Keep Me in the Loop!

“We don’t need perfect political systems; we need perfect participation.” - Cesar Chavez



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Comments Box SVG iconsUsed for the like, share, comment, and reaction icons
Marcela, a mother of 3, shared this video from the tangerine harvest in Sanger CA. She earns $55 for each 1,000 lb crate she harvests. She fills 2 crates in her 7 hr work day. She worries about meeting expenses, including gas she uses in her 80-mile round-trip drive. #WeFeedYou

Marcela, madre de 3 hijos, comparti&oacute; este video de la cosecha de mandarinas en Sanger, California. Gana $55 por cada caja de 1,000 libras que cosecha. Llena 2 cajas en su jornada laboral de 7 horas. Le preocupa cubrir los gastos, incluida la gasolina que utiliza en su viaje de ida y vuelta de 80 millas. #SoyEsencial

Marcela, a mother of 3, shared this video from the...

Vianey sent us this video of the almond orchards near Fresno, CA, sharing: The 2025 almond harvest is coming. Farm workers are the ones who work so hard to ensure a good harvest. But we don&#039;t have union contract, so we just receive minimum wage and no benefits.  #WeFeedYou

Vianey nos envi&oacute; este video de los huertos de almendras cerca de Fresno, CA, compartiendo: Se acerca la cosecha de almendras de 2025. Los campesinos son los que trabajan tan duro para asegurar una buena cosecha. Pero no tenemos un contrato de la uni&oacute;n , por lo que solo recibimos el salario m&iacute;nimo y ning&uacute;n beneficio. #SoyEsencial

Vianey sent us this video of the almond orchards n...

On #InternationalWomensDay let&#039;s hear it for Carolina (L) &amp; Yolanda (R), hard working farm workers who are harvesting radishes in Moorepark CA. #WeFeedYou

En el D&iacute;a Internacional de la Mujer, que se oiga para Carolina (izq.) y Yolanda (der.), campesinas que cosechan r&aacute;banos en Moorepark, California. #SoyEsencial

On #InternationalWomensDay let's hear it for ...

Campesinos son la columna vertebral de nuestro sistema alimentario, pero viven con miedo todos los d&iacute;as. Es hora de levantarnos contra el perfil racial y las redadas de ICE. Nadie deber&iacute;a vivir con miedo por su origen o el idioma que habla. Firma el compromiso hoy-esta es nuestra lucha!

Farm workers are the backbone of our food system, yet they live in fear every day. It&rsquo;s time to stand up against racial profiling and ICE raids. No one should have to live in fear because of where they come from or the language they speak. Sign the pledge today-this is OUR fight! #wefeedyou #farmworkers #soyesencial #racialjustice #derechoshumanos #signthepledge #sinmiedo #nofear

Campesinos son la columna vertebral de nuestro sis...

Luz shared this video from where she is laboring in a wine vineyard in King City, CA. She explains, &quot;We are currently pruning the grape vines and removing the old vines that no longer produce.&quot; #WeFeedYou

Luz comparti&oacute; este video desde donde est&aacute; trabajando en un vi&ntilde;edo en King City, CA. Ella explica: &quot;Actualmente estamos podando las vi&ntilde;as y eliminando las vi&ntilde;as viejas que ya no producen&quot;. #SoyEsencial

Luz shared this video from where she is laboring i...

Jose is hard at work pruning grape vines in San Lucas, CA. He&#039;s been doing this work for 22 years under a UFW contract at Scheid Vineyards. It&#039;s hard work and we do it in all sorts of weather. But we have a union contract that gives us good benefits and protects us. #WeFeedYou

Jos&eacute; est&aacute; trabajando arduamente en la poda de vi&ntilde;as en San Lucas, California. Ha estado haciendo este trabajo durante 22 a&ntilde;os bajo un contrato de la UFW en Scheid Vineyards. Es un trabajo duro y lo hacemos en todo tipo de clima. Pero tenemos un contrato de la uni&oacute;n que nos brinda buenos beneficios y nos protege. #SoyEsencial

Jose is hard at work pruning grape vines in San Lu...

Juvencio shared a video of the strawberry harvest in CAs Ventura County. The season starts in mid January and will reach peak production by mid March. #WeFeedYou

Juvencio comparti&oacute; un video de la cosecha de fresas en el condado de Ventura, California. La temporada comienza a mediados de enero y alcanzar&aacute; su pico de producci&oacute;n a mediados de marzo. #SoyEsencial

Juvencio shared a video of the strawberry harvest ...

Isidra works with strawberry roots in Turlock CA. She travels one hour each way to sort these cuttings into bunches of 100. Each bunch earns her $14.50 so she works rapidly to maximize her earnings. #WeFeedYou

Isidra trabaja con ra&iacute;ces de fresa en Turlock CA. Viaja una hora en cada sentido para clasificar estos  en grupos de 100. Cada grupo le genera $14.50, por lo que trabaja r&aacute;pidamente para maximizar sus ganancias. #SoyEsencial

Isidra works with strawberry roots in Turlock CA. ...

Guillermina is pruining in a Northern CA vineyard. She uses special shears to trim the grapevines. With carefully pruning, the wine grapes will be used to make some of the region&rsquo;s best wines next summer.  #WeFeedYou

Guillermina est&aacute; podando en un vi&ntilde;edo del norte de California. Utiliza tijeras especiales para podar las vi&ntilde;as. Con una poda cuidadosa, las uvas para vino se utilizar&aacute;n para elaborar algunos de los mejores vinos de la regi&oacute;n el pr&oacute;ximo verano. #SoyEsencial

Guillermina is pruining in a Northern CA vineyard....

Yesica send this video of the sweet potato fields near Merced CA.  During the planting season workers start their day at 8am, a much better start time than the 4am of the picking season, she says. #WeFeedYou

Yesica env&iacute;a este video de los campos de camote cerca de Merced CA.  Durante la temporada de siembra, los trabajadores comienzan su d&iacute;a a las 8 a. m., una hora de inicio mucho mejor que las 4 a. m. de la temporada de pizca, dice. #SoyEsencial

Yesica send this video of the sweet potato fields ...

