Act Now: Tell your US Rep farm workers deserve overtime
News Coverage
- 08/10/2000 Associated Press: Cesar Legislature approves March 31 state holiday honoring Cesar Chavez
- 08/09/2000 a Lalo Alcaraz Cartoon: George P. Bush’s hunky Hispanic history minute! – Cesar Chavez & George W. Bush: Two Hispanic heros
- 08/07/2000 Ventura County Star: UFW holds rally for mushroom workers – CO-FOUNDER VISITS: Speak out for contract, Dolores Huerta urges Pictsweet workers.
- 08/07/2000 Generation Mex : a Lalo Alcaraz Column: Amazing Similarities between Cesar Chavez and George W. Bush
- 08/07/2000 Yakima Herald-Republic : UFW Marchers Hit the Highway
- 08/07/2000 Associated Press : Washington Farm Workers Rally
- 08/07/2000 Associated Press: Chavez kids, grandkids, carry on with his life’s passion
- 08/07/2000 Associated Press: Cesar Chavez holiday bill a testament to his legacy of empowerment
- 08/06/2000 Ventura County Star: Danger on the farm: Not all contractors forgo safety, but agriculture ranks near top in number of worker deaths
- 08/03/2000 Star Telegram : The other Bush stirs talk, too
- 07/26/2000 Knight-Ridder/Tribune News Service: Farm workers still face challenges 30 years later
- 07/11/2000 Bakersfield Californian: Alliance coming up roses
- 07/08/2000 San Jose Mercury News: Farmers, workers seem to agree contractors’ rules should be stricter
- 07/08/2000 San Jose Mercury News: Farm workers face hard times: Middlemen maximize profits by paying as little as possible
- 06/28/2000 Portland Oregonian : Separate campaigns seek amnesty for farm workers: As Sen. Gordon Smith proposes legal residency for some laborers, union members renew calls for a general immigration pardon
- 06/19/2000 KGET Ch. 17: Pesticide applicator says women farm workers faked poisoning illnesses
- 06/17/2000 Bakersfield Californian: UFW wants spraying company grounded
- 06/16/2000 La Opinion (TRANSLATION) : Farmworkers become ill by effect of pesticides They still have not recovered from the compound Lorsban that they inhaled one week ago
- 06/14/2000 Fresno Bee : Analysis reveals pesticide drifted Officials to find out whether copter’s spray or earlier application made farmworkers ill.
- 06/10/2000 Bakersfield Californian: Pesticide sprayed on workers; 24 taken to emergency room
- 06/08/2000 Bakersfield Californian: Hearings of farm labor violations proceed without presence of United Farm Workers
- 06/05/2000 Santa Rosa Press Democrat: UFW may seek Gallo boycott
- 06/02/2000 Sacramento Bee: Bill targeting farm labor violations stalls: workers would have been able to sue grower
- 06/01/2000 Santa Rosa Press Democrat: Gallo farm workers allege mistreatment
- 05/31/2000 Bakersfield Californian: Farm workers target lawmakers over bill