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In Their Own Words: Stories From Prima Workers: Maria Gonzalez

Walmart is a major buyer of the product that we harvest at this company. We are visiting Walmart stores from the San Joaquin Valley. We are here today at one of the Walmarts in the city of Fresno to speak to their manager. We’re asking their help to assist the farm workers like myself by asking Gerawan–which markets the brand ‘Prima’–to respect the law and to respect our rights. The company currently does not want many of the leaders like me to work–and that’s unfair, we’re just asking for what we deserve.

“We are here to ask for Walmart’s support, but they did not even try to listen. During our action, Walmart’s customers were paying attention, listening and talking to us about what really happens to us in the fields. They said we can all count on their support. We got a positive response from Walmart’s consumers. I can still see and feel the excitement and hope in my co-workers faces that we will win fair representation.

“This action gave us farm workers more hope of winning this long struggle.”