Author: admin
- 11/06/2013 Daily Kos: Breaking News: Women Taking Over GOP Whip’s Office Right Now!
- 11/06/2013 KBAK-TV (CBS) (CA): Sit-in staged at McCarthy’s office
- 11/06/2013 Bakersfield Californian: Protesters stage sit-in at McCarthy’s office
- 11/06/2013 Instead of Meeting with Constituents to Fix Our Broken Immigration System… Rep. McCarthy’s Office Calls in Cops to Intimidate, Detain Women Activists Inside His Office
- 11/06/2013 Women Take Over GOP Whip’s Office
- 11/04/2013 Women leaders rally at Congressman McCarthy’s district office, demanding he bring immigration reform to a vote
- 11/04/2013 Women leaders rally at Congressman McCarthy’s district office, demanding he bring immigration reform to a vote
- 10/30/2013 Huffington Post: Cesar Chavez Biopic Trailer Released (VIDEO)
- 10/30/2013 TakePart: Cesar Chavez, American Hero: Get a Sneak Peak at the Upcoming Biopic
- 10/30/2013 UFW applauds California Republican David Valadao for co-sponsoring House comprehensive immigration bill
- 10/30/2013 Huffington Post: Cesar Chavez Biopic Trailer Released (VIDEO)
- 10/30/2013 TakePart: Cesar Chavez, American Hero: Get a Sneak Peak at the Upcoming Biopic
- 10/30/2013 UFW applauds California Republican David Valadao for co-sponsoring House comprehensive immigration bill
- 10/27/2013 Al Punto (Univisión): El congresista Joe García dice que se puede aprobar una reforma migratoria este año; El congresista demócrata por la Florida Joe García dice que van a presionar a los republicanos en el Congreso para aprobar una reforma migratoria este año (video)
- 10/27/2013 Al Punto (Univisión): Jeff Denham rompe filas con el partido republicano y apoya el plan de reforma demócrata; Jeff Denham dice en exclusiva en Al Punto que apoya la medida presentada por el liderazgo demócrata en la Cámara para legalizar a millones de indocumentados (video)
- 10/26/2013 Washington Post: Republican congressman Jeff Denham will join Democrats in immigration overhaul push
- 10/26/2013 Washington Post: Republican congressman Jeff Denham will join Democrats in immigration overhaul push
- 10/25/2013 Contra Costa Tmes (CA): Agency recommends national park for Cesar Chavez
- 10/25/2013 Contra Costa Tmes (CA): Agency recommends national park for Cesar Chavez
- 10/24/2013 McClatchy DC: National Park Service wants to honor labor leader Cesar Chavez
- 10/24/2013 Bakersfield Californian: Kern sites recommended for national park
- 10/24/2013 The Californian: Obama pushes for immigration bill this year
- 10/24/2013 UFW with President Obama during White House speech urging immigration reform legislation this year
- 10/24/2013 McClatchy DC: National Park Service wants to honor labor leader Cesar Chavez
- 10/24/2013 Bakersfield Californian: Kern sites recommended for national park