Act Now: Tell your US Rep farm workers deserve overtime
News Coverage
- 10/24/2007 Boston Globe: Keeping workers on the farm
- 10/23/2007 Tucson Sun: Immigration debate could reach farm bill
- 10/23/2007 Congressional Quarterly: Senate Sets Test Vote on Immigrant Education Bill
- 10/19/2007 Los Angeles Times: What’s Monterey County breathing?
- 10/16/2007 Rio Grande Guardian: Congressional Hispanic Caucus shifts ground on AgJOBS and DREAM Act
- 10/15/2007 Tehachapi News: Chavez Center to host Dia de los Muertos cultural celebration
- 10/14/2007 New York Times, Editorial: Protecting Farmworkers
- 10/11/2007 Salinas Californian: Judge halts worker crackdown – Local ag officials, labor find relief in federal decision
- 10/11/2007 Sacramento Bee, Editorial: New danger in the fields – State should keep methyl iodide out
- 10/11/2007 The Register Guard: EPA vs. science – Approval of toxic fumigant should be reviewed
- 10/10/2007 Washington Post: Judge Bars Bush Crackdown on Illegal Workers
- 10/10/2007 Monterey County Herald: Methyl iodide may not play
- 10/10/2007 Los Angeles Times: U.S. sues over squalor at desert trailer park
- 10/09/2007 Press Enterprise: Second federal suit seeks to close Duroville trailer park
- 10/08/2007 New York Times: Breaking Point in Immigration Debate
- 10/08/2007 La Opinion: Se cierne disputa por el agua en California
- 10/08/2007 Washington Post: Smog Traps Calif. Community
- 10/08/2007 KERO TV: Immigration Raids Lead To Farm Labor Shortage
- 10/07/2007 Ventura County Star: Pesticide’s use in county now up to state officials
- 10/07/2007 Los Angeles Times: U.S. lets in more immigrants for farms
- 10/07/2007 Associated Press: EPA approves 1-year use of farm pesticide despite scientists’ concerns
- 10/07/2007 ABC World News Tonight: After Immigration Crackdown, Farms Lack Workers
- 10/06/2007 Los Angeles Times: EPA approves new pesticide despite scientists’ concerns
- 10/05/2007 La Opinion: Cabildean en Washington en apoyo a medida AgJOBS
- 10/05/2007 Los Angeles Times: U.S. inspectors find numerous health violations at desert trailer parks