SoyEsencial

Judith shared this video as she removes the excess...

Farm workers harvesting lettuce in Soledad CA endure long hours on their feet. Soledad is known as part of the &ldquo;Salad Bowl of the World&rdquo; thanks to farm workers who labor year round in vegetable fields. #WeFeedYou

Los campesinos que cosechan lechuga en Soledad CA aguantan largas horas de pie.  Soledad es conocida como parte de la &ldquo;Ensaladera del Mundo&rdquo; gracias a los campesinos que trabajan todo el a&ntilde;o en los campos de hortalizas.  #SoyEsencial

Farm workers harvesting lettuce in Soledad CA endu...

Imagine it&#039;s 113&deg; and you&#039;re picking tomatoes under a hot sun. Donate to help us keep doing all we can to make sure heat doesn&#039;t turn deadly for farm workers. or 


Imagine it's 113° and you're picking...

Gabino shared this video of the grape harvest in Bakersfield CA. In the middle of the day with temps in the 90&rsquo;s, thunderstorms hit the area, making an already long hot day even more intolerable with the added humidity. #WeFeedYou

Gabino comparti&oacute; este video de la cosecha de uva en Bakersfield CA. A mitad del d&iacute;a, con temperaturas de 90 grados, tormentas el&eacute;ctricas azotaron el &aacute;rea, lo que hizo que un d&iacute;a ya largo y caluroso fuera a&uacute;n m&aacute;s intolerable con la humedad adicional. #SoyEsencial

Gabino shared this video of the grape harvest in B...

Imagine it&#039;s 113&deg; and you&#039;re picking tomatoes under a hot sun. Donate to help us keep doing all we can to make sure heat doesn&#039;t turn deadly for farm workers. or 

#WeFeedYou #calories

Imagine it's 113° and you're picking...

Adrian shared this video from Coachella CA. The temps reached 120&deg; on this day as the loaders, or swampers, as they are known, started to load the boxes of grapes onto the trailers. In one day they can easily load 2000 boxes. #WeFeedYou

Adrian comparti&oacute; este video desde Coachella CA. Las temperaturas alcanzaron los 120 grados ese d&iacute;a cuando los cargadores, o swampers, como se les conoce, comenzaron a cargar las cajas de uvas en los remolques. En un d&iacute;a pueden cargar f&aacute;cilmente 2000 cajas. #SoyEsencial

Adrian shared this video from Coachella CA. The te...

Veronica shared this vid from Bakersfield CA where the grape harvest&#039;s about to start. She will earn minimum wage plus a small bonus for each box she fills. The harvest lasts 4-6 weeks depending on the quality of the grapes. Today&#039;s high is predicted at 113&deg;. #WeFeedYou

Ver&oacute;nica comparti&oacute; este video desde Bakersfield CA donde la cosecha de uva est&aacute; por comenzar. Ganar&aacute; el salario m&iacute;nimo m&aacute;s un peque&ntilde;o bono por cada casilla que llene. La cosecha durar&aacute; 4-6 semanas dependiendo de la calidad de la uva. La m&aacute;xima de hoy se prev&eacute; en 113&deg;. #SoyEsencial

Veronica shared this vid from Bakersfield CA where...

Enjoying a buttery ear of corn is a #July4 tradition. Corn makes its way to our BBQs thanks to farm workers like Ramon who shared this video of the harvest near Modesto CA. Ramon&#039;s nimble hands work quickly with a sharp tool. #WeFeedYou

Disfrutar de un elote con mantequilla es una tradici&oacute;n del 4 de julio.  Los elotes llegan a nuestras barbacues gracias a campesinos como Ram&oacute;n, quien comparti&oacute; este video de la cosecha cerca de Modesto CA.  Las &aacute;giles manos de Ram&oacute;n trabajan r&aacute;pidamente con una herramienta afilada.  #SoyEsencial

Enjoying a buttery ear of corn is a #July4 traditi...