Farm workers are the backbone of our food system, yet they live in fear every day. It&#039;s time to stand up against racial profiling and ICE raids. No one should have to live in fear because of where they come from or the language they speak. Sign the pledge today&mdash;this is OUR fight.

Los trabajadores agr&iacute;colas son la columna vertebral de nuestro sistema alimentario, pero viven con miedo todos los d&iacute;as. Es hora de levantarnos contra el perfil racial y las redadas de ICE. Nadie deber&iacute;a vivir con miedo por su origen o el idioma que habla. Firma el compromiso hoy&mdash;esta es nuestra lucha. 

 #NoFear #ImmigrantRights #RacialJustice #SignThePledge #WeFeedYou #SinMiedo #DerechosInmigrantes #JusticiaRacial #FirmaElCompromiso #SoyEsencial

Farm workers are the backbone of our food system, ...

Madera area irrigation workers preparing the soil for the harvest of 2025. When they arrive at 5 am its 39&deg; and there is ice in the rows. #WeFeedYou

Trabajadores de riego del &aacute;rea de Madera preparando la tierra para la cosecha del 2025. Cuando llegan a las 5 am, la temperatura es de 39&deg; y hay hielo en los surcos.  #SoyEsencial

Madera area irrigation workers preparing the soil ...

Farm workers like Roberto, shown here planting onions in the bitter cold, say being bent over all day 5-6 days a week hurts their backs but its one of the few jobs available in winter and he must support his family. #WeFeedYou

Campesinos como Roberto, que se muestra aqu&iacute; plantando cebollas en el fr&iacute;o intenso, dice que estar agachados todo el d&iacute;a, 5 o 6 d&iacute;as a la semana, le duele la espalda, pero es uno de los pocos trabajos disponibles en invierno y debe mantener a su familia. #SoyEsencial

Farm workers like Roberto, shown here planting oni...

Benita works in the grapevines near Lemoore CA. This type of vine creates a canopy of sorts as the branches need to be  tied and strong to support the weight of the expected grapes. She earns minimum wage for her work. This is how she supports her family. #WeFeedYou

Benita trabaja en los vi&ntilde;edos cerca de Lemoore CA en el amarre de uva de cama. Gana un salario m&iacute;nimo por su trabajo. As&iacute; mantiene a su familia. #SoyEsencial

Benita works in the grapevines near Lemoore CA. Th...

Farm workers harvest thousands of bunches of cilantro a day in Ventura county. After a day of harvesting, bunching and packing the crop, workers then load the boxes onto a truck that goes to the cooler. #WeFeedYou

Campesinos cosechan miles de manojos de cilantro al d&iacute;a en el condado de Ventura. Despu&eacute;s de un d&iacute;a de cosechar, agrupar y empacar la cosecha, los trabajadores cargan las cajas en un cami&oacute;n que las lleva al enfriador. #SoyEsencial

Farm workers harvest thousands of bunches of cilan...

On this rainy day, these strawberry workers are out trudging through rows of muddy water to bring this sweet fruit to our tables. #WeFeedYou

En este d&iacute;a lluvioso, estos trabajadores de la fresa caminan con dificultad a trav&eacute;s de hileras de agua fangosa para traer esta dulce fruta a nuestras mesas. #SoyEsencial

On this rainy day, these strawberry workers are ou...

Isidro drives a tractor in Gonzales,CA. &quot;I am currently aerating the soil around the broccoli plants. This allows nutrients to reach the plant so that they grow and give a good harvest.&quot; #WeFeedYou

Isidro maneja un tractor en Gonzales, California. &quot;Actualmente estoy aireando la tierra alrededor de las plantas de br&oacute;coli. Esto permite que los nutrientes lleguen a la planta para que crezca y d&eacute; una buena cosecha&quot;. #SoyEsencial

Isidro drives a tractor in Gonzales,CA. "I am...

Yesi shared a video of some of her work pruning grapevines near Madera CA. She starts at 6am and ends her day at 4pm. The day looks clear but it started off bitterly cold and the two pairs of gloves she wore did little to help. #WeFeedYou

Yesi comparti&oacute; un video de un poco de su trabajo podando vides cerca de Madera CA. Comienza a las 6 am y termina su d&iacute;a a las 4 pm. El d&iacute;a parece despejado, pero empez&oacute; muy fr&iacute;o y los dos pares de guantes que llevaba no ayudaron mucho. #SoyEsencial

Yesi shared a video of some of her work pruning gr...

Cesilia has been a farm worker for 18 years. She works hard 6 days a week in the hopes that her 4 children will go to college and get into good professions. #WeFeedYou

Cesilia es campesina desde hace 18 a&ntilde;os. Trabaja duro 6 d&iacute;as a la semana con la esperanza de que sus 4 hijos vayan a la universidad y obtengan buenas profesiones. #SoyEsencial

Cesilia has been a farm worker for 18 years. She w...

Soledad was harvesting strawberries on Friday in Oxnard, CA.  She shares, &quot;We are taking a break right now, but we are working harvesting strawberries in the rain. The rows are filled with water, and it is muddy and slippery.&quot; #WeFeedYou

Soledad was harvesting strawberries on Friday in O...

Carmelo was pruning in the wine grape vineyards of northern California on Friday. It was lightly raining on &amp; off. Workers were working. If it kept raining or started raining harder, workers would be sent home. This will mean they don&#039;t be paid for those hours. #WeFeedYou

Carmelo was pruning in the wine grape vineyards of...

Minerva spends her days on her knees harvesting turnips in AZ. She shares that she is concerned in the current environment - especially for her children. &quot; I&#039;m not a criminal, I&#039;m working to take care of my family.&quot; #WeFeedYou

Minerva pasa sus d&iacute;as de rodillas cosechando nabos en Arizona. Ella comparte que est&aacute; preocupada por la situaci&oacute;n actual, especialmente por sus hijos. &quot;No soy una criminal, estoy trabajando para cuidar de mi familia&quot;. #SoyEsencial

Minerva spends her days on her knees harvesting tu...

