Manténgame al Tanto

“La preservación de la cultura propia no requiere el desprecio o la falta de respeto para otras culturas.” - Cesar Chavez


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Javier labors in Central Coast fields. &quot;My job is to connect the irrigation hoses. I often connect 1,000 - 2,000 irrigation pipes a day. My job&#039;s important as fields need just enough water for the vegetables to be good quality. I work 8 to 10 hrs a day, 6 days a week.&quot; #WeFeedYou

Javier trabaja en los campos de la Costa Central.  &quot;Mi trabajo consiste en conectar las mangueras de riego. A menudo conecto entre 1,000 y 2,000 tuber&iacute;as de riego al d&iacute;a. Mi trabajo es importante porque los campos necesitan agua suficiente para que los vegetales sean de buena calidad. Trabajo de 8 a 10 horas al d&iacute;a, 6 d&iacute;as de la semana.&quot;  #SoyEsencial

Javier labors in Central Coast fields. "My jo...

It is hop harvesting time in WA State and farm workers are taking down the hops from the guide wires. The hops will then be processed into the beer that we enjoy. #WeFeedYou

Es la &eacute;poca de la cosecha del l&uacute;pulo en el estado de Washington y los campesinos est&aacute;n retirando el l&uacute;pulo de los alambres gu&iacute;a. Luego, el l&uacute;pulo se procesar&aacute; para obtener la cerveza que disfrutamos. #SoyEsencial

It is hop harvesting time in WA State and farm wor...

Carlos Eduardo Espina joins UFW members as they walk door to door in support of Rudy Salas for CA Congressional district 22. This is a critical race. If you live in this district please vote Rudy Salas.

Carlos Eduardo Espina se une a los miembros de la UFW mientras caminan puerta por puerta en apoyo de Rudy Salas para el distrito 22 del Congreso de California. Esta es una contienda crucial. Si vives en este distrito, vota por Rudy Salas.

Carlos Eduardo Espina joins UFW members as they wa...

Antonio share this picture from Coachella CA yesterday where he and other members of his crew were picking mangos. It was 75&deg; at 8am and temps reached 103&deg; that day. #WeFeedYou

Antonio comparte esta foto de Coachella, California, ayer, donde &eacute;l y otros miembros de su equipo estaban recogiendo mangos. A las 8 a. m. hac&iacute;a 75&deg;F y la temperatura lleg&oacute; a 103&deg;F ese d&iacute;a. #SoyEsencial

Antonio share this picture from Coachella CA yeste...

The tomato harvest near Mendota CA is winding down for workers like Mayra who sent this video in. She will soon start looking for another crop to pick as she needs to support her growing family. #WeFeedYou

La cosecha de tomate cerca de Mendota CA est&aacute; llegando a su fin para trabajadores como Mayra, quien envi&oacute; este video. Pronto comenzar&aacute; a buscar otro cultivo para cosechar, ya que necesita mantener a su creciente familia. #SoyEsencial

The tomato harvest near Mendota CA is winding down...

Farm workers in Merced County CA start their day at 430am to avoid the hottest part of the day. These workers are currently harvesting sweet potatoes for minimum wage. #WeFeedYou

Los cmapesinos en el condado de Merced, California, comienzan su d&iacute;a a las 4:30 a. m. para evitar la parte m&aacute;s calurosa del d&iacute;a. Estos trabajadores actualmente est&aacute;n cosechando camotes por un salario m&iacute;nimo. #SoyEsencial

Farm workers in Merced County CA start their day a...

Farm workers from Mattawa WA shared this vid from where they were harvesting apples: We send greetings to all  We&#039;re here day after day, working under the sun to earn our daily bread. We work hard. Our work is very difficult. Sometimes people don&#039;t appreciate the work we do.  #WeFeedYou

Farm workers from Mattawa WA shared this vid from ...

As you enjoy an ice cold beer this weekend, give a thought to the farm workers who are harvesting hops in Mabton, WA. Washington&#039;s Yakima Valley produces more than 70% of US hops. #WeFeedYou

Mientras disfruta de una cerveza helada este fin de semana, piense en los  campesinos que est&aacute;n cosechando l&uacute;pulo en Mabton, Washington. El valle de Yakima en Washington produce m&aacute;s del 70% del l&uacute;pulo de EE. UU. #SoyEsencial

As you enjoy an ice cold beer this weekend, give a...