Nothing says #July4 like a  juicy slice of watermelon. This delicious fruit doesn&#039;t just appear on our picnic table. It takes a lot of work. An average watermelon weighs 20 lbs. It&#039;s 100+ degrees in Bakersfield today. Can you imagine harvesting them like these workers? #WeFeedYou

Nada dice  4 de Julio como una jugosa rodaja de sand&iacute;a.  Esta deliciosa fruta no aparece por si sola en nuestra mesa de picnic.  Se necesita mucho trabajo.  Una sand&iacute;a promedio pesa 20 libras.  Hoy hace m&aacute;s de 100 grados en Bakersfield.  &iquest;Te imaginas cosecharlas como lo hacen estos trabajadores?  #SoyEsencial

Nothing says #July4 like a juicy slice of waterme...

Claudia shared a video of the grape harvest in CA. Workers are getting ready to pick these grapes before the next heat wave starts. #WeFeedYou

Claudia comparti&oacute; un video de la cosecha de uva en CA. Los trabajadores se est&aacute;n preparando para pizcar estas uvas antes de que comience la pr&oacute;xima ola de calor. #SoyEsencial

Claudia shared a video of the grape harvest in CA....

President Joe Biden is the most pro-labor president in history. 

And he knows &mdash; the labor movement can&rsquo;t succeed if we don&rsquo;t organize immigrant workers too.


El presidente Joe Biden es el presidente m&aacute;s pro del trabajo de la historia.

Y &eacute;l lo sabe: el movimiento sindical no puede tener &eacute;xito si no organizamos tambi&eacute;n a los trabajadores inmigrantes.

President Joe Biden is the most pro-labor presiden...

Farm workers are hard at work in WAs Yakima Valley installing twine for the hops vines to grow up on. The overhead cables remain in place from year to year, but each spring new ropes are set for the vines to climb. #WeFeedYou

Los campesinos est&aacute;n trabajando arduamente en el Valle de Yakima, WA, instalando cordeles para que crezcan las enredaderas de l&uacute;pulo.  Los cables superiores permanecen en su lugar a&ntilde;o tras a&ntilde;o, pero cada primavera se colocan nuevas cuerdas para que trepen las vi&ntilde;as.  #SoyEsencial

Farm workers are hard at work in WAs Yakima Valley...

Ruben sent this video from the blueberries in Prosser WA. He said the blueberries are growing and are almost ready for the first round of harvesting. #WeFeedYou

Rub&eacute;n envi&oacute; este v&iacute;deo de los ar&aacute;ndanos en Prosser WA. Dijo que los ar&aacute;ndanos est&aacute;n creciendo y est&aacute;n casi listos para la primeras ronda de cosecha.  #SoyEsencial

Ruben sent this video from the blueberries in Pros...

Rosa shared this video of farm workers working under the fierce Bakersfield CA sun. Weeding with shovels ensures they get the roots of the weed as well. It was 98&deg; on this day and they earned $16 an hour for their work. #WeFeedYou

Rosa comparti&oacute; este video de campesinos trabajando bajo el feroz sol de Bakersfield CA. Usando palas asegura que tambi&eacute;n obtengan las ra&iacute;ces de la yierba. Eran 98&deg; ese d&iacute;a y ganaron $16 la hora por su trabajo. #SoyEsencial

Rosa shared this video of farm workers working und...

Vianey shared this video of the cherry harvest in Hollister CA. Because farm workers are paid by the container they must work quickly despite the temps that reached 89&deg; on this day. #WeFeedYou

Vianey comparti&oacute; este video de la cosecha de cerezas en Hollister CA. Debido a que a los campesinos se les paga por contenedor, deben trabajar r&aacute;pidamente a pesar de las temperaturas que alcanzaron los 89 grados en este d&iacute;a. #SoyEsencial

Vianey shared this video of the cherry harvest in ...

Hector works hard to support his family. He shares: It doesn&acute;t matter if it&rsquo;s hot, cold or dusty. We&acute;re working regardless of temperature. When you see a vegetable, think about who grew it. On #FathersDay I hope you appreciate the efforts we farmworker dads make. #WeFeedYou

H&eacute;ctor trabaja duro para mantener a su familia.  &Eacute;l comparte: No importa si hace calor, fr&iacute;o o polvo.  Trabajamos sin importar la temperatura.  Cuando veas una verdura, piensa en qui&eacute;n la cultiv&oacute;.  En el D&iacute;a del Padre espero que aprecies los esfuerzos que hacemos los pap&aacute;s campesinos.  #SoyEsencial

Hector works hard to support his family. He shares...

