Act Now: Tell your US Rep farm workers deserve overtime
News Coverage
- 02/25/2000 Sacramento Bee: UFW joins growers on Prop. 13: Water difficulties unite longtime foes
- 02/24/2000 Sacramento Bee: Contractor fined for allowing workers to travel in unsafe van
- 02/24/2000 Fresno Bee: Fines levied in crash: State agency imposes $21,500 in fines against a labor contractor after the farm-labor van tragedy.
- 02/17/2000 New York Times: Labor urges amnesty for illegal immigrants
- 02/17/2000 Fresno Bee: Pesticide-sprayed victims find relief: San Francisco-based company agrees to pay the medical bill
- 02/16/2000 Sacramento Bee: Study shows decreased number of pesticide poisonings in CA
- 02/16/2000 Lodi News: Stockton activist honored for struggle against injustice
- 02/16/2000 Fresno Bee: One injured farmworker remains in hospital
- 02/16/2000 Fresno Bee: Aid for pesticide ailments sought
- 02/02/2000 Education Week: Sacramento Mayor’s Legacy: Improved Schools
- 02/01/2000 Sacramento Bee: Senate backs full Chavez holiday
- 01/30/2000 Fresno Bee: 30 years and one day to extol Chavez
- 01/27/2000 Coast Weekly: Berried by the opposition?
- 01/27/2000 Sacramento Bee: $82,000 collected in memorial fund
- 01/26/2000 San Jose Mercury News: Diverse coalition pushes state holiday in honor of Chavez
- 01/18/2000 Los Angeles Times: Rendering unto Cesar what is Cesar’s due
- 01/16/2000 Los Angeles Times: Crowd rallies in Santa Anna for Chavez Day
- 01/03/2000 Que Latino of the century: César Chávez
- 12/25/1999 Bakersfield Californian: Senator pushes legislation to give paid day off
- 12/09/1999 Fresno Bee: 1 Earlimart residents urge review of pesticide policies
- 12/08/1999 Associated Press, 1: Residents sickened by pesticide cloud; ag officials consider changing rules
- 12/07/1999 Sacramento Bee, 1: Dolores Huerta receives human rights award at White House.
- 11/25/1999 Los Angeles Times, Take Time to Give Thanks to Harvesters: Farm workers: In these good times, the fortunate are further removed than ever from those whose work enables our wealth.
- 11/18/1999 Sacramento Bee, 1: Mayor Serna dies at home: laborers’ son left a big mark on city
- 11/16/1999 Fresno Bee: Earlimart pesticide case baffles officials: Application that made dozens ill appears legal, inspectors say.