Act Now: Tell your US Rep farm workers deserve overtime
News Coverage
- 11/07/2009 Calitics (from UFW, Salinas Californian, Environ. News: Help Protect Children From Toxic Pesticides
- 11/04/2009 Environmental News Service: EPA Proposes Labeling to Control Pesticide Drift, Evaluates Petition
- 11/03/2009 Planet Green (a Discovery Company): Not Local? Not Organic? Not Humane. Harvesting activist lessons From Cesar Chavez and the Grape Boycott.
- 10/23/2009 KGET: Battle continues between UFW and Giumarra Farms
- 10/22/2009 Mission Local: « Life, Art and 500 Capp St. Dobbs Draws Fire as CNN Airs Doc About Latinos » “Illegal Alien” Halloween Costume Creates Uproar & Target Pulls It
- 10/20/2009 CBS 5: “Illegal Alien” Halloween Costume Pulled From Stores
- 10/20/2009 Boston Globe, Editorial: Halloween: Trick or stereotype – If the aim of this costume was political satire, the joke falls flat.
- 10/15/2009 The Oregonian: Farmworker groups ask EPA to protect kids from pesticide drift
- 10/05/2009 Seattle Times: In Washington state, farm workers push for unionization
- 10/02/2009 Capitol Weekly: ‘Grassroots’ Latino Water Coalition registered to ag industry lobbyist
- 10/01/2009 San Diego Union Tribune: Heat regulations tough to enforce – Standards are too vague, critics say
- 09/17/2009 Tri City Herald: Ministry gives checks to fired Pasco dairy worker
- 09/17/2009 ABC 13 (Houston) (AP): Must-know figures could change for Texas students
- 09/17/2009 Education Week: Curriculum Matters – Tackling History in Texas
- 09/17/2009 Dallas Morning News: Texas education board tackles standards for social studies
- 09/17/2009 Houston Chronicle: Education board looks at curriculum standards today
- 09/17/2009 American Songwriter: The Music Industry Remembers Mary Travers
- 09/17/2009 Capitol Press: Feds propose higher H-2A wages
- 09/09/2009 New York Times: Justice on the Farm (editorial)
- 09/09/2009 The Epoch Times: Espada Urges Action to Help State’s Farm Workers
- 09/08/2009 Los Angeles Times: Obama invokes Ghandi as a personal hero in speech to students
- 09/02/2009 Sacramento Bee: Schwarzenegger vetoes farmworker bill
- 08/28/2009 Mid Columbia Tri City Herald: Groups support fired Pasco dairy workers
- 08/28/2009 Los Angeles Times: Another farmworker election bill sent to Schwarzenegger
- 08/28/2009 The Daily News: Immigrants’ champion: Ted Kennedy spoke out for migrant workers across country