Ed Ramirez sent us this video from where he&#039;s harvesting strawberries in Oxnard CA on this cold, rainy day. He shares this work is especially hard in the rain as the rows fill with water and makes everything muddy and slippery. #WeFeedYou

Ed Ramirez nos envi&oacute; este video desde donde est&aacute; cosechando fresas en Oxnard, California, en este d&iacute;a fr&iacute;o y lluvioso. Nos cuenta que este trabajo es especialmente duro bajo la lluvia, ya que las filas se llenan de agua y hacen que todo se ponga lodoso y resbaladizo. #SoyEsencial

Ed Ramirez sent us this video from where he's...

Farm workers near Aguila AZ stoop 8 hours a day harvesting cilantro. #WeFeedYou

Campesinos cerca de Aguila, Arizona, trabajan 8 horas al d&iacute;a para cosechar cilantro. #SoyEsencial

Farm workers near Aguila AZ stoop 8 hours a day ha...

Hector is an irrigator in Salinas, CA. &quot;I am in charge of connecting pipes between the rows. The pipes can weigh 25-30 pounds and will need to be moved around many times throughout the day so the broccoli will be watered properly. My arms ache at the end of the day.&quot; #WeFeedYou

H&eacute;ctor es un irrigador en Salinas, CA. &quot;Estoy a cargo de conectar las tuber&iacute;as entre los surcos. Las tuber&iacute;as pueden pesar entre 25 y 30 libras y ser&aacute; necesario moverlas muchas veces durante el d&iacute;a para que el br&oacute;coli se riegue adecuadamente. Me duelen los brazos al final del d&iacute;a&quot;. #SoyEsencial

Hector is an irrigator in Salinas, CA. "I am ...

Roman shared this video with us from the watermelon harvest in Arizona. An average watermelon weighs 20 lb. These farm workers form a human chain of picking and passing the heavy fruit into the trailer. #WeFeedYou

Roman comparti&oacute; con nosotros este video de la cosecha de sand&iacute;as en Arizona. Una sand&iacute;a promedio pesa 20 libras. Estos campesinos forman una cadena humana para recolectar y pasar la pesada fruta al remolque. #SoyEsencial

Roman shared this video with us from the watermelo...

Martin shares, I&#039;m very excited to be a part of the farm worker group that just signed the first UFW contract in NYs history at Cahoon Apple Farm!
This means job security, safer and better working conditions. It&#039;s a good feeling and we&#039;re very excited. #WeFeedYou #unionsforall

Martin comparte: Estoy muy emocionado de ser parte del grupo de campesinos que acaba de firmar el primer contrato de la UFW en la historia de Nueva York en Cahoon Apple Farm.
Esto significa seguridad laboral, condiciones de trabajo m&aacute;s seguras y mejores. Es una buena sensaci&oacute;n y estamos muy emocionados. #SoyEsencial

Martin shares, I'm very excited to be a part ...

Vianey shared this video of farm workers pruning in the orchards of Hanford CA. He shares he doesnt understand why so many don&rsquo;t appreciate the hard work and sacrifice of farm workers. Man or woman, they only want to work in peace and provide for their families. #WeFeedYou

Vianey comparti&oacute; este video de campesinos podando en los huertos de Hanford CA. &Eacute;l comparte que no entiende por qu&eacute; tantas personas no aprecian el trabajo duro y el sacrificio de los campesinos. Hombre o mujer, lo &uacute;nico que quieren es trabajar en paz y mantener a sus familias. #SoyEsencial

Vianey shared this video of farm workers pruning i...

Margarito sent us this vid from where they&#039;re pruning grape vines Chateau Ste. Michelle Winery in WA. He is very pleased they are provided with pneumatic shears. This air compressed powered tools assists with worker precision and efficiency with less effort and strain on the body. #WeFeedYou

Margarito nos envi&oacute; este video desde donde est&aacute;n podando vi&ntilde;as en  Ste Michelle en WA. Est&aacute; muy contento de que le proporcionen tijeras neum&aacute;ticas. Estas herramientas el&eacute;ctricas con aire comprimido le brindan al trabajador precisi&oacute;n y eficiencia con menos esfuerzo y tensi&oacute;n en el cuerpo. #SoyEsencial

Margarito sent us this vid from where they're...

We are challenging you to help us spread the word! Tag us and use  #knowyourrightssong on a video of you dancing to this message! 

 &iexcl;Los retamos a que nos ayuden a correr este mensaje importante! &iexcl;Etiquetanos y usa #knowyourrightssong en un v&iacute;deo de ti bailando con este mensaje!

Si la migra te detiene, &iexcl;recuerda esta canci&oacute;n! No tienes que firmar ni decir nada. Tienes derecho a permanecer en silencio, y tienes derecho a un abogado. &iexcl;Mant&eacute;n la calma y recuerda tus derechos!

If immigration stops you, remember this song! You don&rsquo;t have to sign anything or say anything. You have the right to remain silent, and you have the right to a lawyer. Keep calm and remember your rights!

#conozcasusderechos #knowyourrights #immigration

We are challenging you to help us spread the word!...

Signing of 1st UFW contract for New York farm workers.  We are in Jamaica

Signing of 1st UFW contract for New York farm work...

Freddy is a proud UFW member who works at Central Valley Ag. In this video he shared, he&#039;s hard at work with the chainsaw crew on a cold foggy day. He and his coworkers skillfully trim the almond trees - ensuring a thriving orchard for the seasons ahead. #WeFeedYou

Freddy es un orgulloso miembro de la UFW que trabaja en la agrigultura del Central Valley. En este video que comparti&oacute;, se le ve trabajando arduamente con el equipo de motosierras en un d&iacute;a fr&iacute;o y con niebla. &Eacute;l y sus compa&ntilde;eros de trabajo podan h&aacute;bilmente los almendros, lo que garantiza un huerto pr&oacute;spero para las pr&oacute;ximas temporadas. #SoyEsencial

Freddy is a proud UFW member who works at Central ...

With the citrus harvest at peak, farm workers are hard at work in the Bakersfield, CA orchards.

Claims that farm workers are staying home simply are not true. There is anxiety around chaotic immigration sweeps, but they continue to feed America. #WeFeedYou

Con la cosecha de c&iacute;tricos en su apogeo, los campesinos est&aacute;n trabajando duro en los huertos de Bakersfield, CA.

