Author: admin
- 10/08/2013 Wall Street Journal: Police arrest 8 House members at immigration rally
- 10/08/2013 Photos: Citizenship Ceremony 2013 by Tanya X. Leonzo
- 10/08/2013 Photos: Washington DC CD for #CIR #TimeIsNow #CaminoAmericano
- 10/08/2013 Washington DC CD for #CIR #TimeIsNow #CaminoAmericano
- 10/08/2013 Police arrest 8 House members at immigration rally
- 10/08/2013 Ventura County Star (CA): Oxnard man among those arrested at immigration rally in Washington, D.C.
- 10/08/2013 Bakersfield Californian: U.S. citizenship dream come true for immigrants
- 10/08/2013 Daily Kos: UFW leader, farm workers arrested for immigration reform
- 10/08/2013 Burleson Star: Police arrest 8 House members at immigration rally
- 10/08/2013 UFW leader, farm workers join rally & immigration reform march; risk arrest at civil disobedience action on Capitol Hill
- 10/07/2013 KPCC 89.3 (CA): Growers push California GOP on immigration
- 10/07/2013 KPCC 89.3 (CA): Growers push California GOP on immigration
- 10/07/2013 National Catholic Reporter: Standing with farmworkers still important today
- 10/05/2013 New York Times: Thousands Rally Nationwide in Support of an Immigration Overhaul
- 10/05/2013 Gerawan workers supporting UFW and immigration reform!!
- 10/05/2013 Photos: Harvesting the American Dream
- 10/05/2013 Gerawan workers supporting UFW and immigration reform!!
- 10/05/2013 Oct. 5: Bakersfield UFW Foundation staffer Paola Fernandez talks about the Harvesting the American Dream campaign
- 10/05/2013 Oct. 5: Bakersfield area farm worker talks about the need for immigration reform and why they are asking Congressman Kevin McCarthy to make sure there is a vote
- 10/05/2013 Washington state UFW supporter talks why he is at immigration reform rally
- 10/05/2013 Washington state UFW supporter talks why she is at immigration reform rally
- 10/05/2013 Oct. 5: Lider de la UFWF, Jesus Valenzuela explica que es la campana “Cosechando el Sueño Americano
- 10/05/2013 Oct. 5: Salinas area farmworker talks about the need for immigration
- 10/05/2013 New York Times: Thousands Rally Nationwide in Support of an Immigration Overhaul
- 10/05/2013 Orlando Sentinel (FL): Inician campaña “Cosechando el Sueño Americano” para abogar por reforma