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We ‘deserve to live and work free from the constant terror of deportation and family separation’

The UFW Foundation’s Leydy Rangel, the daughter of a migrant farm worker family, issued the following statement after she was among six Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival (DACA) recipients who met today with President Biden in the Oval Office:

Farm workers like my parents and siblings have fought for years to emerge from the shadows. They are essential to our nation—not just during the pandemic—and they deserve to live and work free from the constant terror of deportation and family separation. Without people like my family, our fellow Americans would not have fresh fruits and vegetables on their dinner tables. But our story is not unique. Like other essential farm workers my family deserves a pathway to legalization. President Biden is committed to winning this just remedy. Now the U.S. Senate must act. My siblings and I contribute to our country. We are American in every way except on paper.