Las afirmaciones de que los campesinos se quedan en casa simplemente no son ciertas. Hay ansiedad en torno a las ca&oacute;ticas redadas de inmigraci&oacute;n, pero siguen alimentando a Estados Unidos. #SoyEsencial

With the citrus harvest at peak, farm workers are ...

Lupe sent this to us from the Soledad CA area last Saturday, from where farm workers were pruning the grapevines . She shared it was very cold and had started raining, but they were still at work as this is how they make a living. #WeFeedYou

Lupe nos envi&oacute; esto desde el &aacute;rea de Soledad, California, el s&aacute;bado pasado, desde donde los campesinos estaban podando las vi&ntilde;as. Ella comparti&oacute; que hac&iacute;a mucho fr&iacute;o y hab&iacute;a comenzado a llover, pero que todav&iacute;a estaban trabajando, ya que as&iacute; es como se ganan la vida. #SoyEsencial

Lupe sent this to us from the Soledad CA area last...

Cecilia harvests oranges in the Clovis CA area. She earns $23 per 900 lb box. She picks 3 boxes a day on average - 5 on a really good day. As it&#039;s been raining a lot, she&#039;s been working less. This makes things difficult for her as her rent and bill payments can&#039;t wait. #WeFeedYou

Cecilia cosecha naranjas en el &aacute;rea de Clovis, California. Gana $23 por caja de 900 libras. Recoge 3 cajas al d&iacute;a en promedio, 5 en un d&iacute;a realmente bueno. Como ha estado lloviendo mucho, ha estado trabajando menos. Esto le dificulta las cosas, ya que el pago de la renta y los recibos no pueden esperar. #SoyEsencial

Cecilia harvests oranges in the Clovis CA area. Sh...

Rosa works at Chateau Ste. Michelle Winery. Here she is using special pruners the company is testing. She appreciates how the company is always investing in tools that make workers&#039; job easier, safer and more productive. #WeFeedYou

Rosa trabaja en el vi&ntilde;edo de Ch&acirc;teau Ste Michelle. Aqu&iacute; se la ve usando podadoras especiales que la empresa est&aacute; probando. Aprecia que la empresa siempre est&eacute; invirtiendo en herramientas que hacen que el trabajo de los trabajadores sea m&aacute;s f&aacute;cil, seguro y productivo. #SoyEsencial

Rosa works at Chateau Ste. Michelle Winery. Here s...

Ventura County strawberry workers are harvesting in heavy smoke from the Hughes Fire. We remind workers their employers have to provide them with respirator masks if the AQI exceeds 150. Stay safe! #WeFeedYou

Ventura County strawberry workers are harvesting i...

We were sent this video by a worker whose labors under a UFW contract at Gallo vineyards. They are pruning vines that will produce Cabernet wines. Workers tell us that these are the hardest type of vine to prune requiring extra skill and precision. #WeFeedYou

Un trabajador que trabaja bajo un contrato con la UFW en los vi&ntilde;edos de Gallo nos envi&oacute; este video. Est&aacute;n podando vi&ntilde;as que producir&aacute;n vinos Cabernet. Los trabajadores nos dicen que estas son las variedades de vi&ntilde;as m&aacute;s dif&iacute;ciles de podar y requieren habilidad y precisi&oacute;n adicionales. #SoyEsencial

We were sent this video by a worker whose labors u...

Si la migra te detiene, &iexcl;recuerda esta canci&oacute;n! No tienes que firmar ni decir nada. Tienes derecho a permanecer en silencio, y tienes derecho a un abogado. &iexcl;Mant&eacute;n la calma y recuerda tus derechos!

If immigration stops you, remember this song! You don&rsquo;t have to sign anything or say anything. You have the right to remain silent, and you have the right to a lawyer. Keep calm and remember your rights!

#conozcasusderechos #knowyourrights #immigration

Si la migra te detiene, ¡recuerda esta canci...

Share this with your community. We stand stronger when we stand informed.

Comparte esto con tu comunidad. Somos m&aacute;s fuertes cuando estamos informados.

#KnowYourRights  #conozcasusderechos

Share this with your community. We stand stronger ...

Comparte esto con la comunidad! Somos m&aacute;s fuertes cuando estamos informados. ❤️

Share this with your community! We stand stronger when we stay informed.
#conozcasusderechos #knowyourrights #immigration #deporation #ice

Comparte esto con la comunidad! Somos más f...

Harvesting spinach like these Santa Maria farm workers are doing is tough work. Workers tell us their backs ache at the end of the day as they spend their entire day bent over harvesting this crop that is low to the ground. #WeFeedYou

Cosechar espinacas como lo hacen estos campesinos de Santa Mar&iacute;a es un trabajo duro. Los trabajadores nos cuentan que les duele la espalda al final del d&iacute;a porque pasan todo el d&iacute;a agachados cosechando este cultivo que est&aacute; cerca del suelo. #SoyEsencial

Harvesting spinach like these Santa Maria farm wor...

Clemente drives a tractor in the Castroville CA area. He shares I work year round preparing the land for lettuce and other vegetables. It is a job that involves dealing with the cold, heat and rain during the different climates throughout the year. #WeFeedYou

Clemente maneja  un tractor en el &aacute;rea de Castroville, California. &Eacute;l comparte:  trabajo todo el a&ntilde;o preparando la tierra para la lechuga y otras verduras. Es un trabajo que implica lidiar con el fr&iacute;o, el calor y la lluvia durante los diferentes climas a lo largo del a&ntilde;o. #SoyEsencial

Clemente drives a tractor in the Castroville CA ar...

Palemon works in the blueberry harvest in Oxnard CA. &quot;It&#039;s a tough job. I have to stand all day.  I must be very careful just to harvest the ripe berries and not mix in overipe berries that can rot and ruin the box. Working like this for 8 hours a day is very tiring.&quot;  #WeFeedYou

Palemon trabaja en la cosecha de ar&aacute;ndanos en Oxnard, California. &quot;Es un trabajo duro. Tengo que estar de pie todo el d&iacute;a. Debo tener mucho cuidado de cosechar las bayas maduras y no mezclarlas con las bayas demasiado maduras que pueden pudrirse y arruinar la caja. Trabajar as&iacute; durante 8 horas al d&iacute;a es muy agotador&quot;. #SoyEsencial

Palemon works in the blueberry harvest in Oxnard C...

