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UFW: Polarizing anti-immigrant bill targets Latinos and farm workers

Thursday, July 29, 2010
Salinas UFW delegation takes off to Phoenix, Arizona without ‘papers’ to challenge SB 1070 anti-immigrant law

On July 28th, a federal judge blocked major portions of the law, which is scheduled to go into effect on July 29th

Salinas, Calif. — Leaving all identification documents (“papers”) behind, members of the United Farm Workers and residents of Salinas will be traveling to Phoenix, Arizona on Wednesday, July 28, 2010 at 7 a.m. to challenge the new SB 1070 anti-immigration law. The Salinas group will be making the 12-hour trip and joining other UFW leaders in Arizona, including UFW President Arturo Rodriguez. They will be joined by about 500 participants from 32 L.A. unions, community groups, and faith organizations who are also traveling to Arizona. They will be in Arizona on Thursday, July 29, the day the law is expected to take effect.
***News crews are invited to film the riders preparing to depart. The Salinas group of six, which includes a retired teacher, students and farm workers, will meet at 7 a.m. Wednesday, July 28 at the UFW offices, 437 E. Alisal St, Salinas, CA ***
“We are glad that a federal judge temporarily blocked major portions of the SB 1070 anti-immigrant law from taking effect. We will be calling on the judge to make the ruling permanent,” Rodriguez said.

“If SB 1070 and other similar laws proposed around the country are allowed to go into effect, it would have a negative impact on the nation’s agricultural industry. Arizona produces much of the nation’s winter vegetables. Today somewhere between one-half and three-quarters of the U.S. farm labor workforce is undocumented. Agricultural employment is often the entry point for new migrants to this country. We need to end the fear and help improve the lives of the immigrant farm workers whose sweat and sacrifice bring the rich bounty of fresh fruits and vegetables to our tables. They do the hardest, most difficult jobs other American workers won’t do,” Rodriguez said.

The UFW recently launched the national ‘Take Our Jobs’ campaign to highlight the role of undocumented farm workers in feeding Americans and the need for immigration reform for farm workers.

“The Arizona anti-immigrant bill and others like it are not the answer. The answer is comprehensive immigration reform,” Rodriguez added.

The Salinas delegation, which is expected to arrive Wednesday night in Arizona, will be participating in different Phoenix events on July 29. The events are being hosted by CASE (Central Arizonans for a Sustainable Economy) and Promise Arizona (schedule attached).

WHO: Speakers include Phoenix Councilmember Michael Nowakowski, Phoenix Chief of Police Jack Harris, L.A. union leader Maria Elena Durazo, Arizona labor and community leaders, and Arizona workers and families impacted by SB 1070.
WHEN: Thursday, July 29, 2010, 2:30 p.m.
WHERE: St. Matthews Church, 320 N. 20th Dr., Phoenix, Ariz.
VISUALS: Pews filled with United Farm Workers, Los Angeles union members, faith and community leaders, plus Arizona working families and activists holding signs.

WHO: A total of 550 United Farm Workers and LA labor, faith, and community members with their Arizona host groups
WHEN: Thursday, July 29, 2010, 4 p.m.
WHERE: From St. Matthew’s Church to Arizona state Capitol (route To Be Announced)
VISUALS: Long line of marchers carrying signs and banners stating: “UNITY” and “We are all the same. Todos somos iguales.” Faith leaders in vestments lead the march.

WHO: Hundreds of participants, led by Los Angeles and Arizona faith leaders, will close the 110-day prayer vigil conducted by immigrants-rights activists since the passage of SB 1070.
WHEN: Thursday, July 29, 2010, 4:30 p.m.
WHERE: Arizona state Capitol, 1700 West Washington St, Phoenix, Ariz.
VISUALS: Protestors from across California, including Los Angeles, and Arizona, holding candles, carrying signs and praying in front of the Arizona state Capitol building. Faith leaders will close the vigil and will be dressed in vestments.