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Cesar Chavez Movie opens March 28th: Flood the theaters opening weekend


Cesar Chavez Movie opens March 28th:
Flood the theaters opening weekend!

 Text written by Marc Grossman on the importance of turning out acrowd on opening weekend

Graphic for

"Create a meet-up to see Cesar Chavez movie opening weekend."

Graphic for

"Find a meet-up in your area to see Cesar Chavez movie opening weekend."

Graphic for
"Click to see list of initial areas Chavez movie will be show opening weekend 3/28-3/31"
Graphic for:
Click to sign up for Fandango fan alert to pre-purchase tickets when availlable inyour area
pictures and blurbs of people across america who will be putting events together
Cesar Chavez Movie Trailer
Sign the petition asking President Obama to create
a national day of Service on Cesar Chavez’ Birthday

need to get inga to add drop down petition