Thomas works in Orosi CA, planting onion in football length fields. He earns minimum wage for his work. #WeFeedYou

Thomas trabaja en Orosi CA, plantando cebollas en campos tan grande como de f&uacute;tbol. Gana un salario m&iacute;nimo por su trabajo. #SoyEsencial

Thomas works in Orosi CA, planting onion in footba...

A farm worker sent us this vid during last December&#039;s rainstorms in Napa CA. He is pleased his union contract insured workers had good rain boots,  rain gear &amp; safety precautions.  He felt for friends who worked at non-union companies who didn&#039;t get any of this. #WeFeedYou

Un campesino nos envi&oacute; este video durante las tormentas de diciembre pasado en Napa, California. Est&aacute; contento de que el contrato de la uni&oacute;n aseguraba que los trabajadores tuvieran buenas botas de lluvia, ropa impermeable y precauciones de seguridad. Se compadeci&oacute; de sus amigos que trabajaban en compa&ntilde;&iacute;as sin uni&oacute;n y que no recibieron nada de esto. #SoyEsencial

A farm worker sent us this vid during last Decembe...

The brussel sprout harvesting season is over in Salinas CA, but there is still work to be done. Workers are cutting the leaves off of the Brussels sprout stock to get ready for next year&#039;s crop. #WeFeedYou

La temporada de cosecha de coles de Bruselas ha terminado en Salinas, California, pero todav&iacute;a queda trabajo por hacer. Los trabajadores est&aacute;n cortando las hojas de las coles de Bruselas para prepararlas para la cosecha del pr&oacute;ximo a&ntilde;o. #SoyEsencial

The brussel sprout harvesting season is over in Sa...

Jose is spraying the grape vines. His work ensures that when new branches grow they will not have pests or fungus on them. He wears protective gear and a protective mask as he sprays. #WeFeedYou

Jos&eacute; est&aacute; rociando las vi&ntilde;as. Su trabajo garantiza que cuando crezcan nuevas ramas no tengan plagas ni hongos. Lleva equipo de protecci&oacute;n y una m&aacute;scara protectora mientras roc&iacute;a. #SoyEsencial

Jose is spraying the grape vines. His work ensures...

A worker sent this video to us from where he was spraying pesticides in a Kern County vineyard. This work is heavily regulated and he receives special training on the application of pesticides. #WeFeedYou

Un trabajador nos envi&oacute; este v&iacute;deo desde donde estaba rociando pesticidas en un vi&ntilde;edo del condado de Kern. Este trabajo est&aacute; fuertemente regulado y recibe capitacion especial sobre la aplicaci&oacute;n de pesticidas. #SoyEsencial

A worker sent this video to us from where he was s...

Benita works in grape pruning in the Madera CA area for minimum wage. She shares this is hard work as the vines can snap back if a worker is not careful. She says workers enjoy listening to music while they work so as not to feel the cold winter temperatures. #WeFeedYou

Benita trabaja en la poda de uvas en el &aacute;rea de Madera, California, por un salario m&iacute;nimo. Ella comenta que es un trabajo duro, ya que las vi&ntilde;as pueden volver a crecer si un trabajador no tiene cuidado. Ella dice que a los trabajadores les gusta escuchar m&uacute;sica mientras trabajan para no sentir las bajas temperaturas del invierno. #SoyEsencial

Benita works in grape pruning in the Madera CA are...

Efigenia is pruning grapevines at Chateau Ste. Michelle Winery. It&#039;s very important to do this in winter months as this skilled work means better grapes. She is very proud of having a UFW contract. She shares that unlike folks who work at non-union companies she can advocate for herself. #WeFeedYou

Efigenia hace la poda de vi&ntilde;as a  Chateau Ste. Michelle Winery.
Es importante hacerlo los meses del invierno porque ese trabajo especializado significa uvas mejores. Est&aacute; orgullosa de tener un contrato UFW. Ella explica que diferente a los que trabajen para compa&ntilde;&iacute;as sin uni&oacute;n, ella puede abogar por si misma. #WeFeedYou

Efigenia is pruning grapevines at Chateau Ste. Mic...

During recent storm that happened in Napa CA farmworkers faced tough conditions. Sadly many non-union workers lacked proper safety gear and had to provide their own boots and rain gear as they waited through the water to put up wires. #WeFeedYou

Durante la reciente tormenta que azot&oacute; Napa, California, los campesinos se enfrentaron a condiciones dif&iacute;ciles. Lamentablemente, muchos trabajadores sin union carec&iacute;an del equipo de seguridad adecuado y tuvieron que traer sus propias botas y ropa impermeable mientras esperaban en el agua para colocar los cables. #SoyEsencial

During recent storm that happened in Napa CA farmw...

Victor empties his nylon bag of citrus into the bins in Ventura County CA. Each 900lb bin of fruit will mean dozens of trips for him and his coworkers. The fruit must also be free of leaves or any remaining branch. #WeFeedYou

V&iacute;ctor vac&iacute;a su bolsa de nailon de c&iacute;tricos en los contenedores del condado de Ventura, California. Cada contenedor de 400 kg de fruta significar&aacute; decenas de viajes para &eacute;l y sus compa&ntilde;eros de trabajo. La fruta tambi&eacute;n debe estar libre de hojas o ramas restantes. #SoyEsencial

Victor empties his nylon bag of citrus into the bi...

Anayeli harvests lemons piece rate in Fresno CA. It&#039;s cold, rainy &amp; there&#039;s very little work. She&#039;s working 5 hrs/day. She usually fills two 1,000lb boxes of lemons a day &amp; earns $50 per box. She works very hard so she can provide holiday extras for her  8yr old son. #WeFeedYou

Anayeli cosecha limones por pieza en Fresno, California. Hace fr&iacute;o, llueve y hay muy poco trabajo. Trabaja 5 horas al d&iacute;a. Normalmente llena dos cajas de 1000 libras cada una  de limones al d&iacute;a y gana 50 d&oacute;lares por caja. Trabaja muy duro para poder darle cosas extras a su hijo de 8 a&ntilde;os en esta epoca navide&ntilde;a. #SoyEsencial

Anayeli harvests lemons piece rate in Fresno CA. I...

