Author: admin
- 03/31/2016 Bay Area Indymedia (CA): Farm workers march to honor Chavez birthday, stop Trump and push for overtime pay
- 03/31/2016 Students in Humboldt County celebrate Cesar Chavez’s legacy
- 03/31/2016 Benitolink: San Benito County News (CA): March through Hollister held to honor César Chávez
- 03/31/2016 Huffington Post: On César Chávez Day, Honor Farmworkers’ and Women’s Struggles for Equality and Justice
- 03/31/2016 EGP New: A Personal Reflection: Honoring the Legacy of Cesar Chavez
- 03/31/2016 WWMT TV (MI): Kalamazoo joins nation in celebrating Cesar Chavez day
- 03/31/2016 WUWM (WI): Cesar Chavez Statue Unveiling Thursday in Milwaukee’s Clarke
- 03/31/2016 Secretary of State Alex Padilla to Speak at East Bakersfield High School
- 03/31/2016 Sunday in Central, Coastal & Sonoma valleys: Farm workers march to honor Chavez birthday, stop Trump and push for overtime pay
- 03/31/2016 WWMT TV (MI): Kalamazoo joins nation in celebrating Cesar Chavez day
- 03/31/2016 WWMT TV (MI): Kalamazoo joins nation in celebrating Cesar Chavez day
- 03/31/2016 WMU News: Southwest Michigan slates 2016 Chávez Dinner, awards program
- 03/31/2016 10News (CA): Dozens rally for higher wages in San Diego (Video)
- 03/31/2016 WUWM (WI): Cesar Chavez Statue Unveiling Thursday in Milwaukee’s Clarke
- 03/31/2016 EGP New: A Personal Reflection: Honoring the Legacy of Cesar Chavez
- 03/31/2016 KEYT (CA): Santa Maria Holds Rally to Honor Cesar Chavez
- 03/31/2016 KIVU San Francisco: 300 janitors rally in San Jose for Cesar Chavez Day; support minimum wage hike
- 03/31/2016 San Diego Union-Tribune: Chavez’s legacy celebrated in San Diego
- 03/31/2016 Bay Area Indymedia (CA): Farm workers march to honor Chavez birthday, stop Trump and push for overtime pay
- 03/31/2016 KCRA Sacramento: How some spent Cesar Chavez Day in Sacramento
- 03/31/2016 Oroville Mercury Register (CA): Students honor labor leader with community service
- 03/31/2016 Students in Humboldt County celebrate Cesar Chavez’s legacy
- 03/31/2016 Huffington Post: On César Chávez Day, Honor Farmworkers’ and Women’s Struggles for Equality and Justice
- 03/31/2016 Standing With Cesar Chavez’s Movement, Like My Father
- 03/31/2016 KCRA Sacramento: How some spent Cesar Chavez Day in Sacramento