Author: admin
- 03/27/2016 KRQE News (NM): National Hispanic Cultural Center holds 23rd Annual Cesar Chavez Day
- 03/26/2016 KSAT San Antonio: Longtime community activist leads annual Cesar Chavez march
- 03/26/2016 KOAT Albuquerque: Cesar Chavez Parade
- 03/26/2016 Las Vegas Review-Journal: Cesar Chavez Day celebrates legacy of United Farm Workers founder — PHOTOS
- 03/26/2016 San Antonio Express-News (TX): Cesar Chavez march 20th anniversary comes during turbulent year
- 03/26/2016 Fort Worth Star Telegram: Fort Worth event to mark late civil-rights activist’s birthday
- 03/26/2016 Fresno Bee (CA): UFW co-founder Cesar Chavez celebrated with multiday event at Fresno State
- 03/26/2016 Odessa American (TX): Cesar Chavez Day March
- 03/26/2016 Albuquerque Journal (NM): March, fiesta celebrate civil rights legacy of labor leader
- 03/26/2016 KEYE TV (TX): March for workers’ rights in East Austin
- 03/26/2016 Odessa American (TX): Cesar Chavez Day March
- 03/26/2016 Fresno Bee (CA): UFW co-founder Cesar Chavez celebrated with multiday event at Fresno State
- 03/26/2016 Fort Worth Star Telegram: Fort Worth event to mark late civil-rights activist’s birthday
- 03/26/2016 San Antonio Express-News (TX): Cesar Chavez march 20th anniversary comes during turbulent year
- 03/26/2016 KOAT Albuquerque: Cesar Chavez Parade
- 03/26/2016 Las Vegas Review-Journal: Cesar Chavez Day celebrates legacy of United Farm Workers founder — PHOTOS
- 03/26/2016 KSAT San Antonio: Longtime community activist leads annual Cesar Chavez march
- 03/26/2016 Yakima Herald-Republic (WA): Gathering at Yakima park will honor Cesar Chavez
- 03/25/2016 MSU Today (MI): Celebrating the work of C’esar E. Ch’avez
- 03/25/2016 San Diego Union-Tribune: Cesar Chavez, activists honored at annual breakfast
- 03/25/2016 Targeted News Service: Rep. Cardenas Introduces Resolution Recognizing March 31 as Cesar Chavez Day
- 03/25/2016 Dallas Morning News: César Chávez’s legacy extends beyond farmworkers
- 03/25/2016 Albuquerque Journal: Si se puede! Annual march honors civil rights activist Cesar Chavez
- 03/25/2016 Press Enterprise (CA): RIVERSIDE: Events will salute Cesar Chavez
- 03/25/2016 Albuquerque Journal: Si se puede! Annual march honors civil rights activist Cesar Chavez