Fortino is a tractor driver at Chateau @SteMichelle winery in WA. It&#039;s November and temps are very low which creates frost on the vines. His job is to cut the grass between rows as grass still grows in the winter. This work must be done for a  good springtime harvest. #WeFeedYou

Fortino es un conductor de tractor en la bodega Chateau at Ste Michelle en Washington. Es noviembre y las temperaturas est&aacute;n muy bajas, lo que genera escarcha en las vi&ntilde;as. Su trabajo es cortar el pasto entre las hileras, ya que el pasto todav&iacute;a crece en el invierno. Este trabajo debe realizarse para obtener una buena cosecha de primavera. #SoyEsencial

Fortino is a tractor driver at Chateau @SteMichell...

&quot;Windmill escucha estamos en la lucha!&quot;

Human billboard line at Windmill mushroom boycott kickoff in Seattle Washington.

#WeFeedYou #SolidaritySeason

"Windmill escucha estamos en la lucha!" ...

Benito y sus compa&ntilde;eros lograron su primer contrato de union en su compa&ntilde;&iacute;a, donde recibir&aacute;n vacaciones pagadas, aumentos de sueldo de $1.25 hasta $3, d&iacute;as festivos y m&aacute;s.

&iexcl;Con la uni&oacute;n se vive mejor!

Benito and his coworkers just won their first union contract at Kern County&#039;s Ho Sai Gai. They are excited that they will now receive paid vacations, wage increases from $1.25/hr to $3/hr, holidays, and more.

With the union, life is better!

#WeFeedYou #UnionsForAll #UnionStrong #SoyEsencial

Benito y sus compañeros lograron su primer ...

Rocio shared this pic of the persimmon harvest in Kern County CA, where she earns minimum wage. The work requires going up and down ladders to pick this fall fruit that will be used in holiday cookies, breads and appetizers. #WeFeedYou

Rocio comparti&oacute; esta foto de la cosecha de persimos en el condado de Kern, California, donde gana un salario m&iacute;nimo. El trabajo requiere subir y bajar escaleras para piscar esta fruta de oto&ntilde;o que se utilizar&aacute; en galletas, panes y aperitivos navide&ntilde;os. #SoyEsencial

Rocio shared this pic of the persimmon harvest in ...

Teresa is harvesting citrus near Orange Cove CA. She is paid $60 per 900 lb box. She works until it is very late so she can earn enough money to pay her bills. It turns dark by 5pm so she needs to wear a flashlight on her head so she can see.  #WeFeedYou

Teresa est&aacute; cosechando c&iacute;tricos cerca de Orange Cove, California. Le pagan $60 por caja de 900 libras. Trabaja hasta muy tarde para poder ganar suficiente dinero para pagar sus cuentas. A las 5 de la tarde oscurece, por lo que necesita usar una linterna en la cabeza para poder ver. #SoyEsencial

Teresa is harvesting citrus near Orange Cove CA. S...

Ismael shares a video from his tractor in Salinas CA. He wanted to share the beauty of a 5 am sunrise over a vegetable field at the start of his work day. He wishes everyone a beautiful day. #WeFeedYou

Ismael comparte un video desde su tractor en Salinas, California. Quer&iacute;a compartir la belleza de un amanecer a las 5 a. m. sobre un campo de vegetales al comienzo de su jornada laboral. Les desea a todos un hermoso d&iacute;a. #SoyEsencial

Ismael shares a video from his tractor in Salinas ...

Elvis sent us this video from the grapes in Kern County. Workers share: This is the grapes that we are picking right now. The box has to weigh 21  &amp; 1/2 lbs. This box has 8 bags in it. Look at the nice packaging my coworker did. #WeFeedYou

Elvis nos envi&oacute; este video de las uvas en el condado de Kern. Los trabajadores comparten: Estas son las uvas que estamos recogiendo en este momento. La caja tiene que pesar 21 libras y media. Esta caja tiene 8 bolsas. Mire el bonito empaque que hizo mi compa&ntilde;ero de trabajo. #SoyEsencial

Elvis sent us this video from the grapes in Kern C...

The winter strawberry season in Santa Maria goes from August through January. Workers are laboring 8 hours a day. When they begin work in the morning it&#039;s in the low 40s. At the warmest part of the day temps will reach the low &#039;70s. #WeFeedYou

La temporada de fresas de invierno en Santa Mar&iacute;a es de agosto a enero. Los trabajadores trabajan 8 horas al d&iacute;a. Cuando comienzan a trabajar por la ma&ntilde;ana, la temperatura ronda en  los 40&deg;F. En el momento m&aacute;s c&aacute;lido del d&iacute;a, la temperatura llega a los 70&deg;F. #SoyEsencial

The winter strawberry season in Santa Maria goes f...

Aurelia and Rosilia shared a video of their work, spending 8 hours a day, preparing for the planting of young trees in the county of Merced CA. #WeFeedYou

Aurelia y Rosilia compartieron un video de su trabajo, pasando 8 horas al d&iacute;a prepar&aacute;ndose para la plantaci&oacute;n de &aacute;rboles j&oacute;venes en el condado de Merced CA. #SoyEsencial

Aurelia and Rosilia shared a video of their work, ...

These tomato workers get up as early as 3am to be able to work these tomato fields in the Stockton CA area. They come from Madera CA and even though it&#039;s very early, they come ready to work. #WeFeedYou

Estos trabajadores del tomate se levantan temprano desde las 3 de la ma&ntilde;ana para poder llegar a estos files de tomate en la area de Stockton CA. Vienen de Madera anque es muy temprano, ellos viene listos para trabajar. #SoyEsencial

These tomato workers get up as early as 3am to be ...

These nursery workers have just started their season. Rose bushes are best planted in autumn or winter as they will have a chance to establish themselves to better withstand the summer heat. #WeFeedYou

Estos trabajadores de nerceria acaban de comenzar su temporada. Es mejor plantar rosales en oto&ntilde;o o invierno, ya que tendr&aacute;n la oportunidad de establecerse y resistir mejor el calor del verano. #SoyEsencial

These nursery workers have just started their seas...

