Author: admin 03/23/2017 Exciting new UFW initiatives for farm workers across state & national borders 03/23/2017 UFW links present-day farm worker activism with historic 50-year commemorations 03/23/2017 La UFW mejora la vida de campesinos a través del trabajo sindical proactivo 03/23/2017 La UFW vincula el actual activismo del campesino con la histórica conmemoración de 50 años 03/23/2017 Join the May 2016 UFW convention marking recent farm worker contract & legal gains plus the new drive for fair treatment as farm work goes global 03/23/2017 Únase a la convención de la UFW este mayo 2016 destacando los recientes contratos de trabajadores campesinos y logros legales además de la nueva campaña de tratamiento justo mientras el trabajo agrícola se hace global 03/23/2017 Fotografías de logros destacados de la UFW 03/23/2017 Photographic highlights of UFW gains 03/23/2017 UFW’s 19th Constitutional Convention Microsite 03/21/2017 Read the moving letter from Ethel Kennedy, widow of Sen. Robert F Kennedy, to be read at Saturday’s Delano Grape Strike event 03/21/2017 We must use the only strength we have, the force of our numbers. 03/21/2017 Yes we are! Join the Thunderclap Supporting the #50thAnniversary of the#DelanoGrapeStrike! 03/21/2017 The 1965 Delano Grape Strike! Signing up workers at the Digorgio farms! 03/21/2017 September 15: This day in UFW history 03/21/2017 La Unión hace la fuerza. Together #SiSePuede 03/21/2017 “When You Sacrifice, You force others to Sacrifice. Its a Powerful Weapon.” 03/21/2017 La unión hace la fuerza! #SiSePuede 03/21/2017 The time has come for the liberation of the poor farm workers.” 03/21/2017 Respect! #VivaCesarChavez 03/21/2017 Our union was born out of our common suffering, our love for each other 03/21/2017 This day in UFW history—September 8, 1965 03/21/2017 What began 50 years ago produced many changes for farm workers. Let’s continue to make a change towards positive change 03/21/2017 Facing genuine oppression, the Delano Strikers were true pioneers! – Arturo Rodriguez 03/21/2017 Whose hungry for justice? 03/21/2017 This Day in UFW History – August 22, 1966: « Previous1…910111213…540Next »