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Maria Rivera, Gerawan worker

Maria Rivera,, Gerawan worker

As we get celebrate Mother’s Day we ask you to take a moment and read the story of women who labor picking fruit at Gerawan by reading the Mother’s Day blog that Cesar’s widow Helen Chavez published @ or read about Maria Rivera, whose story was shared in Helen’s blog here: “Gerawan sprayed the grape fields with chemicals at 5:40 a.m. We went to work at 6 a.m. At 7 a.m. I felt a burning on my neck. Then I felt sulfur all over my body. My eyes were very red and watery. When we left work I went to pick up my daughter who was 11 months old. I took her to the doctor that evening because she got bumps and rashes on her body. The doctor told me it was because of the chemicals that someone brought home.”