03/29/2014 MyFoxLubbock (TX): Civil rights leader honored at annual event in Lubbock
03/29/2014 Valley Morning Star (TX): Chávez march focused on immigration, farmworkers rights
03/29/2014 Tucson Weekly: César Chávez Movie and March
03/29/2014 WOAI TV4 (TX): “Si se puede!” Thousands march and rally honoring Ceasar Chavez
03/29/2014 Greenfield Daily Reporter: Illinois Gov. Quinn honors life of late activist Cesar Chavez
03/29/2014 Bakersfield Now: Stars, fans gather for ‘Cesar Chavez’ red carpet screening
03/29/2014 Sacramento Cesar Chavez Movie Red Carpet Event, 3/28/14, photos by Gabe Monarrez
03/29/2014 Assemblywoman Gonzalez: Honoring the Life and Legacy of Cesar Chavez
03/29/2014 The Monitor (TX): In San Juan, annual Cesar Chávez march focused on immigration, farmworkers rights
03/29/2014 WOAI (TX): “Si se puede!” Thousands march and rally honoring Ceasar Chavez
03/29/2014 Hitfix: ‘Cesar Chavez’ stars Michael Pena and America Ferrera get personal
03/29/2014 Chicago Sun Times: ‘Cesar Chavez’ shows the power of union organizing
03/29/2014 NUVOtv: UFW Flag over Los Angeles City Hall in Support of Cesar Chavez Film
03/29/2014 Sacramento Cesar Chavez Movie Red Carpet Event, 3/28/14, photos by Gabe Monarrez
03/29/2014 Assemblywoman Gonzalez: Honoring the Life and Legacy of Cesar Chavez
03/29/2014 Bakersfield Now: Stars, fans gather for ‘Cesar Chavez’ red carpet screening
03/29/2014 KSAT San Antonio: Cesar Chavez March-2 (video)
03/29/2014 Latino Post: Cesar Chavez Day 2014: Date, History of Cesar Chavez
03/29/2014 KPCC 89.3 (CA): Cesar Chavez Day: 3 local events to celebrate the holiday
03/29/2014 KOSA TV7 (TX): Cesar Chavez Day March 3/29/14
03/29/2014 KSBW The Central Coast (CA): Volunteers cleaning up to honor Cesar Chavez
03/29/2014 Tucson Weekly: César Chávez Movie and March
03/29/2014 Walla Walla Union-Bulletin (WA): César Chávez serves as role model to get involved
03/29/2014 Flint Journal (MI): Cesar Chavez’s legacy honored with annual march, entertainment and community awards
03/29/2014 WOAI TV4 (TX): “Si se puede!” Thousands march and rally honoring Ceasar Chavez