News – Gerawan Twitter facebook YouTube Emailshare link Santa Rosa: Farm worker’s daughter gets UFW ¡Si Se Puede!® scholarship UFW Convention Call 2020 Day 1 – Schedule TBA Day 2 – Schedule TBA Day 3 – Schedule TBA Day 4 – Schedule TBA New York Times:Trump Administration Expands Fast-Tracked Deportations for Undocumented Immigrants Bakersfield Now: Farmworkers across Kern County fear deportations in the fields NY Daily News: A new day blooms: Gov. Cuomo signs bill finally giving farmworkers rights and recognizes those who made it happen KBAK: Field workers treated after chemical exposure, Public Health says resolution test 2 Capitol Press: Western Innovator: Trust of farmworkers spells success Earth Justice: TRUMP’S EPA KEEPS BRAIN-DAMAGING PESTICIDE IN FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Chicago Sun Times: 3 children released at O’Hare after being detained by feds more than 12 hours The Fence Post: UFW calls H-2A changes ‘new low’ while Farm Bureau approves WXXI News: Cuomo signs farmworkers’ rights bill The Hill: Activist: Exclusion of domestic workers from federal labor laws ‘a legacy of slavery’ Sacramento Bee: As temperatures climb in California and nationwide, a new push aims to keep workers safe West Hawaii Today: Trump administration proposes new agriculture immigration rules U.S. News: s Temperatures Climb, a Push to Keep Workers Safe Comstock’s Magazine: Lawmakers Respond to Increasing Temperatures With New Worker Safety Push Idaho Press: Department of Agriculture unable to confirm how farmworkers got sick New Food Economy: Labor Department proposal may lower minimum wage for seasonal farm workers Teresa Romero Remarks at Senator Bill Monning Labor Recognition & Issues Breakfast Univision: Encuentran muerto a trabajador agrícola mientras limpiaba viñedos en un campo de Kerman « Previous1…115116117118119…744Next »