Act Now: Tell your US Rep farm workers deserve overtime
News Coverage
- 01/05/2009 Merced Sun Star: Le Grand woman helped United Farm Workers
- 12/31/2008 Sacramento Bee: Cal-OSHA to review handling of heat cases
- 12/23/2008 Daily Kos: Bush as Scrooge with Farmworkers. Si Se Puede, Yes WE Can Stop Him.
- 12/20/2008 Modesto Bee: Nominated labor secretary a friend of farmworkers
- 12/16/2008 Los Angeles Times: Bush rewrites the rules – Last-minute changes being pushed through by the administration, such as altering H-2A visa rules, are creating disasters that Barack Obama will have to reverse beginning Jan. 20.
- 12/15/2008 New York Times: A Cheap Shot at Workers
- 12/15/2008 Miami Herald: Rule changes target vulnerable workers
- 12/11/2008 Sacramento Bee: Bush administration makes last-minute changes in farmworker hiring
- 12/10/2008 San Jose Mercury News (AP): Lawyer – Delano grape grower settles bias lawsuit
- 12/10/2008 McClatchy News Service: Bush considering easing rules on foreign farm workers
- 12/10/2008 Associated Press: Administration changes afoot to farm worker hiring
- 12/10/2008 Rolling Stone: Bush’s Final F.U. – The administration is rushing to enact a host of last-minute regulations that will screw America for years to come
- 12/10/2008 ABC 7: Grape grower settles million dollar suit (includes video 2:44)
- 12/04/2008 Sacramento Bee: Tulare grape grower fined in sex-bias case
- 11/21/2008 Take Part: Sarah’s social action snapshot – 10 tips for a sustainable Thanksgiving
- 11/20/2008 Daily Breeze: Carson history students tell stories
- 11/19/2008 Bakersfield Californian: Cradle of UFW movement earns national honor
- 11/17/2008 KERO TV: 40 Acres In Delano Becomes A Historic Landmark
- 11/16/2008 Fresno Bee: Study Bolsters Link Between Parkinson’s Disease, Pesticide
- 11/11/2008 Origins of the Obama Machine
- 11/05/2008 Sacramento Bee: Tasting Room: Vintage Black Eagle–A new wine honors and supports those who toil in the fields – just think of it as the fair trade choice for oenophiles.
- 11/03/2008 KERO TV: United Farmworkers Form Human Billboard, Last Minute Effort To Encourage Latino Voters
- 10/30/2008 Monterey Herald: Mushrooms grown all year
- 10/26/2008 Sacramento Bee: My View: Better plan for guest workers, by UFW President Arturo S Rodriguez
- 10/22/2008 Editorial cartoon by Lalo Alcaraz, “News: Pro farm worker law AB2386 vetoed by Gov. Arnold”