2016 Convention News Twitter facebook YouTube Emailshare link Farm worker Justo Tovar shares some of his thoughts about the Convention La Opinion: Trabajadores y empresas trabajan juntos con un mismo fin gracias a UFW La Opinion: Rinden homenaje a participantes de la Marcha de Campesinos a Sacramento de 1966 La Opinion: Culmina convención de Sindicato de Trabajadores Agrícolas (UFW) con tono partidista Saturday & Sunday, May 21-22 in Bakersfield: Recent union gains for farm workers plus new global initiatives to protect workers focus of UFW convention that hears Gov. Jerry Brown Saturday and President Bill Clinton Sunday Vida en el Valle (CA): Clinton, Brown, Harris visit UFW convention Sábado y domingo, 21 y 22 de mayo en Bakersfield: Logros recientes de la unión para los campesinos, además de nuevas iniciativas a nivel mundial para proteger a los trabajadores serán el enfoque enla convención de la UFW que contará con la presencia del gobernador Jerry Brown el sábado y el presidente Bill Clinton el domingo KBAK TV (CBS) (CA): Gov. Jerry Brown speaks at UFW convention in Bakersfield Fresno Bee (CA): Bill Clinton to farmworkers: Let’s build bridges, not walls Bakersfield Californian: JOSE GASPAR: United Farm Workers going global Vida en el Valle (CA): UFW Constitutional Convention Day 4: President Clinton makes the case for another President Clinton KERO 23 (ABC) (CA): Gov. Brown honors farm workers at UFW dinner Vida en el Valle (CUFW Convention Day 3: Gov. Jerry Brown speaks against Trump and republicans during UFW’s dinner Saturday night KBAK TV (CBS) (CA): Governor Jerry Brown speaks at UFW convention in Bakersfield KERO 23 (ABC) (CA): Former President Bill Clinton Speaks at UFW event at Rabobank Arena in Bakersfield KBAK TV (CBS) (CA): Former President Bill Clinton closes UFW Convention with speech Sunday, May 22 in Bakersfield: President Clinton addresses final day of UFW convention that focuses on the union’s organizing gains and global initiatives Kern Golden Empire (CA): United Farm Workers Constitutional Convention in Bakersfield KBAK TV (CBS) (CA): California Attorney General Kamala Harris addresses UFW Convention Bakersfield Californian: Governor wows UFW members, leaders in Bakersfield Vida en el Valle (CA): UFW Convention Day 3: California Attorney General and U.S. Senate candidate Kamala Harris talks education, economy, environment and equality Los Angeles Times: Kamala Harris tells farm workers that ‘an undocumented immigrant is not a criminal’ Sacramento Bee: John Chiang to farm workers: ‘My sister worked on your issues’ KBAK TV (CBS) (CA): California Attorney General Kamala Harris addresses UFW Convention Overwhelming vote for UFW by blueberry workers at McFarland ranch with 627 workers 123Next » Go Back