Autor: admin
- 06/18/1997 Driscoll Demonstration
- 06/17/1997 Gargiulo/Coastal Berries
- 06/13/1997 Injunction granted against Tsukiji strawberry farms
- 05/30/1997 San Francisco Chronic: Store backs up UFW campaign
- 05/30/1997 Lucky’s/Jewles/Acme supermarket chain signs pledge to support strawberry workers.
- 04/29/1997 Martin Sheen, religous leaders arrested fighting for strawberry workers
- 04/14/1997 El Universal: Marchan decenas de miles …
- 04/14/1997 La Jorna: 20 mil trabajadores y activistas…marchan…
- 04/14/1997 San Francisco Examin: Strawberry rally seen as sign of power, hope
- 04/14/1997 San Francisco Chronic: March in support of farm workers draws thousands-Strawberry growers targeted
- 04/14/1997 La Jornada: 20 mil trabajadores y activistas…marchan…
- 04/13/1997 La Jornada: …Campana para sindicar a miles…
- 04/13/1997 La Jorna: …Campana para sindicar a miles…
- 04/13/1997 Arturo Rodriguez speech at April 13, 1997 march delivered to more than 30,000 farm workers and supporters.
- 04/12/1997 El Universal: Marchan decenas de miles
- 04/12/1997 San Francisco Chronic: Page One: Battle in the berry field
- 04/10/1997 El Universal: Miles de mexicanos dejan vida y salud…
- 04/10/1997 El Universal: Miles de mexicanos dejan vida y salud…
- 04/04/1997 Rep. Joseph Kennedy comes to Watsonville support strawberry workers
- 03/31/1997 La Opinión : Sindicato de campesinos firma acuerdo con supermercados
- 03/27/1997 La Opinion : Emplazan a productores de fresas por uso de pesticida;
- 03/27/1997 San Francisco Chronic: Union says pesticides violate the law…
- 03/26/1997 Prop. 65 pesticide lawsuit
- 03/05/1997 UFW President Rodriguez will unveil a ‘Stop the Salt, Save our Jobs’ water initiative for the fall ’98 ballot
- 02/13/1997 Workers at Central Valley’s largest nursery will march to demand negotiations after UFW wins it’s 11th straight union election.