Author: admin
- 03/31/2015 The Desert Sun (CA): Coachella students march in honor of Cesar Chavez
- 03/31/2015 Imperial Valley News (CA): Governor Brown Issues Proclamation Declaring César Chávez Day
- 03/31/2015 The Orion (CA): MECh.A. marches to inform locals about Cesar Chavez
- 03/31/2015 Ventura County Star (CA): Cesar Chavez Day celebrated
- 03/31/2015 San Jose Mercury News (CA): School Bell: Cartoonist Lalo Alcaraz speaks at Chavez event at Pittsburg High
- 03/31/2015 La Prensa: US celebrates “Cesar Chavez Day”
- 03/31/2015 KIEM (CA): 100 volunteers in Eureka honor Cesar Chavez by revamping the ..
- 03/31/2015 KRCR-TV (CA): Chico students give back in honor of Cesar Chavez
- 03/31/2015 Brownsville Herald (TX): Migrant student wins teaching scholarship
- 03/31/2015 Glendale News Press (CA): Glendale celebrates Cesar Chavez’s legacy
- 03/31/2015 KEYT (CA): Cesar Chavez Celebrated at Sanchez Elementary
- 03/31/2015 Latin American Herald Tribune: US Celebrates “Cesar Chavez Day”
- 03/31/2015 Lompoc Record (CA): Students pay homage to Cesar Chavez
- 03/31/2015 BeyondChron: REDISCOVERING CESAR CHAVEZ
- 03/31/2015 Huffington Post: Honoring Cesar Chavez’s Birthday by Supporting the Farm Workers for Whom He Gave His Life
- 03/31/2015 Huffington Post:Cesar Chavez’s Words Of Wisdom Are All The Inspiration You’ll Need Today
- 03/31/2015 NBC News: Cesar Chavez Day: Julie Chavez Rodriguez On Grandfather’s Legacy
- 03/31/2015 Time: Cesar Chavez’s Quiet Yet Complicated Approach to Leadership
- 03/31/2015 U.S. Department of Agriculture: USDA Names Courtyard in Washington, DC in Honor of Cesar Chavez
- 03/30/2015 The Signal (CA): University to hold 20th annual Cesar Chávez celebration
- 03/30/2015 Salinas Californian: March 31: Celebrate Cesar Chavez’s birthday
- 03/30/2015 San Diego Union-Tribune (CA): Honoring the Chavez legacy
- 03/30/2015 KPBS (CA): San Diego Observes 50th Anniversary Of Chávez’s Grape Strike
- 03/30/2015 CBS Local (CA): Supervisor Fights To Get Sacramento County To Recognized Cesar
- 03/30/2015 The Signal (CA): University to hold 20th annual Cesar Chávez celebration