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Immigration News
- 03/11/2011 Greenville Online (SC): Senator urges caution on immigration tax
- 03/11/2011 Miami Herald: Immigration crackdown moves in Florida House
- 03/11/2011 Deseret News: ‘Utah Solution’ to immigration to be put to the test
- 03/11/2011 Los Angeles Times: Editorial — Let police pursue criminals, not immigrants
- 03/11/2011 Arizona Daily Wildcat: Students decry ethnic studies bill
- 03/11/2011 Chicago Sun Times: Northwest suburban Republican wants Arizona-type immigration law
- 03/10/2011 Greenville Online (SC): Senators drop plan to jail illegal residents
- 03/10/2011 Hispanically Speaking News: National Hispanic GOP Group Announces Immigration Solution
- 03/10/2011 Reuters: New Mexico lawmakers at odds over immigrant drivers
- 03/10/2011 CNN: South Carollina Senate OKs bill to criminalize creation of fake immigration docs
- 03/10/2011 New York Times: Hispanics Are Surging in Arizona
- 03/10/2011 Wall Street Journal: Key to Prosperity — Fix Immigration Policies, Says Dallas Fed
- 03/10/2011 Salt Lake Tribune (UT): Editorial — Immigration vetoes
- 03/10/2011 Washington Post, AP: New Mexico rejects plan to end immigrant licenses
- 03/09/2011 Daily Herald, AP (UT): Lawsuits threatened over Utah immigration bills
- 03/09/2011 Kolken & Kolken (AL): Alabama immigation bill ready for debate
- 03/09/2011 Washington Post, AP: Feds targeting fake immigration lawyers
- 03/09/2011 Washington Post, AP: Lawsuits threatened over Utah immigration bills
- 03/09/2011 Omaha World Herald: Debate on immigrants shelved
- 03/08/2011 Salt Lake Tribune: State Senate OKs Utahns sponsoring immigrants
- 03/08/2011 Providence Journal (RI): ‘Arizona’ law popular in Rhode Island
- 03/08/2011 FOX News Latino: Washington Senate Votes Down Driver’s License Ban for Undocumented Immigrants
- 03/08/2011 Atlanta Journal Constitution: Lawmakers eye immigration bills
- 03/07/2011 Baltimore Sun: Editorial — A flawed compromise on illegal immigrant tuition
- 03/07/2011 La Opinión: El pseudo experto