Author: admin
- 09/26/2014 Gerawan workers demonstrate over pesticide exposure incident (video)
- 09/26/2014 Gerawan workers demonstrate over pesticide exposure incident #2 (video)
- 09/26/2014 Gerawan workers demonstrate over pesticide exposure incident (video)
- 09/26/2014 9/26/14: Gerawan workers demonstrate over pesticide exposure incident
- 09/25/2014 Salinas Californian: Pesticides in Salinas air exceed certain levels
- 09/24/2014 9/24/14: Message from UFW President Arturo S. Rodriguez: UFW marks High Holy Days observances
- 09/24/2014 Take Action: Injured cows, injured workers. This has to stop.
- 09/20/2014 Fresno Bee (CA): Hearing begins for Fresno farmworkers at Gerawan Farming
- 09/11/2014 TakePart: Labels Can Tell Us How Produce Is Grown—but What About the Workers Picking It?
- 09/10/2014 The Packer: Labor complaint targets Gerawan Farming
- 09/10/2014 New 28-page complaint from ALRB chief prosecutor details Gerawan’s ‘intensive and ongoing’ drive since 2012 to prevent workers from ‘ever’ winning a union contract
- 09/10/2014 La Lucha Continúa
- 09/10/2014 The Packer: Labor complaint targets Gerawan Farming
- 09/10/2014 New 28-page complaint from ALRB chief prosecutor details Gerawan’s ‘intensive and ongoing’ drive since 2012 to prevent workers from ‘ever’ winning a union contract
- 09/09/2014 SiSePuede: La Lucha Continua
- 09/09/2014 PR Newswire: Nueva demanda alega prácticas laborales injustas en Gerawan Farming
- 09/09/2014 Valley Public Radio: New Complaint Alleges Unfair Labor Practices At Gerawan Farming
- 09/09/2014 Yahoo News: New Complaint Alleges Unfair Labor Practices At Gerawan Farming
- 09/09/2014 Huffington Post: Big-Money Radical Right Groups Help Huge Grower to Avoid Paying Millions Already Owed Its Farm Workers
- 09/09/2014 Huffington Post: Big-Money Radical Right Groups Help Huge Grower to Avoid Paying Millions Already Owed Its Farm Workers
- 09/09/2014 Valley Public Radio: New Complaint Alleges Unfair Labor Practices At Gerawan Farming
- 09/09/2014 Yahoo News: New Complaint Alleges Unfair Labor Practices At Gerawan Farming
- 09/07/2014 Fox News: Obama’s delay on immigration action brings storm of criticism from Hispanics, liberal supporters
- 09/07/2014 Fox News: Obama’s delay on immigration action brings storm of criticism from Hispanics, liberal supporters
- 09/06/2014 The Hill: Union: Obama broke promise on immigration