04/12/2017 WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW Chlorpyrifos: The toxic pesticide now harming our children and environment
07/29/2013 Exposed and Ignored by Farmworker Justice
08/09/2010 Congressional Budget Office: The Role of Immigrants in the U.S. Labor Market: An Update
06/20/2008 Centers for Disease Control & Prevention: Heat-Related Deaths Among Crop Workers — United States, 1992–2006
05/07/2008 Union of Concerned Scientists: Interference at the EPA – Science and Politics at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
04/08/2008 US House of Representatives Commitee of Oversight & Government Reform, March 2008: FDA & Fresh Spinach Safety
10/12/2007 September 24th letter to EPA director Stephen Johnson by 54 prominent scientists warning that the cancer causing chemical is too dangerous to be used as a pesticide and urging EPA to delay registration and conduct an independent review of the agency’s assessment of the pesticide.
10/12/2007 PANNA’s Methyl Iodide Page
10/11/2007 PANNA’s Fumigant Pesticides Page
02/28/2007 February, 2007: Environmental Health Perspectives:Case Report – Three Farmworkers Who Gave Birth to Infants with Birth Defects Closely Grouped in Time and Place – Florida and North Carolina 2004-2005
12/26/2006 Dec. 2006: Attorney General to Farm Worker Movement: ‘all the allegations deemed by our office to require investigation were…found to be without merit’
12/20/2006 Poisons on the Wind: Pesticide Drift Catching in the Yakima Valley, Washington
02/25/2006 Department of Labor: The National Agricultural Workers Survey
02/23/2006 Chemical Trespass: Pesticides in Our Bodies and Corporate Accountability, 2004
02/23/2006 What you don’t know could hurt you: Pesticides in California’s air Environmental Working Group (EWG), January 1999
02/23/2006 Fields of Poison 2002: California Farmworkers and Pesticides, by California Rural Legal Assistance Foundation, United Farm Workers of America, AFL-CIO and Pesticide Action Network, 2002. 80 pages, English and Spanish combined in one volume. – Report – Executive summary (English)
02/23/2006 Overexposed: Organophosphate Insecticides in Children’s Food, Environmental Working Group (EWG), January 1998
02/23/2006 Fields of Poison 2002: California Farmworkers and Pesticides, by California Rural Legal Assistance Foundation, United Farm Workers of America, AFL-CIO and Pesticide Action Network, 2002. 80 pages, English and Spanish combined in one volume. – Report (English)
02/23/2006 Reports on Pesticides in Our Food, EWG
02/23/2006 Fields of Poison 2002: California Farmworkers and Pesticides, by California Rural Legal Assistance Foundation, United Farm Workers of America, AFL-CIO and Pesticide Action Network, 2002. 80 pages, English and Spanish combined in one volume. – Report – Executive summary (Spanish)
02/23/2006 Reports on Pesticides in Our Water, EWG
02/23/2006 Fields of Poison 2002: California Farmworkers and Pesticides, by California Rural Legal Assistance Foundation, United Farm Workers of America, AFL-CIO and Pesticide Action Network, 2002. 80 pages, English and Spanish combined in one volume. – Report (Spanish)
02/23/2006 Reports on Pesticides Resources, EWG
02/23/2006 Cancer Incidence in the United Farmworkers of America (UFW), 1987-1997, Cancer Registry of Central California (CRCC), November 2001