Author: admin
- 04/17/2015 San Francisco Examiner: Cesar Chavez festival, Earth Day in the Bayview and more
- 04/17/2015 Huffington Post: Stories of Service
- 04/16/2015 Selfies in support of the Gerawan workers who want their contract
- 04/15/2015 The #UFW is proud to support #FightFor15!
- 04/14/2015 Los Angeles Times: Mexican government raids farm labor camps in crackdown on abuses
- 04/14/2015 Gerawan workers observe appeals court hearing, note similar legal challenge was rejected in 2006
- 04/14/2015 Trabajadores de Gerawan observan audiencia en la corte de apelaciones, Nota: mismo desafío legal fue rechazado en el 2006
- 04/14/2015 Gerawan workers observe appeals court hearing, note similar legal challenge was rejected in 2006
- 04/13/2015 Pensacola News Journal (FL): Viewpoint: Farm workers need protecting
- 04/13/2015 Hola Arkansas: César Chávez Day: Celebrating my abuelo’s legacy
- 04/13/2015 Hola Arkansas: César Chávez Day: Celebrating my abuelo’s legacy
- 04/10/2015 Making Change at Walmart » Tell Walmart: Help Striking Farm Workers
- 04/10/2015 4/10/15: Message from UFW President Arturo S. Rodriguez: Wishing Dolores Huerta a Happy 85th Birthday
- 04/09/2015 People’s World: Growers move to gut California’s farm labor law
- 04/09/2015 NBC 7 San Diego (CA): Barrio Logan Gets New Cesar E. Chavez Murals
- 04/09/2015 Talon Marks (CA): Dancing for culture and a cause
- 04/09/2015 San Diego Free Press (CA): Photo Murals Honoring Cesar Chavez Installed in Barrio Logan
- 04/09/2015 NBC 7 San Diego (CA): Barrio Logan Gets New Cesar E. Chavez Murals
- 04/09/2015 People’s World: Growers move to gut California’s farm labor law
- 04/08/2015 CAPITAL & MAIN : Conservative Groups Rally Behind Gerawan Farming
- 04/08/2015 Merced Sun-Star (CA): showing of “Delano Manongs: Forgotten Heroes of the UFW Movement”
- 04/08/2015 CAPITAL & MAIN : Conservative Groups Rally Behind Gerawan Farming
- 04/08/2015 Merced Sun-Star (CA): showing of “Delano Manongs: Forgotten Heroes of the UFW Movement”
- 04/07/2015 The Stand: Mourn Randy, fight for dairy workers’ safety
- 04/07/2015 Capital & Main: Growers Move to Gut California’s Farm Labor Law