Juan shared this video from San Lucas CA from the night time machine harvesting of wine grapes saying, this is how grapes are harvested to make  wine. We harvest at night because cooler temperatures makes higher quality wine.&quot; #WeFeedYou

Juan comparti&oacute; este video de San Lucas CA de la cosecha nocturna de uvas para vino diciendo: As&iacute; es como se cosechan las uvas para hacer vino.  Cosechamos de noche porque las temperaturas m&aacute;s fr&iacute;as producen un vino de mayor calidad.&quot; #SoyEsencial

Juan shared this video from San Lucas CA from the ...

Luz works harvesting sweet potatoes near Stevinson CA. She is a single mother and leaves her young daughter with a babysitter at 4am every morning so they can end their workday before the temp reaches 100 during the extreme heat days. #WeFeedYou

Luz trabaja cosechando camotes cerca de Stevinson CA. Es madre soltera y deja a su hija peque&ntilde;a con una ni&ntilde;era a las 4 de la ma&ntilde;ana todos los d&iacute;as para que puedan terminar su jornada laboral antes de que la temperatura alcance los 100 grados durante los d&iacute;as de calor extremo. #SoyEsencial

Luz works harvesting sweet potatoes near Stevinson...

Maria harvests strawberries earning piece rate in Salinas CA. They&#039;re only working 4 hours a day. If Maria works fast, she picks 35 boxes (every box holds 8 plastic containers). &quot;It&#039;s hard as this is very little money and everything is very expensive in this area.&quot; #WeFeedYou

Mar&iacute;a cosecha fresas pagandosele por pieza en Salinas CA.  S&oacute;lo trabajan 4 horas al d&iacute;a.  Si Mar&iacute;a trabaja r&aacute;pido, recoge 35 cajas (cada caja contiene 8 contenedores de pl&aacute;stico).  &quot;Es dif&iacute;cil porque se trata de muy poco dinero y todo es muy caro en esta zona&quot;.  #SoyEsencial

Maria harvests strawberries earning piece rate in ...

We were honored to have Senator Alex Padilla join us in Bakersfield this past weekend.

Extreme heat continues to be a challenge for farm workers in California and across the nation. As the Senator says &mdash; there&rsquo;s a lot more to do! 

Nos sentimos honrados de que el  Senador Alex Padilla se uniera a nosotros en Bakersfield el fin de semana pasado.

El calor extremo sigue siendo un desaf&iacute;o para los campesinos en California y en todo el pa&iacute;s. Como dice el senador, &iexcl;Hay mucho m&aacute;s por hacer!

We were honored to have Senator Alex Padilla join ...

Farm workers have started harvesting sweet potatoes in Merced County CA. They start their days at 5am and earn minimum wage. The harvester does some of the work but workers are still needed to sort and clean the vegetables for transport. #WeFeedYou

Campesinos han comenzado a cosechar camotes en el condado de Merced, CA. Comienzan sus d&iacute;as a las 5 de la ma&ntilde;ana y ganan el salario m&iacute;nimo. La cosechadora hace parte del trabajo, pero a&uacute;n se necesitan trabajadores para clasificar y limpiar las verduras para el transporte. #SoyEsencial

Farm workers have started harvesting sweet potatoe...

Senator Alex Padilla speaks at the UFW convention and discusses his support from an early age for the UFW. He discusses his commitment to bring justice to the farm workers who harvest America&#039;s food.

El Senador Alex Padilla habla en la convenci&oacute;n de la UFW y analiza su apoyo desde temprana edad a la UFW. Habla de su compromiso de hacer justicia a los campesinos que cosechan los alimentos de Estados Unidos. #UFW2024

Senator Alex Padilla speaks at the UFW convention ...

We are joined by courageous workers fighting to win their union at windmill and Grimmway! Se s&iacute; puede!

We are joined by courageous workers fighting to wi...

Marina is picking grapes in Kern County CA. She shows off a perfectly shaped cluster of the ripe grapes that has been cleaned free of any bad grapes. One rotted grape will ruin the whole box so she is careful to remove these grapes. #WeFeedYou

Marina est&aacute; pizcando uvas en el condado de Kern, CA. Ella muestra un racimo de uvas maduras de forma perfecta que ha sido limpiado de uvas malas. Una uva podrida arruinar&aacute; toda la caja, por lo que tiene cuidado de quitar esas uvas. #SoyEsencial

Marina is picking grapes in Kern County CA. She sh...

