Act Now: Tell your US Rep farm workers deserve overtime
News Coverage
- 07/02/2010 Countryside Journal: Take this job and love it!
- 07/01/2010 Huffington Post (blog): Colbert Speaks for Farmworkers: Take Our Jobs, Please!
- 07/01/2010 Food and Drink Digital (blog): Agriculture in the U.S. depends on immigrant workers
- 07/01/2010 Capital Press: Card-check bill on the move
- 07/01/2010 Appeal-Democrat: Farmers decry overtime legislation going to governor’s desk
- 07/01/2010 Los Angeles Times: Assembly passes bill providing overtime pay for farmworkers
- 07/01/2010 UFW Challenges US Citizens to Apply for AG Jobs
- 06/30/2010 Huffington Post (blog): Arizona Legal Challenge: A Pivotal Moment for Federal Leadership on Immigration
- 06/30/2010 Worldwatch Institute: Nourishing the Planet: Depending on A Global Workforce
- 06/30/2010 El Machete: News With Nezua: Take Our Jobs! (video 5:16)
- 06/28/2010 La Vida Locavore: This Might Be Where My Commitment to Journalism Ends
- 06/28/2010 Marketplace (blog): Farm workers say: ‘Take Our Jobs’ (includes radio interview with Arturo Rodriguez 7:22)
- 06/27/2010 KGET News (video): United Farm Workers Issue Job Challenge (2:20)
- 06/27/2010 Right2WorkCommittee (video): Jimmy Smits Urges Undocumented Workers to Call US DOL (2:14)
- 06/27/2010 Inland Valley Daily Bulletin: Immigrant farmworkers: Take our jobs (includes audio 4:14)
- 06/26/2010 Environment News Service: EPA Forced to Review Pesticide Testing on Humans
- 06/26/2010 National Cesar Chavez Center conference facilities dedicated to Helen Chavez
- 06/25/2010 The Packer: Union to Congress, unemployed: take our jobs
- 06/25/2010 TV Guide: Stephen Colbert Teams Up With U.S. Farmers for Tongue-in-Cheek “Take Our Jobs” Campaign
- 06/25/2010 Fed-Up Farm Workers Team Up With Colbert: Want Our Jobs? Come Take ‘Em
- 06/25/2010 CBS 5 (Sacramento): Farm Workers Ask Unemployed To ‘Take Our Jobs’
- 06/25/2010 Philadelphia Daily News (Tattle Columnist): Colbert to U.S. unemployed: Take those farm jobs
- 06/24/2010 Capital Press: Florez says state should slow approval of methyl iodide
- 06/24/2010 The Texas Tribune: UFW Launches “Take Our Jobs” Initiative
- 06/24/2010 ABC News (AP): Immigrant farm workers’ challenge: Take our jobs