Keep Me in the Loop!

Washington DC March Parking


Please note that most meters in D.C. have been altered so they now have to be paid on weekends, which was previously not the case. Street parking space is limited and will fill up early in the morning. Details about parking lots near the rally site are listed below.

Please note: These hours and rates are from 2005. For now, you should assume that prices have risen somewhat and that hours for some lots may have changed.

Central Parking System
1773 I St NW (btwn 17 & 18th St)
Open 10am -3am. cost is $7. Only cars


Central Parking System
1609 I St NW (btwn 16 & 17th St)
Open 24 hours. Cost is $16. Only cars


MCM Parking
1618 I St NW (btwn 16 & 17th St)
Open 8am 5pm. Cost is $8. Only cars


Colonial Parking
607 14th St. NW.
Open 8am 1am. Cost is $10.
Only Cars max height 6’8”


1220 E St NW (btwn 12 & 13th St)
Open 7am 12 midnight. Cost is $11.
Only cars max height 6’2”


Central Parking System
1530 L St NW
Open 8am -10pm.
Cars $15 / Vans $20

Monument Parking
1828 L St NW
Open 7am-7pm
Cars & Vans

Intern Parking
1455 F St NW (btwn 14 & 15th St)
Open 12 noon 12 midnight. Cost is $15 all day.
Only cars max height 6’8”


504 13th St NW (btwn E & F St)
Open 10am midnight. Cost is $9.
Only cars max height 5’6”


National Place Parking
580 13th St NW (btwn E & F St)
Open all day. Cost is $9 flat rate. Cars only


Inter Park 730 13th St NW (btwn G & H St) Open 10am 8pm. Cost is $7.
Cars only max height 6’8”


1401 H St NW (btwn 14 & 15th St)
Open 7am 10pm. Cost is $6.
Only Cars max height 6’7”


1820 L St NW
Open 7am-6pm. Cars $4


MidTown Parking
1750 K St NW (btwn 18 & Conn.)
Open 8am-4pm. Cost is $5. Only Cars