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In Their Own Words: Stories From Gerawan Workers: Primitivo Gutierrez

Primitivo Gutierrez

I am proud to be on the negotiating committee that is working/fighting to get our UFW contract; we’ve put so much into this contract. It is very important for us to have a contract because we need benefits, better work conditions, we farm workers are the ones who suffered the company abuses of power… lots of stress and fear of being fired if we try to do anything, fear of discrimination for exercising our rights, the company makes threats of closing, cutting trees also threatened to not having a job next season. It’s time for the company to respect our rights as workers and human beings that we are. I believe it is the right thing to do. I have had bad experiences in this Company (Gerawan Farming) andas well as many other Gerawan workers. We are excited that the mediator made the decision and we will finally have a UFW contract. Gerawan should respect that having the UFW represent us is our decision and the workers have spoken. We want the company to implement this contract right away. Si Se Puede!”