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In Their Own Words: Stories From Gerawan Workers: Fidel Garcia

Fidel Garcia

I have worked for Gerawan Farming “La Prima” since 2004 and I see the changes since the Union came to the company. First, they raised the hourly wage to $10 when we were earning $9 and that has already benefitted me and my family. Now they treat us better and they don’t pressure us as much as before when they used to practically be behind us and when there was somebody who wouldn’t meet production or was a bit slower and would fall behind, all you would hear was “Go faster” and that worker would not return to work. They wouldn’t tell him anything. His ride would just not pick him up the next morning. This didn’t seem fair to me for them to do that. Now it is different. Because the Union is here, the supervisors treat us better. Now they don’t pressure us and now if you do something wrong they give you a ticket. But they don’t send you home anymore, you just get a ticket. Now the supervisor treats us with respect, they respect the people. Also now we can to go to the bathroom during work time when previously we could only go during lunch and sometimes we could not wait. Also in the harvest they now have all of our materials ready for us to work and without us having to fight for a wheelbarrow.

This is why I want the contract we have with the Union be valid because that is our job security and I want this to continue.