“We don’t need perfect political systems; we need perfect participation.” - Cesar Chavez
( ! ) Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$source in /var/www/html/wp-content/plugins/custom-facebook-feed-pro/inc/CFF_Shortcode.php on line 4032 | ||||
Call Stack | ||||
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- Other Video
- 03/11/2008 Viva Kennedy
- 03/05/2008 FARM WORKER STRUGGLE 1960 (from the documentary “Chicano”) (in 8 parts; each part 6:30-7:45 long)
- 03/01/2008 VIDEO: NHD – Cesar Chavez
- 02/04/2008 Audio: Radio Campesina, Punto Del Vista: UFW y El Super Martes
- 12/25/2007 Holiday Season and New Years Message from UFW President Arturo S. Rodriguez
- 11/20/2007 Thanksgiving Message From UFW President Arturo S. Rodriguez
- 09/07/2007 9/5/07: UFW President Arturo S. Rodriguez thanks supporters for lobby day support
- 09/07/2007 9/5/07: Farm workers who joined in lobby day talk about why they need SB 180
- 09/05/2007 9/5/07: CA Governor Schwarzenegger addresses farm workers who traveled to Sacramento to lobby for SB 180, “The Fair Treatment for Farm Workers Act”
- 07/26/2007 Heat Stress Campaign Kick Off: Dinuba, CA – July 2007
- 07/18/2007 A 10 minute video of the press conference announcing the historic Threemile Canyon Farm contract signing in Oregon.
- 07/18/2007 UFW President Arturo Rodriguez thanks supporters for their help re: historic OR Threemile Canyon Farms contract signing
- 07/18/2007 Dairy worker Jesus Hernandez talks about historic contract
- 07/18/2007 Dairy worker Jose Marquez talks about historic contract
- 07/18/2007 Dairy worker Maria Valencia talks about historic contract
- 06/28/2007 test ox
- 05/21/2007 Cesar Chavez visits picket line- Salinas 1973 3:15
- 04/23/2007 Chavez Day YouTube Contest Winners 2007
- 04/18/2007 FROZEN OUT: The January 2007 freeze and the farm workers it affected (video)
- 04/16/2007 Song For César: Arturo Rodriguez
- 04/15/2007 Song For César: Dolores Huerta
- 04/13/2007 Cesar Chavez – Fasts: First hand accounts of the inspiring story of Chavez’ nonviolent protests. Featuring his family and founding members of the UFW.
- 04/13/2007 Our Rights: A short look at farmworkers plea for justices with pictures from the Cesar Chavez marches and the ones from today. The video is from the Chicano documentary
- 04/10/2007 Video: Victory for hundreds of Oxnard area strawberry workers.
- 03/31/2007 3/31/07: More than 7,000 march at the Cesar Chavez Walk Los Angeles