Act Now: Tell your US Rep farm workers deserve overtime
News Coverage
- 02/02/2007 Desert Sun: Citrus freeze leaves many out in the cold
- 02/01/2007 Time: The Battle for the Latino Vote
- 02/01/2007 Fresno Bee: Food banks clamor for aid
- 02/01/2007 Los Angeles Times: Bills would target unsafe farming of leafy greens
- 01/31/2007 Merced Sun Star: Farming: Officials lobby Congress for freeze funds
- 01/31/2007 Associated Press: State Trucks Food To Aid Families Hurt By Freeze
- 01/31/2007 KGBT Ch 4 (TX) Bush Administration Proposes Increase on Citizenship Fees
- 01/30/2007 The Hill: Farm groups are optimistic on overhaul of immigration
- 01/25/2007 Associated Press: Calif. farmers and workers get aid after freeze destroys crops
- 01/25/2007 Environmental News Radio: Harvesting Justice (Radio)
- 01/24/2007 Napa Valley Register: Krug strikers on the move
- 01/24/2007 San Francisco Chronicle: Citrus growers tally loss from freeze – Analysis finds more than $800 million in crop damage so far
- 01/23/2007 Fresno Bee: Sweetness to Sour
- 01/21/2007 Sacramento Bee: Scope of the loss sinks in for state growers, workers
- 01/20/2007 Monterey Herald: Together, state lawmakers seek farm relief
- 01/20/2007 Ventura County Star: Ventura County Star: Assistance urged to help farmworkers stay in area
- 01/19/2007 Bakersfield Californian: Parra, Florez to unveil emergency relief plans
- 01/19/2007 San Jose Mercury News: Freeze hurts citrus workers; aid promised by governor
- 01/19/2007 Central Valley Business Times: California Congressional delegation pleads for help for freeze victims
- 01/18/2007 Associated Press: Citrus freeze leaves thousands in California out of work; many risk going hungry, state says
- 01/18/2007 Bakersfield Californian: Crop loss hurts workers, families
- 01/18/2007 New aid package for freeze victims (video)
- 01/17/2007 Associated Press: Citrus freeze leaves thousands out of work
- 01/17/2007 KGO: Freeze Leaves Farm Laborers Out Of Work
- 01/17/2007 Napa Valley Register: Workers wait in limbo as judge ponders Krug case