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Immigration News
- 03/24/2011 Yahoo! Noticias, EFE: Arizona perdería 48.800 millones de dólares si expulsa a los indocumentados
- 03/24/2011 Star Tribune, AP (MN): Census shows higher-than-expected Hispanic growth reaching 50 million, now 1 in 6 Americans
- 03/24/2011 Noticiero Telemundo: Inmigrantes cansados de persecución; salieron en centenares a protestar en Georgia (video)
- 03/24/2011 The Hill: Hispanic vote in critical 2012 states could hold key to GOP Senate majority
- 03/23/2011 Arizona Republic: Editorial — Thanks, senators, for common sense on immigration
- 03/23/2011 Kansas City Star (MO): Immigration bill may be dead in Kansas
- 03/23/2011 New York Times: Bill Seeks to Expand Rights for New York’s Immigrants
- 03/23/2011 Politico: Jeff Flake’s immigration flip
- 03/23/2011 CNN: Why was 4-year-old American girl deported?
- 03/23/2011 Minneapolis Star Tribune: Cracking down harder on illegal immigrants
- 03/23/2011 Wichita Eagle (KS): Legislature taking action on illegal-immigrant bills
- 03/23/2011 Arizona Republic: Flake rejects comprehensive immigration fix
- 03/23/2011 Denver Post: Editorial — Signs of change on immigration
- 03/23/2011 Arizona Republic: Birthright citizenship ban could hamper U.S. military recruiting
- 03/22/2011 New York Times: U.S. Returns Young Girl, a Citizen, to Guatemala
- 03/22/2011 NECN: Rally planned to protest Georgia immigration bills
- 03/22/2011 Arizona Republic: Mesa panel to discuss ‘Utah Compact’ on immigration
- 03/22/2011 The Monitor (TX): Hundreds of RGV immigration activists rally against bills in Austin
- 03/21/2011 Arizona Republic: Birthright limits would harm children, critics say
- 03/20/2011 Arizona Republic: Birthright citizenship change would have wide effects
- 03/19/2011 Arizona Republic: Immigration-enforcement efforts damaging to community, police group says
- 03/18/2011 New York Times: Arizona, Bowing to Business, Softens Stand on Immigration
- 03/18/2011 Politico: Arizona rejects immigration crackdowns
- 03/18/2011 CNN: Opinion – Is America becoming a Hispanic country?
- 03/18/2011 NPR: Utah’s New Immigration Law: A Model For America? (includes audio)