Se ve, se siente, la union esta presente! Hundreds of farm workers and ufw supporters are holding a human billboard in front of the Kern County Superior Courthouse where farm workers are rallying to protect farm worker voting rights.

Se ve, se siente, la union esta presente! Hundreds...

Rally to protect farm worker voting rights

Rally to protect farm worker voting rights

Israel has been working as a farm worker in Mendota CA for the last 18 years. Despite his experience as a pesticides sprayer he only earns .50 cents above the minimum wage. After all this time he is also concerned about the long term effects to his health and body. #WeFeedYou

Israel ha trabajado como esprayador en Mendota CA durante los &uacute;ltimos 18 a&ntilde;os. A pesar de su experiencia como rociador de pesticidas, s&oacute;lo gana 50 centavos por encima del salario m&iacute;nimo. Despu&eacute;s de todo este tiempo, tambi&eacute;n le preocupan los efectos a largo plazo en su salud y su cuerpo. #SoyEsencial

Israel has been working as a farm worker in Mendot...

Another day , another snake near the fields in Mendota CA. The dry summer weather has brought out more than usual number of garden snakes. Farm workers try to move them quietly and quickly so they can go on with their picking of the fruit. #WeFeedYou

Otro d&iacute;a, otra serpiente cerca de los campos en Mendota CA. El clima seco del verano ha provocado un n&uacute;mero mayor de serpientes de jard&iacute;n de lo habitual. Los campesinos intentan moverlos silenciosa y r&aacute;pidamente para que puedan continuar con la pizca de la fruta. #SoyEsencial

Another day , another snake near the fields in Men...

Farm workers were picking tomato in Mendota CA in 92&deg; weather. There is shade and water at the end of the long rows in this hot, windy and dusty area. #WeFeedYou

Farm workers were picking tomato in Mendota CA in ...

Everyone avoiding the heat from their air conditioned homes and offices: Don&#039;t forget the farm workers who feed you, working outside in 100&deg;+ heat. 

Todos evitando el calor de las casas y oficinas con aire acondicionado: no se olvide de los campesinos que lo alimentan, trabajando afuera con un calor de m&aacute;s de 100&deg;. 

#WeFeedYou #SoyEsencial #CALOR 
#weather #heat #california #florida #arizona #texas

Everyone avoiding the heat from their air conditio...

Farm workers have to deal with hot &amp; windy conditions on a regular basis near Firebaugh CA. On this day they also had to be wary of the snakes. While usually not venmous they still startle workers and cause a bit of excitement in the fields. #WeFeedYou

Los campesino tienen que lidiar con condiciones de calor y viento regularmente cerca de Firebaugh CA. Ese d&iacute;a tambi&eacute;n deb&iacute;an tener cuidado con las serpientes. Aunque normalmente no son venenosos, asustan a los trabajadores y causan un poco de entusiasmo en los campos. #Soy Esencial

Farm workers have to deal with hot & windy con...

Dayneris shared this video of the chile planting on Oxnard CA. Some of the work is done by the machine but humans are still needed to trail the machine to fill the gaps where the machine missed. It requires a lot of walking and bending during the day. #WeFeedYou

Dayneris comparti&oacute; este video de la siembra de chile en Oxnard CA. Parte del trabajo lo realiza la m&aacute;quina, pero a&uacute;n se necesitan humanos para seguirla y llenar donde la maquino no las puso bien. Requiere caminar mucho y agacharse durante el d&iacute;a. #SoyEsencial

Dayneris shared this video of the chile planting o...

The 2024 tomato harvest is ready to begin near Mendota CA. Farm workers pick these tomatoes green so that can ripen as they make their way to the warehouse, refrigerators and markets. The temp was 92 and Mendota was under an excessive heat watch on this day. #WeFeedYou

La cosecha de tomates de 2024 est&aacute; lista para comenzar cerca de Mendota CA. Los campesinos pizcan estos tomates verdes para que puedan madurar mientras se dirigen al almac&eacute;n, los refrigeradores y los mercados. La temperatura era 92 y Mendota estaba bajo vigilancia de calor excesivo ese d&iacute;a. #SoyEsencial

The 2024 tomato harvest is ready to begin near Men...