Angie shares a video from Cuyama CA as she walks the rows of freshly harvested carrots. The carrots are picked, bunched and then boxed for transport. She earns minimum wage, working 8 hours on her knees. #WeFeedYou

Angie comparte un video de Cuyama CA mientras camina entre los surcos de zanahorias reci&eacute;n cosechadas. Las zanahorias se pizcan, se bonchan y luego se envasan en cajas para su transporte. Gana un salario m&iacute;nimo y trabaja 8 horas de rodillas. #SoyEsencial

Angie shares a video from Cuyama CA as she walks t...

Louis sent this video of farm workers harvesting watermelons in San Jacino CA. He shared that at 10am the week this was taken, temps ranged between 100-102&deg; and highs reached 108&deg;. #WeFeedYou

Louis envi&oacute; este video de campesinos cosechando sand&iacute;as en San Jacinto CA.  Comparti&oacute; que a las 10 a.m. la semana en que se tom&oacute; esto, las temperaturas oscilaban entre 100 y 102&deg; y las m&aacute;ximas alcanzaron los 108&deg;.  #SoyEsencial

Louis sent this video of farm workers harvesting w...

Last year, 30 Jamaican workers on H2A visas were told they wouldn&rsquo;t be rehired for the apple harvest in NY this year &mdash; for what we believe was retaliation for unionizing.
But with UFW, they got their jobs  BACK. Winning a UFW contract is next! 

El a&ntilde;o pasado, a 30 trabajadores jamaiquinos con visas H2A se les dijo que no ser&iacute;an recontratados para la cosecha de manzanas en Nueva York este a&ntilde;o, por lo que creemos que fue una represalia por sindicalizarse.
Pero con la Union de Campesinos  recuperaron sus trabajos.  &iexcl;Lo siguiente es ganar un contrato con la UFW! 

WHEN WE FIGHT WE WIN. Last year, 30 Jamaican worke...

La UFW sigue luchando por nuevas reglas del programa H-2A, que ya est&aacute;n activos en todos los estados, excepto en 17 que est&aacute;n bajo control republicano. Estas reglas est&aacute;n dise&ntilde;adas para evitar que los empleadores los pongan en peligro o se aprovechen de los campesinos. Si vez alguna violaci&oacute;n, por favor notifica a la UFW.

The UFW is continuing to fight for new H-2A rules that are now in place in all but 17 republican controlled states. The rules are in place to prevent the endangerment of and the taking advantage of farmworkers by their employers. If you know of any violations, please notify the UFW.

La UFW sigue luchando por nuevas reglas del progra...

Gloria shared this video the raisin making process in Kerman CA.  She earns just 35 cents for each sheet of raisins and she can make 300-400 sheets a day. On this day the temp reached 108&deg; which was good for the grapes but the sand and heat burned through her shoes. #WeFeedYou

Gloria comparti&oacute; este video del proceso de hacer pasas en Kerman CA.  Gana s&oacute;lo 35 centavos por cada hoja de pasas y puede hacer entre 300 y 400 hojas al d&iacute;a. Ese d&iacute;a la temperatura lleg&oacute; a 108&deg;, lo cual era bueno para las uvas, pero la arena y el calor quemaron sus zapatos. #SoyEsencial

Gloria shared this video the raisin making process...

Estela leaves Madera Ca every morning at 3am for her 90 minute commute to Hollister where she picks bell peppers for minimum wage plus a small 60 cent bonus per bucket. She needs to work while she can before she must look for more work as her bills don&rsquo;t wait. #WeFeedYou

Estela sale de Madera Ca todas las ma&ntilde;anas a las 3 de la ma&ntilde;ana para su viaje de 90 minutos a Hollister, donde pizca chile de campana por el salario m&iacute;nimo m&aacute;s un peque&ntilde;o bono de 60 centavos por bote.  Necesita trabajar mientras pueda antes de tener que buscar m&aacute;s trabajo, ya que sus facturas no se esperan. #SoyEsencial

Estela leaves Madera Ca every morning at 3am for h...

Miguel shares: I&#039;m taking down the sprinklers that irrigate the grape plants and tying them down so the machines that pick grapes don&#039;t break them. It&#039;s 11am &amp; it&#039;s already 80&deg; in San Lucas CA. It&#039;s supposed to reach 95&deg; but inside the field it will feel like 100&deg;.#WeFeedYou

Miguel comparte: Estoy quitando los sprinklers que riegan las plantas de uva y atandolos para que las m&aacute;quinas que recogen la uva no los rompan.  Son las 11 de la ma&ntilde;ana y ya est&aacute; a 80&deg; en San Lucas CA.  Se espera que llegue a los 95&deg; pero en el campo se sentir&aacute; como a 100&deg;. #SoyEsencial

Miguel shares: I'm taking down the sprinklers...

