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Immigration News
- 07/08/2011 BBC News: Arizona sheriff office pays out over migrant raid
- 07/08/2011 The Nation: Driving While Immigrant (includes video)
- 06/27/2011 Where Will U.S. Find Legal Workers To Replace Illegal Ones?
- 06/25/2011 Alternet: Arpaio Orders Deputies to Start Asking Undocumented Immigrants About Wildfires
- 06/25/2011 Online Athens (GA): Georgia Democrats should look southward to grow
- 06/22/2011 American Independent: South Carolina joins Arizona, Georgia by passing stringent immigration enforcement law
- 06/22/2011 Washington Post: Georgia puts probationers to work in fields after farmers complain about immigration crackdown
- 06/22/2011 Univision: Senador demócrata Bob Menéndez presenta proyecto de reforma migratoria
- 06/21/2011 With One Week Left, Farm Workers and Allies Fast for Fair Treatment
- 06/21/2011 Wall Street Journal: South Carolina Lawmakers Pass Illegal-Immigration Bill .
- 06/16/2011 EFE: Denuncian la doble invisibilidad de los inmigrantes sin actas de nacimiento
- 06/15/2011 Los Angeles Times: Editorial — Either scrap or revamp Secure Communities
- 06/15/2011 Houston Chronicle: Texas Senate Republicans pass ‘sanctuary city’ bill
- 06/14/2011 Politico: Georgia sends criminals to replace undocumented immigrants
- 06/14/2011 Press-Enterprise (CA): U.S. lawmakers draw battle lines on worker verification bill (includes audio)
- 06/13/2011 The Atlantic Monthly Group: Why Alabama’s Immigration Bill Is Bad for Citizens
- 06/13/2011 Campus Progress: Alabama Brings Back Troubled Racial History With New Immigration Law
- 06/12/2011 Houston Chronicle: Other states leaving Secure Communities
- 06/10/2011 People’s World: Landmark farmworker bill on its way to governor’s desk
- 06/10/2011 All Headline News: Mexicans protest against Alabama’s new anti-illegal immigration law
- 06/10/2011 San Jose Mercury News, AP: U.S. Reps Want California Out of Fingerprint Program
- 06/10/2011 Birmingham Times: Critics Say New Alabama Immigration Law Will Be Costly
- 06/10/2011 Los Angeles Times: Alabama Enacts Anti-Illegal-Immigration Law Described as Nation’s Strictest
- 06/09/2011 WABE (GA): Labor shortages grip Georgia’s farms (includes audio)
- 06/09/2011 Bloomberg (Editorial): View: Honoring the Past and Accepting Reality in Immigration Law