Maria starts her day at 6am picking apples in Merced CA. She climbs up and down the ladder carrying a nylon sack that can weigh up to 50 pounds at a time. #WeFeedYou

Mar&iacute;a comienza su d&iacute;a a las 6 am pizcando manzanas en Merced CA. Sube y baja la escalera cargando un saco de nailon que puede pesar hasta 50 libras a la vez.#SoyEsencial

Maria starts her day at 6am picking apples in Merc...

Vianey shared this video of the rose nursery where workers are busy preparing rose bushes for planting. By spring time these can bloom into beautiful rose gardens in the homes of many. #WeFeedYou

Vianey comparti&oacute; este video de la nerceria de rosas donde los trabajadores est&aacute;n ocupados preparando los rosales para plantar. En primavera, estos pueden florecer y convertirse en hermosos jardines de rosas en los hogares de muchas personas. #SoyEsencial

Vianey shared this video of the rose nursery where...

A new harvest season in the citrus has begun  in the San Joaquin Valley CA.  The wages for them have not increased this year and Victor shares he is just trying to make ends meet. #WeFeedYou

Ha comenzado una nueva temporada de cosecha de c&iacute;tricos en el Valle de San Joaqu&iacute;n, CA.  Los salarios para ellos no han aumentado este a&ntilde;o y V&iacute;ctor comparte que solo est&aacute; tratando de llegar a fin de mes.#SoyEsencial

A new harvest season in the citrus has begun in t...

Prez share this video last Friday from where he was pruning grape vines in Dunkirk NY in Chautauqua County. He said they probably will not be working this week because the snow is now 3 feet deep which makes it hard to drive or walk. #WeFeedYou

Prez comparti&oacute; este video el viernes pasado desde donde estaba podando vi&ntilde;as en Dunkirk, NY, en el condado de Chautauqua. Dijo que probablemente no trabajar&aacute;n esta semana porque la nieve tiene 3 pies de profundidad, lo que dificulta manejar o caminar. #SoyEsencial

Prez share this video last Friday from where he wa...

Hermelinda harvests jalape&ntilde;o peppers. It&#039;s the slow time of year so she travels almost 200 miles daily, from Madera to Gilroy, to work. She earns piece rate and must work as fast as possible so she can to cover cost of transportation and have enough for basic expenses. #WeFeedYou

Hermelinda cosecha chiles jalape&ntilde;os. Es la &eacute;poca del a&ntilde;o en la que hay menos trabajo, por lo que viaja casi 200 millas al d&iacute;a, desde Madera hasta Gilroy, para ir a trabajar. Gana por pieza y debe trabajar lo m&aacute;s r&aacute;pido posible para poder cubrir el costo del transporte y tener lo suficiente para los gastos b&aacute;sicos. #SoyEsencial

Hermelinda harvests jalapeño peppers. It�...

Ismael&#039;s laboring in the strawberries in Salinas CA.He explains: It&#039;s already dawn. We are about to start working. We will break up clods of dirt. The strawberry plants have been planted. They&#039;re very small. But eventually we will have a lot of strawberries here. #WeFeedYou

Ismael est&aacute; trabajando en las fresas en Salinas, California. &Eacute;l explica: Ya est&aacute; amaneciendo. Estamos a punto de empezar a trabajar. Vamos a romper terrones de tierra. Las plantas de fresas ya est&aacute;n plantadas. Son muy peque&ntilde;as. Pero con el tiempo tendremos muchas fresas aqu&iacute;. #SoyEsencial

Ismael's laboring in the strawberries in Sali...

Sweet potatoes are a #Thanksgiving staple. Farm  workers near Merced CA start their day at 4am. While this machine digs up the sweet potatoes, it also digs up dirt and debris. Workers will spend 8 hours on their feet sorting the vegetables. It&rsquo;s hard dirty work. #WeFeedYou

Sweet potatoes are a #Thanksgiving staple. Farm w...

Grateful for the hands that harvest the harvest! 🧑&zwj;🌾💚 This #Thanksgiving, join us in giving thanks to the farm workers who grow and nurture the veggies that make our meals special. From the salad on our tables to the delicious and classic sides like greens beans and sweet potatos, we wouldn&rsquo;t have these flavorful dishes without them. Let&rsquo;s honor their hard work and dedication! 🙏🌽🍠 

Please consider making a donation during this season of thanks and giving to help fund change all year long. Link in bio or
#Wefeedyou #Gratitude #ThanksgivingVeggies

Grateful for the hands that harvest the harvest! �...

This is how those fresh and fragrant bundled herbs like  parsley get to your grocery store. Workers spend 8 hours a day on their knees harvesting this crop that is used in our #Thanksgiving stuffing. #WeFeedYou

As&iacute; es como llegan a tu supermercado esas hierbas frescas y fragantes como el perejil. Los trabajadores pasan ocho horas al d&iacute;a de rodillas cosechando este cultivo que se utiliza en nuestro relleno de Acci&oacute;n de Gracias. #SoyEsencial

This is how those fresh and fragrant bundled herbs...

Jorge shared this from where he was picking sweet potatoes at night in Merced County. He shared this day he worked late into the evening and woke up early to work a double shift. This extra money takes care of his family. #WeFeedYou

Jorge comparti&oacute; esto desde donde estaba recogiendo camotes por la noche en el condado de Merced. Comparti&oacute; este d&iacute;a en el que trabaj&oacute; hasta tarde en la noche y se despert&oacute; temprano para trabajar un turno doble. Este dinero extra cuida de su familia. #SoyEsencial

Jorge shared this from where he was picking sweet ...

These Salinas area farm workers are harvesting lettuce hearts. Workers must keep pace with the machine as they work. A crew of 38 packs on average 1,800 - 2,000 boxes of lettuce per day. #WeFeedYou

Estos campesinos del &aacute;rea de Salinas est&aacute;n cosechando lechugas. Los trabajadores deben seguir el ritmo de la m&aacute;quina mientras trabajan. Un equipo de 38 personas empaca en promedio entre 1,800 y 2,000 cajas de lechuga por d&iacute;a. #SoyEsencial

These Salinas area farm workers are harvesting let...