Deisy shared this video of the sweet potato field in Merced CA. The vegetables are almost ready to be harvested, just in time for many fall celebrations and meals. #WeFeedYou

Deisy comparti&oacute; este video del campo de camote en Merced CA. Las verduras est&aacute;n casi listas para ser cosechadas, justo a tiempo para muchas celebraciones y comidas de oto&ntilde;o. #SoyEsencial

Deisy shared this video of the sweet potato field ...

A special Labor Day message from the children of hard working farm workers! They thank their parents for the hard work they do to feed their families and put food on tables across America! 

&iexcl;Un mensaje especial del D&iacute;a del Trabajo de parte de los hijos de trabajadores agr&iacute;colas! &iexcl;Agradecen a sus padres por el arduo trabajo que hacen para alimentar a sus familias y poner comida en las mesas en todo Estados Unidos!

#Happylaborday #laborday #wefeedyou #soyesencial

A special Labor Day message from the children of h...

These  farm workers in Merced CA are ending their day close to 4pm. When the wind blows and its 95 degrees , it feels like someone turned on a hair dryer. But this is how we support our families. #WeFeedYou

Estos campesinos en Merced CA est&aacute;n terminando su d&iacute;a cerca de las 4 p.m. Cuando sopla el viento y hace 95 grados, se siente como si alguien encendiera una secadora de pelo. Pero as&iacute; es como mantenemos a nuestras familias. #SoyEsencial

These farm workers in Merced CA are ending their ...

It was midnight when these Santa Rosa CA farm workers at began harvesting wine grapes. They harvest the grapes at night because the low temps prevent oxidation &amp; ensures the highest quality wine. 

Eran media noche cuando estos campesinos de Santa Rosa CA comenzaron a cosechar uvas para vino.  Cosechan las uvas por la noche porque el tiempo reducido evita la oxidaci&oacute;n y garantiza un vino de la m&aacute;s alta calidad.

#WeFeedYou #SoyEsencial #farmworkers #wine #ca #california

It was midnight when these Santa Rosa CA farm work...

Juan works as an irrigator in  Salinas, CA area fields. &quot;My job is to connect the irrigation pipes. It&#039;s important to do correctly and tightly so the pipe does not leak water. This way the lettuce receives just the right amount of water to grow correctly.&quot; #WeFeedYou

Juan trabaja como irrigador en campos del &aacute;rea de Salinas, CA.  &quot;Mi trabajo es conectar las tuber&iacute;as de riego. Es importante hacerlo de forma correcta y ajustada para que la tuber&iacute;a no pierda agua. De esta manera la lechuga recibe la cantidad justa de agua para crecer correctamente&quot;.  #SoyEsencial

Juan works as an irrigator in Salinas, CA area fi...

Porfirio is cutting the dry leaves from the strawberry plants in Santa Cruz CA. The extreme heat caused many of the leaves to get sunburnt and die. They must be removed so the plants energy and nutrients are directed to the berries. #WeFeedYou

Porfirio est&aacute; cortando las hojas secas de las plantas de fresa en Santa Cruz CA. El calor extremo provoc&oacute; que muchas de las hojas se quemaran con el sol y murieran. Deben eliminarse para que la energ&iacute;a y los nutrientes de las plantas se dirijan a las bayas. #SoyEsencial

Porfirio is cutting the dry leaves from the strawb...

Anabel is a grape picker in Bakersfield CA. She shared some of her work. She picks alone, filling approximately two baskets for every four plants. She earns an hourly wage for her work. #WeFeedYou

Anabel is a grape picker in Bakersfield CA. She sh...

These farm workers are harvesting tomatoes near San Joaquin CA. They started working at 6am and at 3pm they still did not know when their shift would end. The temp was 95 degrees. #WeFeedYou 

Estos campesinos est&aacute;n cosechando tomates cerca de San Joaqu&iacute;n CA. Comenzaron a trabajar a las 6 de la ma&ntilde;ana y a las 3 de la tarde a&uacute;n no sab&iacute;an cu&aacute;ndo terminar&iacute;a su turno. La temperatura era de 95 grados. #SoyEsencial

These farm workers are harvesting tomatoes near Sa...

