Act Now: Tell your US Rep farm workers deserve overtime
Immigration News
- 09/26/2010 Colbert explains why he is advocating for migrant farmworkers (video)
- 09/25/2010 Arizona Daily Star: Feds to 9th Circuit: Trash 1070
- 09/25/2010 Huffington Post: Colbert Annoys Press Corps . . . Again
- 09/25/2010 Los Angeles Times: Stephen Colbert heads to Washington, and Congress and media play the jokester
- 09/25/2010 CBS 13 (CA): Brandi Hitt Investigates — Take Our Jobs (includes video)
- 09/24/2010 Huffington Post: Stephen Colbert Hearing: Updates From Colbert’s Visit To Congress (includes two videos)
- 09/24/2010 ABC30 (CA): Valley Ag leaders applaud comic approach to serious issue (includes two videos)
- 09/24/2010 C-SPAN 3: Stephen Colbert Opening Statement (video)
- 09/24/2010 FireDogLake: Rep. Judy Chu: “The lone day Mr. Colbert spent in the fields gave him a better understanding of this issue than many people covering this story”
- 09/24/2010 KERO 23 (CA): Farm Workers Say “Take Our Jobs” — United Farm Workers Continue To Push For Ag Jobs Bill (includes video)
- 09/24/2010 CBS News: Stephen Colbert Testifies Before Congress on “Vast Experience” as a Migrant Laborer (includes 3 videos)
- 09/24/2010 Washington Post: Stephen Colbert comes face to face with angry conservatives
- 09/24/2010 New York Times (blog): The Whole Truthiness and Nothing But (includes video)
- 09/24/2010 NPR: Colbert Tells Congress Farm Work ‘Really Hard’
- 09/24/2010 Daily Kos: Colbert testifies on immigration reform (includes two videos)
- 09/24/2010 Grist Magazine: Colbert to Congress — What would Jesus do about migrant farm workers? (includes two videos)
- 09/24/2010 Media Report from TVEyes Media Monitoring Suite
- 09/24/2010 Washington Post: Mr. Colbert Goes to Washington (includes video)
- 09/24/2010 America’s Voice: Stephen Colbert Testifies Before Congress on Immigration (Take Our Jobs!) (includes three videos)
- 09/24/2010 Think Progress: Colbert Calls For Either More Visas For Farmworkers Or Developing Vegetables That Pick Themselves (includes two videos)
- 09/24/2010 Crooks and Liars: Stephen Colbert and Farmworkers Take Fight To Congress (includes two videos)
- 09/24/2010 The Daily Caller: Mr. Colbert comes to Washington
- 09/24/2010 U.S. Catholic Magazine (blog): Colbert, Mormons, governors speak out on immigration
- 09/24/2010 Politico: Colbert turns Capitol Hill hearing into performance art (includes video)
- 09/23/2010 Fontana Herald-News (CA): Local students express frustration as Senate rejects DREAM Act proposal