News Coverage Twitter facebook YouTube Emailshare link 11/24/2020 Mashable: A reminder to #ThankAFarmworker for harvesting your Thanksgiving meal 11/24/2020 Daily Kos: ‘Putting their lives at risk’: Coalition urges farmworkers be prioritized for COVID-19 vaccine 11/23/2020 CAL Matters: Do California ag counties hold solutions to Monterey County farmworker housing crisis? 11/23/2020 Fast Company: Watch the mind-blowing skills of the farmworkers harvesting your Thanksgiving dinner 11/19/2020 Common Dreams: ‘This Is Depraved’: Tyson Food Managers Accused of Betting on How Many of Their Workers Would Get Covid-19 11/19/2020 Los Angeles Times: California to issue emergency COVID-19 workplace safety rules as infections rise 11/18/2020 Iowa Capital Dispatch: Lawsuit: Tyson managers bet money on how many workers would contract COVID-19 11/12/2020 BELatina Dailty: Cruelty Without Regrets, Trump Administration Drastically Cuts Farmworker Wages 11/11/2020 HipLatina: Trump to Cut Farmworker’s Wages to Pay their Employers 11/09/2020 Huffpost: Trump Administration Moves To Freeze Wages For Farmworkers Before Leaving Office 11/09/2020 Truthout: Trump Freezes Wages of Farmworkers Following Election Day 11/08/2020 abc 10: Essential agriculture workers have been hit devastatingly hard by the coronavirus 11/05/2020 abc News: Washington Supreme Court: Farmworkers to get overtime pay 11/05/2020 The Associated Press: Washington Supreme Court: Farmworkers to get overtime pay 11/05/2020 Eater Seatle: Washington Supreme Court Decision Grants Farmworkers Overtime Pay 11/05/2020 Star Tribune: Washington Supreme Court: Farmworkers to get overtime pay 11/05/2020 Bloomberg Law: Farmworkers Must Be Paid Overtime, Washington High Court Rules 11/05/2020 Capital Press: Washington Supreme Court grants overtime pay to farmworkers 11/05/2020 Mother Jones: Trump Just Transferred $178 Million a Year from Guest Farm Workers to Their Bosses 11/01/2020 AZ Central: South Phoenix event for Biden features mariachi, lowriders, and Julian Castro 10/30/2020 Vida en el Valle: Proposition 16 builds on César Chávez’s legacy 10/29/2020 The Packer: UFW wins preliminary injunction against USDA suspension of labor survey 10/29/2020 NBC News: ‘Do-or-die moment’: Latino Biden supporters canvass in battleground states against Trump 10/28/2020 San José Spotlight: Santa Clara County makes it easier to building housing for agricultural workers 10/28/2020 Court House News: Judge Orders Trump Administration to Reinstate Farmworker Wage Survey « Previous1…1011121314…280Next »