Eugenia shares some of her work in the grape havest of Kern County CA. She is currently picking a mixed variety that needs to be cleaned up a bit before her coworker will be able to pack it. She prays for a good day. #WeFeedYou

Eugenia comparte parte de su trabajo en la cosecha de uvas del condado de Kern, California. Actualmente est&aacute; pizcando una variedad mixta que necesita ser limpiada un poco antes de que su compa&ntilde;ero de trabajo pueda empacarla. Ella reza por un buen d&iacute;a. #SoyEsencial

Eugenia shares some of her work in the grape haves...

Eduardo shared this video with us from where he was harvesting peppers in Bakersfield. This is hard work as workers spend their day bent over. It was 103&deg; when he sent us this vid. The high that day was 109&deg;. #WeFeedYou #CALOR #HeatJustice

Eduardo shared this video with us from where he wa...

El agotamiento por calor es peligroso.  El golpe de calor es mortal.  Aqu&iacute; est&aacute;n los s&iacute;ntomas.

Est&eacute; seguro: tome descansos frecuentes con todo el cuerpo a la sombra o en un entorno que refresque su temperatura central y mant&eacute;ngase hidratado con agua potable fr&iacute;a y electrolitos.&nbsp;

Heat exhaustion is dangerous. Heat stroke is deadly. Here are the symptoms.

Be safe: Take frequent rest breaks with your whole body in shade, or in a setting that cools your core temp and keep hydrated with cool drinking water and electrolytes.&nbsp;

 #SoyEsencial  #HeatJustice
#heat #heatkills

El agotamiento por calor es peligroso. El golpe d...

Olga sent this vid from Five Points, CA, where she was harvesting green peppers. The high in Five Points CA today was 99&deg;.

Olga envi&oacute; este video desde Five Points, CA, donde estaba cosechando pimientos verdes.  La m&aacute;xima en Five Points CA hoy est&aacute; en 99&deg;. 

#SoyEsencial  #WeFeedYou #HeatJustice #Heat #HeatWave #california

Olga sent this vid from Five Points, CA, where she...

Abel&#039;s a truck driver in the Bakersfield CA area grape harvest. Once the grapes have been picked &amp; packed, he &amp; his team mate load the hundreds of boxes onto the trailer. Depending on the variety, the boxes easily weigh 20 pound each. It was 106&deg; on this day. 

Abel es un camionero en la cosecha de uva del &aacute;rea de Bakersfield CA.  Una vez que las uvas han sido recogidas y empacadas, &eacute;l y su compa&ntilde;ero de equipo cargan los cientos de cajas en el remolque.  Dependiendo de la variedad, las cajas pesan f&aacute;cilmente 20 libras cada una.  Fue 106 &deg; en este d&iacute;a. 

#WeFeedYou #HeatJustice #Calor #WaterBreakForWorkers #SoyEsencial #California #Heat

Abel's a truck driver in the Bakersfield CA a...

Heat exhaustion is dangerous. Heat stroke is deadly. Here are the symptoms.

Be safe: Take frequent rest breaks with your whole body in shade, or in a setting that cools your core temp and keep hydrated with cool drinking water and electrolytes. 

#WeFeedYou #HeatJustice

El agotamiento por calor es peligroso.  El golpe de calor es mortal.  Aqu&iacute; est&aacute;n los s&iacute;ntomas.

Est&eacute; seguro: tome descansos frecuentes con todo el cuerpo a la sombra o en un entorno que refresque su temperatura central y mant&eacute;ngase hidratado con agua potable fr&iacute;a y electrolitos. 

#WeFeedYou #HeatJustice

Heat exhaustion is dangerous. Heat stroke is deadl...

Chautla sent us this video from El Nido CA, where she and her co-workers were planting tomatoes. #WeFeedYou

Chautla nos envi&oacute; este video desde El Nido CA, donde ella y sus compa&ntilde;eros de trabajo estaba plantando tomates. #SoyEsencial

Chautla sent us this video from El Nido CA, where ...

Maria shared the potato harvest from CA. The potatoes are dug up with a machine then run through conveyers to shake off the dirt and debris before being sorted according to size by farm workers. #WeFeedYou

Mar&iacute;a comparti&oacute; la cosecha de papa de CA. Las papas extraen con una m&aacute;quina y luego se pasan por cintas transportadoras para sacudir la tierra y los escombros antes de que campesinos las clasifiquen seg&uacute;n el tama&ntilde;o.#SoyEsencial

Maria shared the potato harvest from CA. The potat...