Author: admin
- 03/06/2014 Univision 34: Vida de César Chavez llega a la pantalla grande (video)
- 03/05/2014 SiSePuede: Eventos especiales de alfombra roja
- 03/04/2014 Arizona Daily Star: Tucson City Council unanimously creates Cesar Chavez holiday
- 03/04/2014 Arizona Daily Star: Tucson City Council unanimously creates Cesar Chavez holiday
- 03/03/2014 La Opinion: Inculcan la causa de César Chávez
- 02/28/2014 SiSePuede: Dejando las Cosas Claras
- 02/27/2014 SiSePuede: Cámara de Comercio pide una vez más la aprobación de la Reforma Migratoria
- 02/27/2014 Special Red Carpet Events United Farm Workers & UFW Foundation Present Cesar Chavez: An American Hero
- 02/26/2014 SiSePuede: Caravana de “Ayuno por las Familias” llegó a Bakersfield
- 02/26/2014 National “Fast for Families” bus tour arrives in Bakersfield to urge Congress to keep families together and pass immigration reform
- 02/26/2014 National “Fast for Families” bus tour arrives in Bakersfield to urge Congress to keep families together and pass immigration reform
- 02/25/2014 SiSePuede: Voto de castigo para republicanos y demócratas si no se aprueba la reforma
- 02/24/2014 KERO 23 (ABC) (CA): National ‘Fast for Families’ bus tour to arrive in Bakersfield
- 02/24/2014 KERO 23 (ABC) (CA): National ‘Fast for Families’ bus tour to arrive in Bakersfield
- 02/21/2014 NBC News: Advocates: EPA Falls Short on Protecting Workers From Pesticides
- 02/20/2014 UFW Reacts to Gov. Brown’s Agricultural Labor Relations Board Appointment
- 02/20/2014 2/20/14: Message from UFW President Arturo S. Rodriguez: ‘Let us stand against prejudice’
- 02/20/2014 SiSePuede: USCIS dio a conocer la guía para la renovación de Acción Diferida
- 02/20/2014 SiSePuede: Autobus de “Ayuno por las Familias” llegará a Bakersfield el 26
- 02/19/2014 The National: UAE’s Image Nation helped save film about Mexican farm worker and activist Cesar Chavez
- 02/19/2014 The National: UAE’s Image Nation helped save film about Mexican farm worker and activist Cesar Chavez
- 02/18/2014 Zocalo Public Square: Driving Cesar Chavez The Unforgettable Day I Took the Union Leader Through Pennsylvania Coal Country
- 02/18/2014 Zocalo Public Square: Driving Cesar Chavez The Unforgettable Day I Took the Union Leader Through Pennsylvania Coal Country
- 02/17/2014 SiSePuede: Llamadas del Servicio de Inmigración?….. Otro fraude contra inmigrantes!
- 02/16/2014 One News Page: Shirley Temple’s connection to the Central Valley (video)