Juan has spent 10 years harvesting sweet potato in CA. While the machine picks up most of the vegetables he often has to get on his knees and dig out the sweet potatoes the machine left behind. He does this up to 10 hours a day 5 days a week. #WeFeedYou

Juan lleva 10 a&ntilde;os cosechando camote en CA. Mientras la m&aacute;quina recoge la mayor&iacute;a de las verduras, &eacute;l a menudo tiene que arrodillarse y sacar los camotes que la m&aacute;quina dej&oacute;. Lo hace hasta 10 horas al d&iacute;a, 5 d&iacute;as a la semana. #SoyEsencial

Juan has spent 10 years harvesting sweet potato in...

Let&#039;s hear it for the farm workers who work under a UFW contract at Gallo&#039;s Santa Rosa vineyards. Their efforts - often long after midnight - make the harvest possible. When you buy wine for your #Thanksgiving table look for union wine at #WefeedYou

Que se oiga para  los campesinos que trabajan bajo contrato de la UFW en los vi&ntilde;edos de Santa Rosa de Gallo. Sus esfuerzos, a menudo mucho despu&eacute;s de la medianoche, hacen posible la cosecha. Cuando compre vino para su mesa del D&iacute;a de Acci&oacute;n de Gracias, busque vino de la uni&oacute;n en #SoyEsencial

Let's hear it for the farm workers who work u...

Parsley can be used to season your Thanksgiving stuffing and soup. Vicente and his coworkers are hard at work harvesting the crop. They tell us the repetitive work is very hard on the body and takes skill to do at the rapid pace needed. #WeFeedYou

El perejil se puede utilizar para condimentar el relleno y la sopa del D&iacute;a de Acci&oacute;n de Gracias. Vicente y sus compa&ntilde;eros de trabajo est&aacute;n trabajando arduamente en la cosecha. Nos dicen que el trabajo repetitivo es muy duro para el cuerpo y requiere habilidad para realizarlo al ritmo r&aacute;pido necesario. #SoyEsencial

Parsley can be used to season your Thanksgiving st...

Juan is glad to be back at work harvesting parsley as the #mountainfire meant he did not work for several days. #WeFeedYou

Juan est&aacute; contento de volver a trabajar cosechando perejil ya que el Incendio de la Monta&ntilde;a signific&oacute; que no trabaj&oacute; durante varios d&iacute;as. #SoyEsencial

Juan is glad to be back at work harvesting parsley...

Ester shared this video from where she is harvesting sweet potatoes in Merced County. She starts working at 3:45 am. She said, I want to share a little of my life with the consumers who buy the product I harvest. #WeFeedYou

Ester comparti&oacute; este video desde donde est&aacute; cosechando camotes en el condado de Merced. Comienza a trabajar a las 3:45 am. Ella dijo: Quiero compartir un poco de mi vida con los consumidores que compran el producto que cosecho. #SoyEsencial

Ester shared this video from where she is harvesti...

CA news has been full of the #MountainFire &amp; evacuations that occurred , school closures and bad air quality.

Oxnard area farm workers have been laboring  in the fields to put food on our table despite the air quality index being in the poor range for the last week. #WeFeedYou

Las noticias de California han estado repletas de noticias sobre el Incendio de Monta&ntilde;a y las evacuaciones que se produjeron, los cierres de escuelas y la mala calidad del aire.

Los campesinos del &aacute;rea de Oxnard han estado trabajando en los campos para poner comida en nuestra mesa a pesar de que el &iacute;ndice de calidad del aire ha estado en el rango bajo durante la &uacute;ltima semana. #SoyEsencial

CA news has been full of the #MountainFire & e...

The apple picking season is over in New York. H2-a workers are getting young trees ready for next year. The lucky workers are able to use a hoe to weed, but as there aren&#039;t enough tools some of the workers must bend over to hand weed which is very hard on their backs. #WeFeedYou

La temporada de pieca de manzanas ha terminado en Nueva York. Los trabajadores con visa H2-a est&aacute;n preparando los &aacute;rboles tiernos para el a&ntilde;o que viene. Los trabajadores afortunados pueden usar una azada para desmalezar, pero como no hay suficientes herramientas, algunos de los trabajadores deben agacharse para desmalezar a mano, lo que es muy duro para sus espaldas. #SoyEsencial

The apple picking season is over in New York. H2-a...

Donato has been driving a Caterpillar tractor in Salinas California for 25+ years. &quot;Our job is to harvest different vegetables: lettuce, broccoli, mustard greens. We have year round work. I&#039;m currently working 8-10 hours a day Monday through Saturday.&quot; #WeFeedYou

Donato ha estado conduciendo un tractor Caterpillar en Salinas, California, durante m&aacute;s de 25 a&ntilde;os. &quot;Nuestro trabajo es cosechar diferentes verduras: lechuga, br&oacute;coli, hojas de mostaza. Trabajamos todo el a&ntilde;o. Actualmente trabajo de 8 a 10 horas al d&iacute;a de lunes a s&aacute;bado.&quot; #SoyEsencial

Donato has been driving a Caterpillar tractor in S...

Monse works seasonally in the sweet potato harvest. She drops off her 3 young children with a sitter at 3am to travel to Merced CA where she earns minimum wage sorting and cleaning the vegetable. #WeFeedYou

Monse trabaja por temporadas en la cosecha de camote. Deja a sus 3 hijos peque&ntilde;os con una ni&ntilde;era a las 3 am para viajar a Merced CA, donde gana el salario m&iacute;nimo clasificando y limpiando vegetales. #SoyEsencial

Monse works seasonally in the sweet potato harvest...

Francisco is a berry worker on California&#039;s Central Coast. He just voted and he wants to remind everyone who can vote not to forget to get out and vote before the polls close at 8:00 pm. &quot;It&#039;s important. Make your #vote count.&quot;

Francisco es un trabajador de las bayas en la Costa Central de California. Acaba de votar y quiere recordarles a todos los que pueden votar que no se olviden de salir a votar antes de que cierren las urnas a las 8:00 p. m. &quot;Es importante. Hagan que su voto cuente&quot;. #Vote

Francisco is a berry worker on California's C...

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