Act Now: Tell your US Rep farm workers deserve overtime
Immigration News
- 07/16/2010 Immigration Impact: A Closer Look at the Seven Lawsuits Challenging Arizona Law S.B. 1070
- 07/16/2010 The Tidings: Is there common ground for immigration reform?
- 07/16/2010 New Republic (blog): Arizona’s Long Hot Summer
- 07/16/2010 Los Angeles Times: Arizona immigration law motivates California’s Latino voters
- 07/16/2010 (blog): Ruben Navarrette: Silent immigration reform
- 07/15/2010 Arizona immigration law opens farm jobs to unemployed
- 07/15/2010 Tucson Lettuce shortage this winter caused by SB 1070?
- 07/15/2010 Ventura County Reporter: New campaign has local farmers, officials talking about illegal immigration
- 07/15/2010 Capitol News Connection: As Immigration Reform Stalls, Dairy Farmers Struggle
- 07/15/2010 Ventura County Reporter: Arizona’s anti-immigration bill spurs progressive ideas
- 07/15/2010 Ventura County Reporter: Farmworker union says, “Take our jobs”
- 07/14/2010 KION 46: Monterey County Says Repeal Arizona Law (includes video 3:13)
- 07/14/2010 In These Times: How Would You Like Brigido Oregon’s Job?
- 07/14/2010 Monterey County Herald : Arizona law roils local debate (Monterey County)
- 07/14/2010 Straight Goods: “Take our jobs,” farm workers say
- 07/14/2010 Capitol News Connection: Piecemeal Action on Immigration Proposed; Activists Push DREAM Act
- 07/14/2010 Los Angeles Times: Immigration now a top concern among Latinos, poll shows
- 07/14/2010 Belief (blog): Congress debates biblical stance on immigration
- 07/13/2010 Washington Post: Profiling’s enabler: High court ruling underpins Arizona immigration law
- 07/12/2010 KPBS: UFW Will Help Jobless Americans Become Farmworkers (includes audio with Arturo Rodriguez)
- 07/12/2010 Appeal-Democrat: User blog post of the week: Bold move from UFW: Take Our Jobs
- 07/12/2010 The Grand Rapids Press: Hispanic leaders issue ‘Take Our Jobs’ challenge to Michigan lawmakers proposing strict new immigration law
- 07/11/2010 Washington Post: Okay, Immigrant-Bashers, YOU do the Work
- 07/11/2010 Sacramento Bee: In the Spotlight: Arizona governor’s immigrant claims just aren’t true
- 07/11/2010 Blue Wave News: UFW: Take Our Jobs (includes video 5:17)