02/10/2015 Daily Kos: L.A. school board tells Gerawan to honor its workers’ UFW contract
02/10/2015 Los Angeles Times: L.A. Unified sides with farmworkers union in dispute with grower
02/10/2015 L.A. school board tells Gerawan to honor its workers’ UFW contract, vows to monitor the grower’s compliance with the law
02/10/2015 Remarks by Arturo S. Rodriguez, President United Farm Workers of America, Los Angeles Unified School District board
02/10/2015 Photos: Gerawan workers at LAUSD vote
02/10/2015 UFW President Arturo S. Rodriguez on LAUSD resolution for Gerawan workers
02/10/2015 Comentarios por Arturo S. Rodríguez, Presidente, La Unión de Campesinos de América, La Junta del Distrito Escolar Unificado de Los Angeles, 10 de febrero, 2015—Los Angeles, California
02/10/2015 Los Angeles Times: L.A. Unified sides with farmworkers union in dispute with grower
02/10/2015 City News Service: LAUSD backs farm workers seeking union contract in Central Valley
02/10/2015 La Opinion: LAUSD se opone a abusos en el campo
02/10/2015 NBC Los Angeles: LAUSD Backs Farm Workers Seeking New Union Contract
02/10/2015 VIDEO – Victoria: Presidente de la UFW Arturo S. Rodriguez en relación a la resolución de LAUSD para los trabajadores de Gerawan.
02/10/2015 Remarks by Arturo S. Rodriguez, President United Farm Workers of America, Los Angeles Unified School District board
02/10/2015 Photos: Gerawan workers at LAUSD vote
02/10/2015 Video: Victory: UFW President Arturo S. Rodriguez on LAUSD resolution for Gerawan workers
02/10/2015 L.A. school board tells Gerawan to honor its workers’ UFW contract, vows to monitor the grower’s compliance with the law
02/10/2015 La Mesa Escolar de Educación de Los Ángeles le dice a Gerawan que cumpla con el contrato de la UFW para sus trabajadores y se compromete a vigilar elcumplimiento del cultivador con la ley
02/10/2015 Daily Kos: L.A. school board tells Gerawan to honor its workers’ UFW contract
02/09/2015 La Junta de Educación de Los Ángeles se une a la lucha con los trabajadores agrícolas en contra del gigante cultivador de Central Valley
02/09/2015 L.A. school board enters farm workers’ fight with huge Central Valley grower
02/09/2015 L.A. school board enters farm workers’ fight with huge Central Valley grower
02/06/2015 PRI.org: What’s it like to be a migrant farmworker? One anthropologist lived and worked alongside them.
02/04/2015 Pri.org: How the produce aisle looks to a migrant farmworker
02/04/2015 2/04/15: Message from UFW President Arturo S. Rodriguez: Pope Francis’ move to sainthood for Archbishop Romero praised by farm worker movement