Author: admin
- 03/25/2016 Dallas Morning News: César Chávez’s legacy extends beyond farmworkers
- 03/25/2016 MSU Today (MI): Celebrating the work of C’esar E. Ch’avez
- 03/25/2016 (MI): Hope College associate provost to deliver César Chávez Lecture Series keynote
- 03/25/2016 KESQ (CA): Rep. Ruiz introduces bill honoring Cesar Chavez
- 03/25/2016 San Diego Union-Tribune: Cesar Chavez, activists honored at annual breakfast
- 03/25/2016 New America Media: A Personal Reflection: Honoring the Legacy of Cesar Chavez
- 03/24/2016 KRQE News (NM): Kids learn farming to honor civil rights leader Cesar Chavez
- 03/24/2016 KSAT San Antonio: Community activist honored by US Marshal
- 03/24/2016 Desert Sun (CA): Cesar Chavez students march to celebrate 25th anniversary
- 03/24/2016 Visalia Times-Delta (CA): Saturday march, event to celebrate Cesar Chavez’s legacy
- 03/24/2016 La Voz Nueva (CA): Cesar Chavez March to be held on April 9
- 03/24/2016 Chico News & Review: Developing and vulnerable
- 03/24/2016 La Voz Nueva (CA): Cesar Chavez March to be held on April 9
- 03/24/2016 KSAT San Antonio: Community activist honored by US Marshal
- 03/24/2016 Desert Sun (CA): Cesar Chavez students march to celebrate 25th anniversary
- 03/24/2016 Visalia Times-Delta (CA): Saturday march, event to celebrate Cesar Chavez’s legacy
- 03/24/2016 KRQE News (NM): Kids learn farming to honor civil rights leader Cesar Chavez
- 03/24/2016 Houston Chronicle: Houston news50 years later, march on Austin remembered for new beginning
- 03/23/2016 Why did Gerawan immediately send peach workers back to work after pesticide incident?
- 03/23/2016 Photos: 3 p.m. Wednesday protest in Fresno: Why did Gerawan immediately send peach workers back to work after pesticide incident?
- 03/23/2016 Video: 3 p.m. Wednesday protest in Fresno: Why did Gerawan immediately send peach workers back to work after pesticide incident?
- 03/23/2016 News Advisory: Why did Gerawan immediately send peach workers back to work after pesticide incident?
- 03/22/2016 Gerawan farm workers deliver petition demanding ag commissioner immediately investigate latest pesticide spraying incident
- 03/22/2016 LA Daily News Media Center: Photos: The 23rd Annual Cesar Chavez March in San Fernando
- 03/22/2016 Vida en el valle (CA): Golden anniversary of 25-day march