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Women Take Over GOP Whip’s Office


Breaking News: Women Take Over GOP Whip’s Office

Women and immigration advocates vow to continue fighting to get immigration reform passed this year

Rep. McCarthy met with 13-women delegation locked inside his office at 11 p.m. but refused to sign pledge to push for a House vote on immigration reform in 2013

Bakersfield, CA − On Wednesday, a women-led delegation staged a sit-in at House Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy’s office in Bakersfield, chanting, singing and refusing to leave until McCarthy signed a pledge to advance comprehensive immigration reform in the House. Simultaneously, more than a hundred people, including immigration reform advocates, farm workers and new immigrants, rallied outside the congressman’s office and held vigils in support of the women.

The women and their families had come from California’s Central Valley, Los Angeles and the San Francisco Bay Area to urge Congressman McCarthy, who is the third most powerful lawmaker in the Republican-controlled House of Representatives, to take immediate action to bring a comprehensive immigration reform bill to a House vote.  

After McCarthy’s office closed for the day at 5 p.m., a group of 13 women refused to leave. For hours, police denied the women access to food, water and medication. Despite this, the women endured for an additional six hours until finally, they succeeded in luring the House Majority Whip out of his home at 11 p.m. and engaged him in conversation about his lack of leadership in advancing immigration reform. The sit-in concluded with his reassurance to the women that he is “serious about solving the problem” but refused to sign pledge to push for a House vote on immigration reform.

United Farm Workers leader Lupe Larios, who was among the women locked inside the congressman’s office, said McCarthy promised to tackle immigration reform during this congressional session, which ends in 2014, but discarded the possibility of passing immigration reform in the House by the end of the year. 

"We appreciate Congressman McCarthy taking time to come meet with us, but he said that with only 13 days remaining in the 2013 congressional session, it is not realistic to address immigration reform. As one of his constituents and voter, we don’t want to hear more excuses as to why it can’t be done this year," Larios said.

"Immigration has been debated for 13 years in Congress, two thirds of  the U.S. Senate passed bipartisan legislation. When will the House vote on legislation?  Earlier this year Republican House leaders have suggested votes in July, then September, then October, and now we are being told "later". The problem with the "later" is that it never comes," she said. MORE: For full news release click here


Take Action NOW to support them virtually!

A group of 25 women just occupied the offices of Rep. Kevin McCarthy, the third most powerful Republican in the House of Representatives. Our communities have called, visited and even spoken directly to Representative McCarthy, demanding that he not only support a Path to Citizenship, but that he commit to moving a bi-partisan bill that addresses the unique needs of women to a vote in the House. He has ignored us for almost a year, so it is time to escalate our actions!

Rosario and her daughter, are part of this action. Earlier this year their family was unjustly torn apart by our broken immigration system. Rosario has become a leader in the fight to keep families together in Kern County. Rosario’s family and the families of this community deserve comprehensive immigration reform with a pathway to citizenship.

Today, Rosario along with other women activists walked in with their head held high, demanding that Rep. McCarthy stop playing politics with the lives of our families and take action to pass comprehensive immigration reform now. These women will ask him to sign the pledge in support of a path to citizenship and for him to move an immigration bill for a vote in the House.

Take a minute to support these women. Take action NOW.

Watch the livestream of the event:

After you take action, please ask your friends and family to take action too. You can send them an e-mail, post this campaign on your Facebook and/or Twitter page by going to

What else you can do:

From Wednesday October 6 thru Friday Oct 8,in actions all over the country, women are urging that their representatives support immigration reform that’s fair to women and keeps families together.

Will you join them by taking a moment to:

1. Watch the livestream of the event here starting at 12:30pm PST:

2. Call your Representative today and urge your representative to stand up for fair immigration reform that addresses the unique needs of women and keeps families together. Just dial 800-490-2010.

3. Send your Representative a Tweet by clicking here.

4. Share the below image on Facebook by clicking here.

Instead of Meeting with Constituents to Fix Our Broken Immigration System…
Rep. McCarthy’s Office Calls in Cops to Intimidate, Detain Women Activists Inside His Office

Bakersfield, CA—Today, more than 100 immigrant rights advocates, faith, union, and community leaders rallied at Republican Whip Kevin McCarthy’s office, hoping to meet with the Congressman since he was in town for an event he spoke at earlier in the day. The 15 all-women delegation planned to urge the Representative to support bringing immigration reform to the House floor for a vote.

Rather than meet with his constituents, Rep. McCarthy’s staff called the Bakersfield police to lock in more than a dozen of the activists and several members of the press inside McCarthy’s office. Police turned away volunteers bringing food and critical medicine to advocates, three of whom are diabetic.

Maria Machuca, spokeswoman of the United Farm Workers of America said:

“Congressman Kevin McCarthy prefers to send police officers to lock us inside his office than face women demanding he bring immigration reform to a House vote.”

Angelica Salas, the President of the Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights of Los Angeles (CHIRLA) said:

“For weeks, we’ve been trying to meet with Congressman McCarthy to urge him to take leadership in bringing immigration reform to the House floor for a vote. There exists a bipartisan majority in the House, yet he, Speaker Boehner, and the Republican leadership refuse to allow the vote to happen. MORE