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In Their Own Words: Stories From Prima Workers: Hector Villanueva

Hector Villanueva

This week I will be returning to Walmart to ask it to talk to the Prima owners. We want Walmart to follow the policy it posts on the internet about how it requires their suppliers to follow the law. We want Walmart to tell Prima they have to follow the law by returning me and my coworkers to our jobs. 

I believe I have not been rehired to work this year because I support the Union. I’ve been out of work and have not had any money for food or diapers for my 6 month old daughter and much less for the rent. It’s been hard to go to other areas and look for work since I don’t have money for gas. I can’t even provide the basics for my family. It’s difficult being in this situation and that is why I’m going to ask Walmart to please speak with the Prima owners to tell them to respect the law and to follow our union contract. I ask that you help us by taking a flyer to the manager of your local Walmart. We fought for a contract, but now that we legally should have it, we cannot enjoy its protections and benefits because Prima won’t follow the law. Won’t you please do this for us?
