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In Their Own Words: Stories From Gerawan Workers: Blanca Cruz

Blanca Cruz

In 2012 I was raising the guide for grapevines and we are constantly looking up since we are working very fast and we don’t have time to look down and I stepped into a gopher hole. When I fell into the gopher hole they notified a foreman, Jesus Perez. He did not pay me any attention, he merely sent us an assistant so I would not fall behind. He did not ask about my foot or my hand because when I fell, I also had my hand swell up and felt a sprain. I felt very bad because they did not care about me. A coworker tied a handkerchief around my hand to help stabilize it and that is how I worked all day, with one hand.

I have also worked with a contractor there and there they do not put the bathrooms close by. Sometimes we go without eating lunch so that later we do not have to go to the bathroom. Once I saw one of my coworkers step in feces, probably from another worker who didn’t have time to go to the bathroom and so he went in the row of grapes.