Martin is working in the leeks in Moorpark CA. He picks then uses a sharp blade to cut the leeks to fit in the boxes that will be loaded and taken to the packing house. Each box can weight 80 pounds and a good field can yield 1500 boxes. #WeFeedYou

Martin est&aacute; trabajando en los puerros en Moorpark CA. Pizca los puerros y luego corta con una cuchilla afilada para que quepan en las cajas que se cargar&aacute;n y llevar&aacute;n a la empacadora. Cada caja puede pesar 80 libras y en un buen campo se pueden producir 1500 cajas. #SoyEsencial

Martin is working in the leeks in Moorpark CA. He ...

Beny shared this video from Mabton WA showing how farm workers are installing twine for the hops vines to grow up on. #WeFeedYou

Beny comparti&oacute; este video de Mabton WA que muestra c&oacute;mo los campesinos est&aacute;n instalando cordeles para que crezcan las enredaderas de l&uacute;pulo.  #SoyEsencial

Beny shared this video from Mabton WA showing how ...

Martin shared this vid from Fairfield CA where he&#039;s removing the suckers from the grapevines. This ensures no energy and nutrients are wasted. Workers must cover their mouths as they work as the leaves have a lot of dust and chemicals. #WeFeedYou

Martin comparti&oacute; este video de Fairfield CA donde est&aacute; quitando los reto&ntilde;os de las vi&ntilde;as.  Esto garantiza que no se desperdicien energ&iacute;a ni nutrientes.  Los trabajadores deben cubrirse la boca mientras trabajan ya que las hojas tienen mucho polvo y qu&iacute;micos.  #SoyEsencial

Martin shared this vid from Fairfield CA where he&...

Martin shared this vid from Fairfield CA where he&#039;s removing the suckers from the grapevines. This ensures no energy and nutrients are wasted. Workers must cover their mouths as they work as the leaves have a lot of dust and chemicals. #WeFeedYou

Martin comparti&oacute; este video de Fairfield CA donde est&aacute; quitando los reto&ntilde;os de las vi&ntilde;as.  Esto garantiza que no se desperdicien energ&iacute;a ni nutrientes.  Los trabajadores deben cubrirse la boca mientras trabajan ya que las hojas tienen mucho polvo y qu&iacute;micos.  #SoyEsencial

Martin shared this vid from Fairfield CA where he&...

Farm workers in Atwater CA are starting their day of planting sweet potatoes. They earn minimum wage, working no more than 40 hours a week, making it difficult to support thier families. #WeFeedYou

Los campesinos en Atwater CA est&aacute;n comenzando su d&iacute;a plantando camotes. Ganan un salario m&iacute;nimo y no trabajan m&aacute;s de 40 horas a la semana, lo que dificulta el sustento de sus familias.#SoyEsencial

Farm workers in Atwater CA are starting their day ...

Juanita&#039;s worked at Scheid Vineyards for 17 yrs. Here she&#039;s thinning grape vines to ensure a good crop. She&#039;s pleased w/her UFW contract provides her family medical, dental &amp; vision insurance 100% paid by company,  8 paid holidays, retirement plan, good pay &amp; bonuses. #WeFeedYou

Juanita ha trabajado en Scheid Vineyards durante 17 a&ntilde;os.  Aqu&iacute; est&aacute; podando vi&ntilde;as para asegurar una buena cosecha.  Est&aacute; satisfecha con su contrato de la UFW que le proporciona a su familia seguro m&eacute;dico, dental y de visi&oacute;n 100% pagado por la empresa, 8 d&iacute;as festivos pagados, plan de retiro, buen salario y bonificaciones.  #SoyEsencial

Juanita's worked at Scheid Vineyards for 17 y...

Ruben shared this video from Prosser WA where his crew is doing the hard work of weeding and cleaning the brush around blueberry plants. #WeFeedYou

Ruben shared this video from Prosser WA where his ...

