Autor: admin
- 12/20/1996 Ralphs supermarket chain signs pledge to support strawberry workers.
- 12/20/1996 La Opinión : Supermercados Ralphs apoyan a los pizcadores de fresa
- 12/01/1996 UFW Grape Boycott Update
- 05/30/1996 San Diego Union Tribu: UFW, longtime foe sign contract
- 05/29/1996 UFW Signs Contract with BCI.
- 11/01/1995 The Atlantic Monthly, 11/95: In The Strawberry Fields
- 09/28/1975 VIDEO: The March to Sacramento (4+ minutes): In March 1966, the striking Delano farmworkers undertook a 300 mile march to Sacramento, the state’s capitol, to promote their cause. The theme of the march was: pilgrimage, penitence, and revolution.
- 06/15/1972 Historic Permanent Heat Regulation Issued
- 06/14/1972 Boycott Krug-Mondavi Wines–Click to visit official campaign page
- 06/06/1972 CA Residents: Please Vote on June 6
- 04/27/1970 The Latest News: EPA Drops Plan to Approve Pesticide
- 01/01/1970 SB 180: the “Fair Treatment of Farm Workers Act.”
- 01/01/1970 Cesar Chavez & Robert Kennedy, in Delano on March 10, 1968
- 12/31/1969
- 12/31/1969
- 12/31/1969 6/14/08: Audio from endorsement of Sen. Obama as President from UFW membership worker meeting.