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UFW on-line with new & expanded web site

For Release: July 27, 1997

www. ufw. org

UFW online with new and expanded web site

Journalists and all manner of farm worker supporters can now access detailed and up-to-date information on the United Farm Workers at the union’s new and expanded web site,

For those seeking background about the UFW’s current strawberry workers organizing campaign on California’s Central Coast-one of the top national priorities of the AFL-CIO–there are topical news releases and news stories, fact sheets and a comprehensive white paper prepared by the UFW and the AFL-CIO.

Students and others researching the UFW can find extensive information and resources on union history and the life and legacy of UFW founder Cesar Chavez. Included are an extensive bibliography as well as biographies of Chavez, his successor as union president, Arturo Rodriguez, and UFW co-founder and Secretary-Treasurer Dolores Huerta.

And for those who wish to become active in the farm workers’ current struggle there is a listing of regional United Farm Workers offices where people can volunteer and an "Action Alert" area that spells out activities supporters can initiative in their own communities.

Organizations with web pages are invited to link their sites to the UFW’s web page.
