Author: admin 03/23/2017 Sábado y domingo, 21 y 22 de mayo en Bakersfield: Logros recientes de la unión para los campesinos, además de nuevas iniciativas a nivel mundial para proteger a los trabajadores serán el enfoque enla convención de la UFW que contará con la presencia del gobernador Jerry Brown el sábado y el presidente Bill Clinton el domingo 03/23/2017 KBAK TV (CBS) (CA): Gov. Jerry Brown speaks at UFW convention in Bakersfield 03/23/2017 Fresno Bee (CA): Bill Clinton to farmworkers: Let’s build bridges, not walls 03/23/2017 Bakersfield Californian: JOSE GASPAR: United Farm Workers going global 03/23/2017 Vida en el Valle (CA): UFW Constitutional Convention Day 4: President Clinton makes the case for another President Clinton 03/23/2017 KERO 23 (ABC) (CA): Gov. Brown honors farm workers at UFW dinner 03/23/2017 Vida en el Valle (CUFW Convention Day 3: Gov. Jerry Brown speaks against Trump and republicans during UFW’s dinner Saturday night 03/23/2017 KBAK TV (CBS) (CA): Governor Jerry Brown speaks at UFW convention in Bakersfield 03/23/2017 KERO 23 (ABC) (CA): Former President Bill Clinton Speaks at UFW event at Rabobank Arena in Bakersfield 03/23/2017 KBAK TV (CBS) (CA): Former President Bill Clinton closes UFW Convention with speech 03/23/2017 Sunday, May 22 in Bakersfield: President Clinton addresses final day of UFW convention that focuses on the union’s organizing gains and global initiatives 03/23/2017 Kern Golden Empire (CA): United Farm Workers Constitutional Convention in Bakersfield 03/23/2017 KBAK TV (CBS) (CA): California Attorney General Kamala Harris addresses UFW Convention 03/23/2017 Bakersfield Californian: Governor wows UFW members, leaders in Bakersfield 03/23/2017 Vida en el Valle (CA): UFW Convention Day 3: California Attorney General and U.S. Senate candidate Kamala Harris talks education, economy, environment and equality 03/23/2017 Los Angeles Times: Kamala Harris tells farm workers that ‘an undocumented immigrant is not a criminal’ 03/23/2017 Sacramento Bee: John Chiang to farm workers: ‘My sister worked on your issues’ 03/23/2017 KBAK TV (CBS) (CA): California Attorney General Kamala Harris addresses UFW Convention 03/23/2017 Overwhelming vote for UFW by blueberry workers at McFarland ranch with 627 workers 03/23/2017 La Opinion: La XX Convención de la UFW marca cambio de orientación 03/23/2017 Vida en el Valle: UFW Convention Day 2: Illinois Congressman pushes immigration reform at UFW convention 03/23/2017 Vida en el Valle (CA):Day 1 at UFW Convention: Kerry Kennedy, Martin Sheen, Little Joe kickoff UFW Constitutional Convention tonight (May 19) in Bakersfield 03/23/2017 KERO 23 (ABC) (CA): UFW convention travels to Chavez monument 03/23/2017 KERO 23 (ABC) (CA): UFW convention travels to Chavez monument 03/23/2017 Your Central Valley (CA): Former President Bill Clinton to Speak in Fresno « Previous1…7891011…540Next »