Bertha shared this video of a nursery in Gilroy CA.  These orders were for Mother&rsquo;s Day but now her hours will decrease until the next holiday. As a mother of one, struggles to balance family time while earning enough to support her family. #WeFeedYou

Bertha comparti&oacute; este video de una nerceria en Gilroy CA. Estos pedidos eran para el D&iacute;a de la Madre pero ahora su horario disminuir&aacute; hasta el pr&oacute;ximo dia festivo. Como madre de un hija, lucha por equilibrar el tiempo en familia y al mismo tiempo ganar lo suficiente para mantener a su familia.#SoyEsencial

Bertha shared this video of a nursery in Gilroy CA...

Rosa is thinning wine grape vines in San Lucas CA.  She leaves just enough leaves for filtered light without drawing water or nutrients away from the grapes. This skilled work ensures the flavor and quality of the harvest. #WeFeedYou

Rosa est&aacute; podando vi&ntilde;as de uva para vino en San Lucas CA.  Deja solo suficientes hojas para filtrar la luz sin quitar agua ni nutrientes de las uvas.  Este trabajo especializado asegura el sabor y la calidad de la cosecha.  #SoyEsencial

Rosa is thinning wine grape vines in San Lucas CA....

Today is Mexican #MothersDay. Jose &amp; UFW members at Scheid Vineyards send good wishes to all hard working mothers. Jose wants to acknowledge the mothers who are out in the fields harvesting wine grapes w/him today. Toast moms w/union wines. #WeFeedYou

Hoy es el D&iacute;a de las Madres mexicanas.  Jos&eacute; y los miembros de la Uni&oacute;n de Campesinos UFW en Scheid Vineyards env&iacute;an buenos deseos a todas las madres trabajadoras. Jos&eacute; quiere reconocer a las madres que hoy est&aacute;n en el campo cosechando uvas para vino con &eacute;l.  Brinde por las mam&aacute;s con vinos de la uni&oacute;n. #WeFeedYou

Today is Mexican #MothersDay. Jose & UFW membe...

Recent rains have hurt the strawberry crop. These Oxnard CA farm workers tell us the strawberry crop isn&#039;t good quality and they are working less hours. They worry as they have bills to pay and families to support. #WeFeedYou

Las &uacute;ltimas lluvias han perjudicado la cosecha de fresas.  Estos campesinos de Oxnard CA nos dicen que la cosecha de fresas no es de buena calidad y que est&aacute;n trabajando menos horas.  Se preocupan porque tienen recibos que pagar y familias que mantener.  #SoyEsencial

Recent rains have hurt the strawberry crop. These ...

Eduardo shared this video from Santa Maria, CA. He demonstrates how he packs the strawberries we will soon enjoy into the boxes that end up in our homes. He shares he needs to look for the berries that are big and ripe and place them carefully to fill the box. #WeFeedYou

Eduardo comparti&oacute; este video desde Santa Mar&iacute;a, CA. Nos demuestra c&oacute;mo empaca esas fresas que pronto disfrutaremos en las cajas que terminan en nuestros hogares. &Eacute;l comparte que debe buscar aquellas que sean grandes y maduras para colocarlas con cuidado en la caja que va llenando. 

Eduardo shared this video from Santa Maria, CA. He...

Annabelle shared this video with us from near Fresno CA. She explains they are deleafing the grape vines so that the vines grows strong to support  the little bunches of grapes. They earn $16/hr for this work. #WeFeedYou

Annabelle comparti&oacute; este video con nosotros de cerca de Fresno,CA. Ella explica que est&aacute;n deshojando las vides para que crezcan fuertes y puedan sostener los peque&ntilde;os racimos de uvas. Ganan $16 por hora por este trabajo. #SoyEsencial

Annabelle shared this video with us from near Fres...

Julio works in the Napa CA area vineyards. The wires are adjusted to guide the growing vines and then readjusted once grown to allow just the right amount of sun to reach the grapes and improve the sugar content of the grapes. #WeFeedYou

Julio trabaja en los vi&ntilde;edos del &aacute;rea de Napa CA. Los alambres se ajustan para guiar las vides en crecimiento y luego se reajustan una vez que crecen para permitir que llegue la cantidad justa de sol a las uvas y mejorar el contenido de az&uacute;car de las uvas. #SoyEsencial

Julio works in the Napa CA area vineyards. The wir...

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