Author: admin 03/21/2017 “You cannot un-educate the person who has learned to read. You cannot humiliate the person who feels pride. You cannot oppress the people who are not afraid anymore.” -Cesar Chavez 03/21/2017 “We attacked that historical source of shame and infamy that our people in this country lived with. We attacked that injustice, not by complaining, not by seeking handouts, not by becoming soldiers in the War on Poverty. We organized!” – Cesar Chavez 03/21/2017 “Freedom is best experienced through participation and self-determination, and free men and women instinctively prefer democratic change to any other means.” – #CesarChavez #Motivation 03/21/2017 Stanford University Libraries: Bob Fitch Photography Archive 03/21/2017 Duke University online exhibit: Long Live the Strike: Activism for Farmworkers’ Rights 03/21/2017 Walter P. Reuther Library Newsletter Fall 1998: La Causa P 1 03/21/2017 Historical Posters: Walter P. Reuther Library, Archives of Labor and Urban Affairs, Wayne State University. 03/21/2017 UFW’s May Day Immigration Reform Page 03/20/2017 Delano 50th Anniversary Dolores Huerta 03/20/2017 Delano 50th Anniversary Paul Chavez 03/20/2017 Delano 50th Anniversary Selected Volunteers Speak 03/20/2017 Delano 50th Anniversary John Armington 03/20/2017 Dedication of Richard Chavez plaque and monument 03/20/2017 Kris Kristofferson sings with farm workers at meal after @ 50thAnniv. of #DelanoGrapeStrike 03/20/2017 UFW Pres. Arturo S Rodriguez @ 50thAnniv. of #DelanoGrapeStrike 03/20/2017 Robert F Kennedy Jr speaks @ #50thAnniversary of #DelanoGrapeSrtike event 03/20/2017 El Teatro Campesino @ #50thAnniversary of #DelanoGrapeStrike event 03/20/2017 UFW Co-Founder Dolores Huerta invites you to join the 50th anniversary of the #DelanoGrapeStrike 03/20/2017 UFW President Arturo Rodriguez invites you to join the 50th anniversary of the #DelanoGrapeStrike 03/20/2017 Presidente Arturo Rodríguez de UFW te invita a los 50 años aniversario de la #DelanoGrapeStrike 03/20/2017 AJ+ (Al Jazeera): California Farmworkers Who Sparked A Rebellion For Farmworkers’ Rights 03/20/2017 UAW: Delano Grape Strike – Lorraine Agtang Reflects 50 Years Later 03/20/2017 Robert Kennedy took on Kern County sheriff 03/20/2017 50th Anniversary of ’65 Delano Grape Strike celebration – Photos by John Castillo 03/20/2017 United Farm Workers 50th Year Commemoration of the Grape Strike, Photos by Arnold Morrison and Pamela Tabangcura « Previous1…1112131415…540Next »