Author: admin
- 01/24/2014 SiSePuede: Oraciones, pan y vino frente a la puerta de McCarthy
- 01/24/2014 SiSePuede: Los inmigrantes y la reforma migratoria siguen siendo el tema candente
- 01/24/2014 Immigration Reform “Office Hours”
- 01/24/2014 Farm worker advocates, interfaith leaders to hold prayer for immigration reform outside Congressman McCarthy’s office
- 01/24/2014 KERO (ch 23): UFW holds immigration rally, prayer outside Rep. Kevin McCarthy’s office
- 01/24/2014 Farm worker advocates, interfaith leaders to hold prayer for immigration reform outside Congressman McCarthy’s office
- 01/24/2014 Immigration Reform “Office Hours”
- 01/24/2014 1/24/2014 – Message from UFW President Arturo S. Rodriguez: Why does the Kern County sheriff defy the law?
- 01/23/2014 Huffington Post: Cesar Chavez Biopic Shows That ‘Change Is In Our Hands’ (includes video)
- 01/23/2014 National Farm Worker Ministry and UFW/F pray for Citizenship
- 01/23/2014 Huffington Post: Cesar Chavez Biopic Shows That ‘Change Is In Our Hands’ (includes video)
- 01/23/2014 KERO (ch 23): UFW holds immigration rally, prayer outside Rep. Kevin McCarthy’s office
- 01/23/2014 National Farm Worker Ministry and UFW/F pray for Citizenship
- 01/22/2014 Latin Post: Helen Chávez: Celebrating the Former Labor Activist & Wife of César Chávez Who Turns 86 Today
- 01/22/2014 Politico: Kevin McCarthy backs path to legal status
- 01/22/2014 The Hill: Third-ranking House Republican backs legal status for immigrants (includes video)
- 01/22/2014 KBAK-TV (CBS)(CA): House Majority Whip: Legalize undocumented immigrants (includes video)
- 01/22/2014 KBAK-TV (CBS)(CA): House Majority Whip: Legalize undocumented immigrants (includes video)
- 01/22/2014 Latin Post: Helen Chávez: Celebrating the Former Labor Activist & Wife of César Chávez Who Turns 86 Today
- 01/22/2014 The Hill: Third-ranking House Republican backs legal status for immigrants (includes video)
- 01/22/2014 Politico: Kevin McCarthy backs path to legal status
- 01/21/2014 TMZ: “American Hustle” Star Michael Peña is Gonna Play Cesar Chavez! (video)
- 01/21/2014 TMZ: “American Hustle” Star Michael Peña is Gonna Play Cesar Chavez! (video)
- 01/21/2014 ABC15 (AZ): Tucson councilwoman Regina Romero wants Cesar Chavez birthday to be official holiday
- 01/21/2014 Sisepuede: Niños estadounidenses tratan de adaptarse en tierra de sus padres