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Immigration News
- 05/16/2011 Philadelphia Inquirer: Editorial — Next up, immigration
- 05/13/2011 USA Today, AP: Georgia governor signs immigration bill into law
- 05/13/2011 State immigration laws may never be constitutional
- 05/13/2011 Politico: Opinion — Reuniting all immigrant families
- 05/13/2011 Sacramento Bee: Latinos hope Jerry Brown signs bills on illegal immigrants, farmworkers
- 05/13/2011 Atlanta Journal Constitution: Governor to sign Arizona-style immigration bill into law
- 05/13/2011 The State (SC): Immigration bill advances, continues to stir controversy
- 05/13/2011 New York Times: Opinion — Abandoned on the Border
- 05/13/2011 La Opinion: Editorial — Fewer words, more action
- 05/12/2011 Politico: 2012 Democrats stand by DREAM
- 05/12/2011 Washington Post, AP: Obama talks immigration policy at Hispanic prayer event
- 05/12/2011 CNN: Can we break immigration stalemate? (includes two videos)
- 05/12/2011 Politico: Yes, we can fix immigration
- 05/12/2011 Miami Herald: Opinion — Still waiting for Congress to act on immigration
- 05/11/2011 Atlanta Journal Constitution: Opinion — Border is secure, but Congress won’t pass immigration reform
- 05/11/2011 Los Angeles Times: At border, Obama calls for immigration reform
- 05/11/2011 Washington Post: The state of play on immigration reform
- 05/11/2011 Los Angeles Times: Senate Democrats reintroduce Dream Act
- 05/11/2011 Washingtoni Post, AP: Federal judge sees similarities between Utah, Ariz. immigration laws, puts Utah’s on hold too
- 05/10/2011 Roll Call: Business Groups Hail Obama’s Immigration Speech
- 05/10/2011 Political Affairs Magazine: Immigration Reform Back in the Spotlight?
- 05/10/2011 Los Angeles Times: At southern border, Obama calls immigration reform an ‘economic imperative’
- 05/10/2011 Bloomberg BusinessWeek, AP: Obama heads to Texas to push immigration overhaul
- 05/10/2011 Washington Post: O’Malley signs immigrant tuition bill
- 05/10/2011 Salt Lake Tribune: Utah’s immigration bill to get day in court